27 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Pengeringan Dan Suhu Penyimpanan Terhadap Daya Hidup Bui Citrus Amblycarpa

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    N. WULIJARNI - SOETJIPTO, 1985. Effect of desiccation and storage temperature on the viability of seeds of Citrus amblycarpa. Berita Biologi 3 (3): 95- 100. Seeds of Citrus amblycarpa (Hassk.) Ochse were dried using several methods. The seeds remained fully viable when the moisture content were reduced to around 5%. Upon storage, those seeds stored at 28°, 10° and 4°C were still viable after 287 days. Further observation showed that storage at 10°, 4° and - 10°C enabled seeds to maintain their germination until the end of the experiment, i.e. 910 days. Therefore, it is concluded that C.amblycarpa seeds tend to follow the behaviour of the orthodox seeds

    Pengaruh Pengeringan Dan Suhu Penyimpanan Terhadap Daya Hidup Biji Kemuning (Murraya Paniculata)

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    N.WULIJARNI-SOETJIPTO.1988. Effect of drying and storage temperature on the viability of kemuning(Murraya panicuhta) seeds, Berita Biologi 3(8): 424 - 429.Seeds of kemuning {Murraya paniculata (L.) Jack) were dried under room temperature (28°±2°C),and then stored for a duration of 9 weeks at 28°, 10°, 4° and - 10°C. The seeds remained fully viable when the moisture content was reduced to 5%. After storage at 10° or 4°C the seeds having 5% moisture content remained almost fully viable.Their viability decreased to around 60% at - 10°C, and less than 40% at 28°C.Seeds having higher moisture contents still maintained their viability after being stored at 10°C. However, they lost their viability when stored at higher or lower temperatures.It appeared that the seeds contained much higher percentage of saturated fatty acids compared with the unsaturated fatty adds. It is concluded that the kemuning seeds do not tend to follow the behaviour of true orthodox seeds,since they do not seem to withstand subfreezing temperature although they may toleratev drying

    Sifat-sifat Semai Dolichos Trilobus, Lablab Purpureus Dan Macrotyloma Uniflorum (Leguminosae)

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    Dari hasil penelitiannya mengenai marga Dolichos L. dan kerabatnya dari Aftika timur. Verdcourt (1970b) telah memisahkan Dolichos lablab L. dan Dolichos uniflorus Lam. dari margaDolichos dan menempatkannya berturut-turut dalam marga Lab-lab Adans. dan Macrotyloma (Wight & Arn.) Verde. Sebagai konsekuensinya D. lahlab diganti namanya menjadi Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet dan merupakan jenis tipe marga Lablab yang hanya terdiri atas satu jenis, sedang D. uniflorus menjadi Macrotyloma uniflorum (Lam.) Verde, dan merupakan tipe marga Macrotyloma. Pemisahan kedua jenis ini dari marga Dolichos didasarkan terutama pada adanya perbedaan dalam sifat-sifat putik, serbuk sari serta kromosomnya (Tabel 1)


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    N. WULIJARNI - SOETJIPTO, 1985. Effect of desiccation and storage temperature on the viability of seeds of Citrus amblycarpa. Berita Biologi 3 (3): 95- 100. Seeds of Citrus amblycarpa (Hassk.) Ochse were dried using several methods. The seeds remained fully viable when the moisture content were reduced to around 5%. Upon storage, those seeds stored at 28°, 10° and 4°C were still viable after 287 days. Further observation showed that storage at 10°, 4° and - 10°C enabled seeds to maintain their germination until the end of the experiment, i.e. 910 days. Therefore, it is concluded that C.amblycarpa seeds tend to follow the behaviour of the orthodox seeds


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    Dari hasil penelitiannya mengenai marga Dolichos L. dan kerabatnya dari Aftika timur. Verdcourt (1970b) telah memisahkan Dolichos lablab L. dan Dolichos uniflorus Lam. dari margaDolichos dan menempatkannya berturut-turut dalam marga Lab-lab Adans. dan Macrotyloma (Wight & Arn.) Verde. Sebagai konsekuensinya D. lahlab diganti namanya menjadi Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet dan merupakan jenis tipe marga Lablab yang hanya terdiri atas satu jenis, sedang D. uniflorus menjadi Macrotyloma uniflorum (Lam.) Verde, dan merupakan tipe marga Macrotyloma. Pemisahan kedua jenis ini dari marga Dolichos didasarkan terutama pada adanya perbedaan dalam sifat-sifat putik, serbuk sari serta kromosomnya (Tabel 1)


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    N.WULIJARNI-SOETJIPTO.1988. Effect of drying and storage temperature on the viability of kemuning(Murraya panicuhta) seeds, Berita Biologi 3(8): 424 - 429.Seeds of kemuning {Murraya paniculata (L.) Jack) were dried under room temperature (28°±2°C),and then stored for a duration of 9 weeks at 28°, 10°, 4° and - 10°C. The seeds remained fully viable when the moisture content was reduced to 5%. After storage at 10° or 4°C the seeds having 5% moisture content remained almost fully viable.Their viability decreased to around 60% at - 10°C, and less than 40% at 28°C.Seeds having higher moisture contents still maintained their viability after being stored at 10°C. However, they lost their viability when stored at higher or lower temperatures.It appeared that the seeds contained much higher percentage of saturated fatty acids compared with the unsaturated fatty adds. It is concluded that the kemuning seeds do not tend to follow the behaviour of true orthodox seeds,since they do not seem to withstand subfreezing temperature although they may toleratev drying

    Plant resources of South-East Asia : V.4: Bibliography 4: Forages

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    Bogor228 p.; 26 c


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    Dalam rangka pengunpulan contoh tumbub-tumbuhan di beberapa orang staf Herbarium Bogoriense antara lain telah mengunjungi cagar alam Telaga warna.Dari kunjungan itu diketahui adanya beberapa jenis tanaman bukan aseli Indonesia tumbuh di sekeliling telaga dan sebagian di antaranya rupanya sengaja ditanam. Hal ini mengherankan oleh karena status Telaga Warna hingga kini adalah cagar alam, Cagar alam dalam Undang-Undang No.5 tahun 1967 tentang Ketentuan-ketentuan Pokok Kehutanan, Pasal 3 ayat 3a didefinisikan sebagai " hutan suaka alam yang berhubung dengan keadaan alamnya, termasuk alam hewani dan alam nabati,perlu dilindungi untuk kepentingan ilmu pengetahuan dan kebudayaan ".Definisi itu oleh Nasution (1968) diperjelas dengan menanbahkan bahwa perlindungan itu dilakukan oleh Pemerintah sedemikian rupa sehingga keadaannya tidak berubah,Mereka yang akan memasuki cagar alam harus mempunyai surat izin istimewa,yang memuat antara lain larangan-larangan membawa perlengkapan berburu atau merusak setiap jenis kahidupan liar