15 research outputs found

    Experimental and Modeling Improvements to a Co-Fluid Cycle Utilizing Ionic Liquids and Carbon Dioxide

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    Carbon dioxide is undergoing a renaissance as an alternative to synthetic refrigerants due to its environmental advantages in addition to a high density and excellent transport properties. A weakness of carbon dioxide is having a critical point which occurs at a lower temperature and higher pressure than most other fluids used as refrigerants. This combination leads to high operating pressures, especially on the heat rejection side of the thermodynamic cycle. Ionic liquids, which are salts which remain in their liquid phase at room temperatures, have been shown to strongly absorb carbon dioxide. Due to recent advances in ionic liquids, the cation and anion groups are able to be formulated to tailor a variety of fluid properties including liquid-vapor equilibrium characteristics. By selecting appropriate ionic liquids, it is possible to reduce the operating pressure of an air-conditioning system utilizing carbon dioxide to be in the range of conventional refrigerants. Not only are ionic liquids able to physically absorb volatile refrigerants as in other co-fluid cycles, but ionic liquids also offer the possibility of chemical absorption thereby giving the opportunity for greater enthalpy changes. Conceptually, the ionic co-fluid cycle is similar to a traditional vapor compression cycle. In the high pressure heat exchanger, heat is rejected to lower the enthalpy and to absorb carbon dioxide into the ionic liquid. The enthalpy is further reduced in an internal heat exchanger before the high pressure liquid is passed through a valve to decrease the pressure which causes the fluid mixture to cool. Heat is absorbed by the mixture from the environment, thus boiling additional carbon dioxide. After passing through an internal heat exchanger, the fluid is mechanically compressed and the cycle is repeated. System modeling work was utilized to identify important thermodynamic characteristics for achieving good performance. These characteristics included heats of mixing, solubility, entropy of mixing, and viscosity. Using experimentally and numerically determined IL-CO2 mixture properties, system models were able to predicatively select anion and cation pairs for optimizing performance. The ionic liquids selected from the modeling exercises were subsequently synthesized for demonstration in a laboratory. An air conditioning system was built from components designed for use with conventional refrigerants. The system was installed in a facility which was instrumented to measure air and refrigerant pressures and temperatures. Air flow rate and temperature information allowed the cooling capacity to be measured. The power consumption of the pump and compressor used to circulate the working fluids was measured so that COP could be determined. Modeling results were validated with experimental findings. The emphasis of modeling and experiments was to determine the effect of operational parameters on system performance. The loading of ionic liquid and carbon dioxide, along with valve opening and compressor speed, was found to dramatically alter the operating pressures. The difference and ratio between high and low side pressures directly affected the specific cooling capacity and COP, respectively. While the model had strong agreement with the experimental results, non-idealities to be incorporated in more sophisticated models are identified

    Effects of Refrigerant-Lubricant Combinations on the Energy Efficiency of a Convertible Split-System Residential Air-Conditioner

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    Polyol ester (POE) lubricants of different viscosity ISO grades (32-80) and possessing distinctly different compatibilities (miscible vs. immiscible) were tested with R-410A, R-32, and L-41b. For each refrigerant-lubricant pair tested, the cooling coefficient of performance (COP), heating performance factor (HPF), and oil circulation ratio (OCR) were determined while operating at AHRI Standard 210/240 conditions A, B, C, H1 & H2. The results were correlated to the properties of the working fluids. Due to its higher density, yet comparable specific heat, R-32 showed increased cooling capacity compared to R-410A. However, the COPs of these refrigerants were similar because the capacity increase was offset by increased compressor power consumption. L-41b required the least compressor power, but also had the lowest cooling capacity and COP of the three refrigerants. Lubricant choice had minimal impact on cooling capacity. However, immiscible lubricants lowered cooling capacity by about 4% for R-32, condition B. A larger effect was observed in the compressor, where lubricants specifically designed for R-32 lowered discharge temperatures by 6 °C and reduced power consumption by up to 10%. For R-32-lubricant pairs tested under AHRI cooling condition B, the highest and lowest COPs measured were 4.19 (optimized ISO 68 POE) and 3.72 (commercial ISO 32 POE) ? a 12% improvement by replacing the standard R-410A lubricant

