21 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Pelatihan Manajemen Diri terhadap Perilaku Merokok pada Remaja Di SMK Negeri 2 Jember Kecamatan Sumbersari Kabupaten Jember (The Effect of Self-Management Training on Teenager’s Smoking Behavior at SMK Negeri 2 Jember of Sumbersari Sub-District Jember Regency)

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    Smoking has become life among teenagers. Predisposisi factors of smoking behavior among teenage are psychological satisfaction to reduce their stress, peer pressure and try new things in life. One of the efforts to reduce negative effects of smoking habit is counseling through self management. This research aimed to analyze the effect of self-management training on teenager’s smoking behavior at SMK Negeri 2 Jember. The design of research was quasi experiment. The sample size was 15 respondents as control group and 15 respondents as treatment group. The t-test dependent showed the different of teenage smoking behavior before and after self-management training (intervention group p value= 0.000; CI = 95% and control group p value= 0.012; CI = 95%). The t-test independent showed the different about smoking behavior for the intervention group and the control group (p value= 0.000; CI = 95%). Self management technique consist of self monitoring, reinforcement positive, self contracting, and stimulus control. So, it can be concluded that self management training can decrease average by 6.5 cigarettes consumption in two weeks. Nurse is one of health practitioners who can increase their ability to show their role for health services for school by collaborating with educational department especially counseling teacher to implementing teenager’s smoking prevention program.Keywords: Self-management, counseling, smoking behavior, teenag

    Hubungan Pernikahan Usia Dini dengan Risiko Tindak Kekerasan oleh Ibu pada Anak Usia Prasekolah di Kelurahan Sumbersari Kecamatan Sumbersari Kabupaten Jember (The Relation between Early Marriage and the Risk of Abusing by Mothers Towards her Preschoolers

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    Child abuse is arbitrarily action which can hurt children physically and psychologically. One of manycauses of domestic violence towards children is early marriage. This research aimed to analysis thethe relation between early marriage and the risk of abusing by mothers towards her preschoolers inSumbersari, Jember. The research design was analytic survey using cross sectional approach. Thenumber of sample was 77 people and taken by using purposive sample technique. The instrumentsto collect the data were validated and its reliability has been tested. The result of the researchshowed that the respondents who did early marriage had a risk of committing domestic violence upto 29.9% and only 20.8% did not have the risk. The result of chi square test showed that there wasa relation between early marriage and the risk of abusing by mothers towards her preschoolers inSumbersari, jember (p value = 0,015; CI= 95%) with OR = 3,528. There were numerous causes ofchild abuse the pressure from within the family and early marriage. The psychology of women whodid an early marriage was not ready yet for it so that they tended to do child abuse. The solution forthis problem was nurses could cooperate with related institution in the field to hold health trainingfor teenagers related to the impact of early marriage and health training for parents related to howto raise their children.Keywords: Child abuse, early marriage, preschooler

    Hubungan Religiusitas dengan Penyesuaian Diri pada Santriwati di Pondok Pesantren Mahasiswi Al-Husna Jember

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    Students who do not live in a family environment have a greater burden and responsibility independently. In pesantren there are rules that are more binding and strict, especially for new students who need an adaptation process. This study aims to analyze the relationship between religiosity and self-adjustment. This type of research is a quantitative research that uses analytics with a cross-sectional approach. The study population was 302 students in Pondok Pesantren with a sample size of 91 respondents. The sampling technique uses purposive sampling. The research instruments used were the Relief of Islam Scale and the Social Adaptation to College Questionnaire (Cronbach's Alpha 0.89-0.95; 0.66-0.81). Test the research ethics by the KEPK FKG UNEJ. The results showed a religiosity value of 95.21 (± 48.29) and self-adjustment 386.49 (± 64,260). And there is a relationship between religiosity and self-adjustment to students (p = 0,000; r = 0,465; CI: 95%) which shows that the higher the value of religiosity, the better the adjustment in Islamic boarding schools. Religiosity in students is realized in the form of obtaining religious knowledge and practices that have been instilled since the womb. Whereas in the form of adjustments in the form of attending boarding school orientation activities, the time of permission to go home is limited, the obligation to pay off takziran, and the long duration of stay in the pesantre

    Gambaran Resiliensi pada Orang dengan HIV/AIDS (ODHA) yang Tergabung dalam Supporting Group di Kabupaten Jember

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    Increasing the number of (PLWHA) makes many problems that affect health, social, and psychological problems. Support Groups (SG) as a means of PLWHA in realizing a resilient attitude. The purpose of this study was to describe resilience among people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) who are members of a supporting group in the Jember Regency. This study used a descriptive design with sampling techniques using purposive sampling. Data were analyzed by descriptive and frequency with a sample of 100 samples. Data retrieval was done by a Brief Resilience Scale questionnaire. The results of this study show that the majority of respondents are in the normal category, as many as 56 respondents (56%). High reliability due to internal and external support The external factors possessed by respondents which made respondents more resilient were family support, especially and support from fellow PLWHA who were members of a supporting group. resilience for PLWHA should be further enhanced to help PLWHA survive better and be able to face difficulties

