3 research outputs found

    Perancangan kawasan wisata alam berkelanjutan di Kecamatan Pacet Kabupaten Mojokerto

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    Kawasan sekitar obyek wisata yang ada di Kecamatan Pacet diindikasi mulai mengalami degradasi nilai lingkungan (dilihat dari proses fisik dan biologi) dan mulai menunjukkan ketidakseimbangan dengan nilai sosial dan nilai ekonomis sebagai suatu kawasan wisata yang berkembang. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan adanya bencana alam berupa longsor dan banjir bandang yang terjadi pada obyek Wanawisata Air Panas di Desa Padusan pada tahun 2002. Berkembangnya kegiatan wisata alam di Kecamatan Pacet Kabupaten Mojokerto seperti yang terlihat saat ini, memberikan dampak positif dan negatif yang cukup signifikan. Dampak positif dapat dilihat dari sektor ekonomi sebagai aspek non fisik, dimana kawasan wisata selalu membutuhkan kegiatan/fasilitas pendukung ekonomi ditengah-tengah kegiatan wisata alam yang pada prinsipnya harus melestarikan aset sumber daya alam sekitar. Sedangkan dampak negatifnya dapat dilihat dari kondisi lingkungan alami sekitar, terutama ketersediaan ruang-ruang terbuka yang dikorbankan untuk kepentingan fasilitas pendukung wisata. Keberadaan ruang-ruang terbuka atau ruang luar yang belum optimal penataannya, menjadi potensi utama rancangan yang dapat mempengaruhi nilai ekologis, estetika, dan sosial suatu kawasan wisata alam secara komprehensif. Studi ini bertujuan menghasilkan suatu usulan rancangan kawasan wisata alam yang mengedepankan aspek berkelanjutan dengan mengadopsi konsep ekowisata. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, paradigma pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode pengumpulan data melalui teknik Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Analisis yang digunakan untuk menjawab sasaran penelitian adalah analisis tumpang tindih (superimpose), analisi character appraisal, analisis behavioral map, dan analisis triangulasi untuk merumuskan serta menentukan konsep rancangan. Hasil akhir penelitian ini adalah terjawabnya seluruh pertanyaan penelitian dan konsep rancangan kawasan wisata alam yang berkelanjutan. Hasil penelitian merumuskan terdapat 18 prinsip perancangan yang mendasari konsep utama yakni menciptakan ruang-ruang terbuka sebagai ruang rekreasi alternatif yang nyaman, aman, menyenangkan, berbudaya, serta sebagai kontrol ruang dalam pengembangan pariwisata berkelanjutan kedepannya. =============================================================================================== The area around the existing tourism attractions in Pacet District are indicated to began degrading environmental values (as seen from the physical and biological processes) and started to show imbalance with social and economic value as a thriving tourist area. This is shown by the presence of natural disasters such as landslides and flash floods that occurred on the object of Hot Springs Village Wanawisata Padusan in 2002.Nature tourism activities development in the Pacet District Mojokerto Regency as seen today, gave significant positive and negative impacts. The positive impact can be seen from the economic sector as non-physical aspects, where the tourism area always need activities/facilities to support the economy in the midst of nature tourism activities which in principle should be to preserve the natural resource assets around. While the negative impacts can be seen from the surrounding natural environment, especially the availability of open spaces sacrificed for the sake of supporting tourism facilities. The existence of open spaces or outdoor space where the arrangement are not optimal, became a major potential designs that could affect the ecological, aesthetic, and social value of nature area in a comprehensive manner. This study will aim to produce a draft proposal of nature tourism that emphasizes sustainable aspect by adopting the concept of ecotourism. To achieve these objectives, the research approach paradigm used is a qualitative approach to data collection methods through technique Focus Group Discussion (FGD). The analysis used to answer the research target is the overlapping (superimpose) analysis, character appraisal analysis, behavioral analysis folder, and triangulation analysis to formulate and define the design concept. The final result of this study is answered the whole research question and concept design of a sustainable nature tourism. The research results, formulated 18 design principles underlying the main concept of creating open spaces as a convenient alternative recreation room, safe, fun, cultured, as well as a control room in the future development of sustainable tourism


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    Kampung Surabayan is one of old kampungs in Surabaya, Indonesia, that has some potentials which can be developed as a sustainable kampung by balancing the environmental, socio-cultural, and economic aspects. In environmental aspect, Kampung Surabayan already has a good management based on various achievements from Green and Clean Competition (an eco-friendly settlement competition) and Safe Kampung Competition which held by Surabaya Government. The historical potential and cultural heritage, cooperative kampung’s residents, unique “kampung” traditions such as "cangkruk" or “free chattering” and "adu doro" or “pigeon racing”, carry social and culture values. Also, the green economy values that come from the resident’s creativity to manage domestic garbages into unique and valuable handicrafts.One aspect that still be left behind is heritage conservation. As an old kampung, Kampung Surabayan should be conserved in order to keep the authenticity of Kampung’s heritage. The potentials of Kampung Surabayan can be integrated by Heritage Tourism Concept to create a sustainable kampung heritage