2 research outputs found


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    Abstrak: Pembelajaran teks hikayat cenderung kurang diminati oleh peserta didik. Hal ini karena hikayat adalah karya sastra lama yang menggunakan bahasa arkais dan sulit dipahami. Maka dari itu, dibutuhkan pembelajaran berdiferensiasi sesuai dengan gaya belajar peserta didik SMA/SMK di Kota Semarang. Pembelajaran berdiferensiasi menekankan kesesuaian strategi pembelajaran dengan gaya belajar peserta didik. Metode penelitian ini adalah kualitatif deskriptif. Sumber data diperoleh dari lima SMA dan SMK di Kota Semarang. Data diperoleh menggunakan angket dan pengamatan langsung ke sekolah. Berdasarkan penelitian, didapatkan hasil bahwa penggunaan strategi pembelajaran yang disesuaikan dengan gaya belajar peserta didik merupakan strategi efektif untuk pembelajaran hikayat. Dengan menggunakan pembelajaran berdiferensiasi, teks hikayat tidak lagi dipandang sebagai teks yang kuno. Selain itu, pembelajaran teks hikayat menjadi lebih efektif.Abstract:  Learning saga texts tends to be less attractive to students. This is because the saga is an old literary work that uses archaic language and is difficult to understand. Therefore, differentiated learning is needed according to the learning styles of SMA/SMK students in Semarang City. Differentiated learning emphasizes the suitability of learning strategies with the learning styles of students. This research method is descriptive and qualitative. Data sources were obtained from five high schools and vocational schools in Semarang City. Data were obtained using questionnaires and direct observation of schools. Based on the research, it was found that the use of learning strategies adapted to the learning styles of students is an effective strategy for learning. By using differentiated learning, the saga text is no longer seen as an ancient text. In addition, learning saga texts becomes more effective

    Struktur dan Ideologi Teenlit Karya Dyan Nuranindya

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    This study aims to describe the structure and ideology of Dyan Nuranindya's work. There are six teenlit works by Dyan Nuranindya, namely Dealova, Star Secret, Canting Cantiq, Cinderela Pink Hair, Rock N Roll Onthel, and Kotak Pelangi. The method used in this research is descriptive analysis and dialectic which is also part of the approach of theory of genetic structuralism. The data in the study of the parts of the text in the form of words, phrases or sentences related to the genetic structure, ideology in the work of Dyan Nuranindya's work. The results showed the structure of literary works by Dyan Nuranindya's literature includes hero store relationships with other figures, and oposional relations. Relation of hero characters with other characters include brother's sister relation, parent's relation with child, love relation, oposional relation. The ideology contained in the work of Dyan Nuranindya's work is to achieve the ideals, love the homeland, preserve nature