9 research outputs found

    The Availability and Properness of the Health Care Facilities for Waste Handling Based on Indonesian Topography and Geo

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    Background: medical facilities research (Rifakes) 2011 was performed to know a comprehensive image about thegovernment health care facilities as a plan in medical service development that fi ts with the society needs. Although healthcenter was already available, but the availability and the properness of the health care facilities were not spread evenly,such as waste handling facilities. The aim of this research is analyzing the availability and the properness of waste handlingin health center based on demography and geography in Indonesia. Methods: This research is a secondary data analysisof Rifakes 2011 about the availability and the properness of waste handling in health center. The data analysis was donein univariat and bivariat. The correlation between the properness of waste handling and the isolation of an area was testedwith spearmann correlation. The correlation between the properness of waste handling of health care in archipelago and ofthat in frontier area was tested with mann whitney test. Results: More than a half ( 66,8%) of the waste handling of healthcenter is already available, yet with improper category ( 72,7% ). There is a signifi cant correlation between the propernessof waste handling with a location topography ( isolation area, archipelago, and frontier area ). The improper waste handlingis especially in rural area with 80, 6%, whereas in city with 5,7%. Conclusion: There is a signifi cant correlation between theproperness of waste handling in health center with topographical and geographical condition. Recommendation: Wastemanagement in health centers should be more serious attention and handling, availability WWTP, feasibility of handlingthe waste, and if possible waste minimalisali clinic

    (Correlation Between Family Social Economy Status and Exclusive Breastfeeding in Tanah Kali Kedinding Public Health Centre, Surabaya)

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    Background: The result of Basic Health Research (Riskesdas 2010) showed that the coverage of exclusive breastfeeding until 6 months were lower than the exclusive breastfeeding coverage target in Indonesia that is 80%. One of the factor that assumed can affect the continuity of exclusive breastfeeding is social economy condition. Methods: This study was a descriptive research with cross sectional design. Samples were taken from population who were mothers with 6-12 months old children within the area of Puskesmas Tanah Kali Kedinding on 2011. Closed quistionnaire was used to collect data and analyzed with Chi Square. The aim of the study was described the correlation between social economy factors and exclusive breastfeeding on babies. Result: Only a small portion of respondents that had good knowledge of exclusive breastfeeding. There was a significant correlation between good knowledge of exclusive breastfeeding with exclusive breastfeeding practice. There was a significant correlation between vocational status of mother and knowledge about exclusive breastfeeding with exclusive breastfeeding practice. There was no significant correlation between education level and family income with exclusive breastfeeding practice. Conclusions: The scope of exclusive breastfeeding must be enhanced. Poor of knowledge about exclusive breastfeeding and working mothers influence the low level of exclusive breastfeeding practice. Recomendation: Increasing knowledge of mothers and families about the benefits of exclusive breastfeeding, preparation and technical, as well as how storage and giving stored breastfeeding to the baby. Working mothers should try to give the exclusive breastfeeding which it must be facilitated by the company

    Pemetaan Determinan Angka Kematian Bayi di Jawa Timur Berdasarkan Indikator Indeks Pembangunan Kesehatan Masyarakat

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    Background: The infant mortality rate (IMR) is defined as the risk to children bom alive die before the first anniversary is known as one of the most sensitive indicators and common social and economic development of the population. Methods: The study used data Riskesdas 2007. Indicator variables based on the absolute determination of IPKM. The analyzes used a mapping of the region while the determination of the factors that influence use of spatial regression. Results: Based on spatial analysis concluded that there was spatial dependencies between the district/city to the IMR. This means that there is a regional scale bya factor of IMR. Madura and regional areas Pandalungan (horseshoe) has a high enough value of IMR is 43.92 to 69.66. tf there are allegations of apattem associated with the traditions and cultural factors play a role in the magnitude of IMR. The results of the spatial regression model for the variables related AKB significant are: (1) the percentage of underweight children under five with nutritional status, very thin, (2) the percentage of children who complete immunization, (3) the percentage of the distanee to the nearest faskes less than 1 km. While based on the correlation values of variables are strongly associated with infant mortality rate is the percentage of deliveries by health help er in which the percentage is the lowest Madura. Suggestion: The need for excavation promotive and preventive methods in pregnant and lactating women with local cultural traditions and approaches, especially in areas such as tradisi masyarakat still strong in the region of Madura and Pandalungan


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    Health promotion has became one of main programs in Indonesian health development. It was related with health vision which must be priority promote and preventive services without neglected curative and rehabilitative services. Health promotion was one of duty services by Public Health Centre (PHC). To increase health promotion servces, the government has established national health promotion policy and guidance of health promotion in district. The study aimed to determinethe implementation of health promotion in PHC, include description of Health promotion resources. and priority activities of this program in District Health Office and PHC. It was a non intervention study, with cross sectional desrgn, at Ngawi and Madiun, include four PHC. Data were collected by depth interview from the head of health promotion program in District Health Office, Head of PHC, and health promotion programmer in PHC. The research showed that it was needed improvement of quantity and quality of health promotion resources, include human resource and equipments. The decisionof priority activities in PHC at Ngawi was finite because limited budget and too much incidental activities. In Madiun, all of health promotion activities have been planned and coordinated by District Health Office, and supported with policy that health promotion was a priority program, so it got the highest budget. Almost all of activities was supported environment, and it must be evaluated if it had been developed public empowerment or not. Advocacy strategy must be increased to district government, and so partnership with Non government Organization, public organization, business, and public figure, so that commitment would built and supported by district rule. Key words: health promotion, health promotion policy, Public Health Centre (PHC

    Kajian Upaya Promosi Kesehatan (Studi Kasus di Puskesmas Kota Madiun dan Kabupaten Ngawi)

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    Health promotion has became one of main programs in Indonesian health development. It was related with health vision which must be priority promote and preventive services without neglected curative and rehabilitative services. Health promotion was one of duty services by Public Health Centre (PHC). To increase health promotion servces, the government has established national health promotion policy and guidance of health promotion in district. The study aimed to determinethe implementation of health promotion in PHC, include description of Health promotion resources. and priority activities of this program in District Health Office and PHC. It was a non intervention study, with cross sectional desrgn, at Ngawi and Madiun, include four PHC. Data were collected by depth interview from the head of health promotion program in District Health Office, Head of PHC, and health promotion programmer in PHC. The research showed that it was needed improvement of quantity and quality of health promotion resources, include human resource and equipments. The decisionof priority activities in PHC at Ngawi was finite because limited budget and too much incidental activities. In Madiun, all of health promotion activities have been planned and coordinated by District Health Office, and supported with policy that health promotion was a priority program, so it got the highest budget. Almost all of activities was supported environment, and it must be evaluated if it had been developed public empowerment or not. Advocacy strategy must be increased to district government, and so partnership with Non government Organization, public organization, business, and public figure, so that commitment would built and supported by district rule

    Penanganan Kaki Charcot Diabetik

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    Peningkatan usia harapan hidup pada penderita diabetes melitus (DM) menyebabkan peningkatan prevalensi komplikasi diabetes. Kaki Charcot diabetik merupakan salah satu bentuk komplikasi mikroangiopati DM. Pasien sering datang dengan kondisi sudah terjadi deformitas kaki yang berat. Diagnosis dan penanganan dini yang tepat akan mencegah progresivitas penyakit. Tatalaksana meliputi pengendalian kondisi DM dengan pemberian medikamentosa, latihan, pemasangan ortesa, dan tindakan operatif