    Gambaran Stres dan Mekanisme Koping Petani Di Kecamatan Kalisat-Jember

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    Farmers have a high risk to suffer psychological health pressure. The factors that cause farmers to have psychological pressure are limited land, the decrease in soil fertility, soil degradation, and natural causes. Farmers with high psychological health pressure can suffer stress. This research aimed to investigate the representation of Stress and the Farmers’ Coping Mechanism in Kalisat-Jember. The type of this research was descriptive and simple random sampling was chosen to collect the data sampling technique. 100 farmers were collected. The respondents were measured by using the farmers’ stress questionnaire and Brief farmers’ coping mechanism questionnaire COPE. The result of stress representation and farmer’s coping mechanism analysis showed that the number of farmer’s stress tends to be the cognitive response. Meanwhile, the result of the coping mechanisms showed that most of the farmer’s coping mechanisms were more focused on emotion rather than problems. The result of this study can be a reference for nurses and primary health care services to diagnose farmers’ health diseases, especially psychological diseases such as stress and coping mechanisms. Nurses can do preventive efforts, interventions, and health education about factors and symptoms of stress and coping mechanisms for the farmers

    Gambaran Distres Psikologis pada Petani Tembakau Di Kecamatan Kalisat Kabupaten Jember

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    Serious problems experienced by tobacco farmers are narrowing land area, decreasing land fertility, degradation of agricultural land, pest attacks, inappropriate fertilization to tobacco plants, weather and crop failure. Those problems posed the tobacco farmers at risk of psychological distress. This study aimed to analyze psychological distress in tobacco farmers in Kalisat, Jember. The design of this study was descriptive analysis with cluster sampling and proportional sampling techniques. The population of this study was tobacco farmers, as many as 91 (CI = 90%). The research instruments were the 42 Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale questionnaires (DASS 42) (Cronbach's Alpha 0.776; 0.931; 0.803). The results showed that tobacco farmers had the highest anxiety (73.6%), stress (26.4%), and depression (11%). Psychological distress in farmers is manifested in the form of worries and fears of work which is generally due to instability from the work of farmers

    Studi Kasus pada Penderita Bipolar Disorder Menggunakan Pendekataan Model Keperawatan Stuart Stress Adaptation di Probolinggo

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    The problem that is often faced by people with bipolar disorder is that they cannot control the emotions and feelings they feel because they do not know the cause and also how to cope or respond when patients experience both episodes. The purpose of this study is to identify problems associated with predisposing and precipitation factors in order to get the right diagnosis. The research design used in this study is a case study. Predisposing factors include biological factors, loss of objects, personality, learning, and behavior. Precipitation factors in patients include loss, life events, roles, and physiology. Diagnosis The problem is based on complaints experienced by patients and those closest to them, anxiety and low self-esteem. The intervention that has been done by researchers to patients or participants for several weeks the patient is quite independent. Efforts can be made to improve the health quality of patients themselves by providing psychoeducation and nursing interventions. Humans are a denial of depression, individuals who experience mania are dominated by id with few manifestations of the super ego until the individual experiences a cycle back to the normal state or depressive phase of bipolar disorder


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    Pandemi Corona Virus-19 Disease (COVID-19) berdampak pada segala sektor kehidupan, termasuk pendidikan. Beberapa studi menunjukkan bahwa krisis seperti COVID-19 dapat meningkatkan masalah serius pada mahasiswa profesi ners baik secara fisik maupun psikis. Terdapat stresor utama selama pemberian layanan kesehatan yang dapat meningkatkan respon psikologis mahasiswa, seperti ketakutan terinfeksi atau tanpa sadar menginfeksi orang lain. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tingkat stres, ansietas, dan depresi mahasiswa profesi ners di masa pandemi COVID-19. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif deskriptif dengan pendekatan survey online yang dilaksanakan bulan Februari 2021. Subjek penelitian adalah mahasiswa profesi ners angkatan 26 Fakultas Keperawatan, Universitas Jember sejumlah 102 responden yang didapatkan dengan menggunakan teknik total sampling. Instrumen penelitian adalah Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale 42 (DASS-42) (Cronbach’s Alpha 0,8806; 0,8517; 0,9053). Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis univariat berupa persentase dan distribusi frekuensi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa mahasiwa profesi ners teridentifikasi mengalami gangguan mulai dari level ringan sampai berat sekali dengan persentase stres (19,6%), ansietas (34,3%), dan depresi (11,8%). Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini yaitu ansietas merupakan gangguan paling tinggi, dilanjutkan dengan stres, dan depresi.Pandemi Corona Virus-19 Disease (COVID-19) berdampak pada segala sektor kehidupan, termasuk pendidikan. Beberapa studi menunjukkan bahwa krisis seperti COVID-19 dapat meningkatkan masalah serius pada mahasiswa profesi ners baik secara fisik maupun psikis. Terdapat stresor utama selama pemberian layanan kesehatan yang dapat meningkatkan respon psikologis mahasiswa, seperti ketakutan terinfeksi atau tanpa sadar menginfeksi orang lain. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tingkat stres, ansietas, dan depresi mahasiswa profesi ners di masa pandemi COVID-19. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif deskriptif dengan pendekatan cross-sectional mengunakan rancangan penelitian survey online yang dilaksanakan bulan Februari 2021. Subjek penelitian adalah mahasiswa profesi ners angkatan 26 Fakultas Keperawatan, Universitas Jember sejumlah 102 responden yang didapatkan dengan menggunakan teknik total sampling. Instrumen penelitian adalah Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale 42 (DASS-42) (Cronbach’s Alpha 0,8806; 0,8517; 0,9053). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa mahasiwa profesi ners teridentifikasi mengalami gangguan mulai dari level ringan sampai berat sekali dengan persentase stres (19,6%), ansietas (34,3%), dan depresi (11,8%). Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini yaitu ansietas merupakan gangguan paling tinggi, dilanjutkan dengan stres, dan depresi. Diperlukan adanya penanganan pendekatan masalah kejiwaan dan mahasiswa dapat melakukan upaya manajemen diri untuk mencegah munculnya stres, ansietas, depresi, serta kepedulian terhadap kesehatan mental akan meningkat

    Hubungan Self Compassion dengan Stres Family Caregiver Orang Dengan Skizofrenia (ODS) di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Mumbulsari Kabupaten Jember

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    Schizophenia is a mental illness shows psycological disorder, violent behavior, and inability self care. This has created a burden for family caregiver, financially, social, and psychological. The purpose of this study to identified the relationship between self compassion and stress of schizophrenis family caregiver in Puskesmas (PHC) Mumbulsari Jember. The study used correlation study with the cross sectional approach. The sampling was counted 35 family caregiver using total sampling. The instrument used self compassion scale (α=0,89) and stres in family (α=0,977). The result showed that the average self compassion of family caregiver was 71.31(26-104). While the average stress of family caregiver was 18,74 (0-28). Bivariate analysis using pearson test showed that there was no correlation between self compassion and stress of schizophenia family caregiver in Puskesmas (PHC) Mumbulsari Jember. There was no correlation between stress of schizophenia family caregiver and gender, age, education level, profession, relationship with schizophenia patient, and long tending of family caregiver. This has showed that family caregiver covered stress and showed a positive self acceptance. Actually, family caregiver showed that noncompliance of patient recovery, many of them was not accompanying schizophenia patient to public health, and neglecting schizophenia patient. Counseling and health promotion should be enhanced psychological health of family caregiver in treating schizophrenia patient in community through public health care serving. Keywords: Schizophrenia, stress family caregiver, self compassio

    Hubungan Dukungan Sosial Keluarga dengan Stres Kerja pada Petani Tembakau di Kecamatan Kalisat Kabupaten Jember

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    Stres kerja dapat mengakibatkan adanya ketidakseimbangan kondisi psikis serta fisik seorang pekerja. Stres kerja pada petani dapat terjadi karena pekerjaan berat, lama waktu bekerja, terpaparnya petani dengan pestisida dan nikotin. Petani yang memiliki risiko mengalami stres kerja akan membutuhkan dukungan dari keluarga. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan antara dukungan sosial keluarga dengan stres kerja pada petani tembakau di Kecamatan Kalisat Kabupaten Jember. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain crosssectional dengan teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan cluster sampling dan proportional sampling dengan besar sampel 91 (CI=90%). Alat ukur yang digunakan yaitu kuesioner stres kerja dan dukungan keluarga (Cronbach’s Alpha 0,937; 0,793). Penelitian ini telah dinyatakan lulus uji kelaikan etik penelitian kesehatan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa stres kerja yang dialami oleh petani memperoleh hasil nilai tengah 47(45-49) yang termasuk dalam kategori rendah, sedangkan dukungan sosial keluarga diperoleh nilai tengah 75(73-76) yang termasuk dalam kategori sangat tinggi. Hasil analisis dengan uji Spearman didapatkan nilai p-value sebesar 0,174 (p>0,05) yaitu tidak ada hubungan antara dukungan sosial keluarga dengan stres kerja pada petani tembakau di Kecamatan Kalisat Kabupaten Jember. Penelitian ini secara analisis bivariat tidak terdapat hubungan, tetapi hasil analisis kedua variabel sesuai dengan teori yaitu apabila dukungan sosial keluarga tinggi, maka stres kerja rendah. Kata Kunci: Dukungan Sosial Keluarga, Stres Kerja, Petani Tembaka