    Method for Determining Air Side Convective Heat Transfer Coefficient Using Infrared Thermography

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    Air side convective heat transfer coefficients are among the most important parameters to know when modeling thermal systems due to their dominant impact on the overall heat transfer coefficient. Local air side convective heat transfer coefficients can often prove challenging to measure experimentally due to limitations with sensor accuracy, complexity of surface geometries, and changes to the heat transfer due to the sensor itself. Infrared thermography allows local heat transfer coefficients to be accurately determined for many different surface geometries in a manner which does not impact the results. Moreover, when determining convective heat transfer coefficients for a large number of samples, it is less costly in terms of both time and materials than other experimental methods. The method determines the heat transfer coefficient for an arbitrary region by determining the rate at which the surface temperature changes due to a step change in air temperature. To utilize the method a simple calibration is first done to determine the local thermal time constant under natural convection. Alternatively, if the thermal properties of the object are well known, a model may be used. In subsequent tests, the ratio of thermal time constant to that from the calibration test can be determined. As the material properties of the solid object are unchanged, the convective heat transfer coefficient scales inversely with the thermal time constant. A computer script has been created which automates the entire analysis process with the exception of determining the region of interest. The experimental method has been validated by comparison to other experimental methods, values from literature, and numerical simulations

    Effect of Lubricant-Refrigerant Mixture Properties on Compressor Efficiencies

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    Lubricants are utilized on compressors to lower friction thus increasing efficiency while decreasing wear and increase longevity. While pure lubricant properties are commonly cited in literature due to more readily available property data, far more meaningful results are obtained when lubricant-refrigerant mixture properties are utilized. The most critical of these properties are the vapor-liquid equilibrium data, which relates temperatures, pressures, and concentrations, to other intensive properties such as density and viscosity. To determine the impact of fundamental refrigerant-lubricant mixture properties on compressor performance, a series of lubricants having known mixture properties where utilized in a semi-hermetic transcritical carbon dioxide compressor. This compressor was installed in a calorimeter which allowed compressor electrical power consumption to be accurately measured. Likewise, refrigerant temperatures, pressures, and mass flows were measured. As this calorimeter utilized the full refrigeration cycle with both a gas-cooler and evaporator, it was possible to accurately determine the oil circulation ratio (OCR) via the sample based method given by ASHRAE Standard 41.4. The compressor was operated at a series of suction and discharge pressures and temperatures which were near the edge of the operating envelop. Combining the property information with experimental data from the calorimeter experiments allow for analysis of the impact of refrigerant-lubricant mixture properties on compressor efficiencies. Due to the relatively small changes in performance, it was necessary to properly account for the presence of lubricant in the definitions of isentropic and volumetric efficiencies. After accounting for these properties, multivariate least square curve fitting was utilized to understand the relative impact of mixture properties and OCR on compressor efficiency. The analysis is furthered to show the impact of compressor efficiency on system performance for the purpose of pointing towards selecting lubricants to minimize energy consumption

    Refrigerant and Lubricant Mass Distribution in a Convertible Split System Residential Air-Conditioner

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    Lubricants are utilized in air-conditioning systems for the purpose of decreasing friction and wear within the compressor. While ideally the lubricant remains in the compressor, some lubricant is entrained and transported by the refrigerant to the other system components. During operational transients, the lubricant is redistributed throughout the various system components. The equilibrium distribution of lubricant depends among other things on fluid properties, phase change processes, flow rates, geometries, and operating conditions. Experiments were conducted in a commercially available, split-system, residential, air-conditioning system with a nominal 3-ton capacity that could be operated both as an air-conditioner and a heat-pump. While the system was designed to operate with R410A, most of the testing was conducted with pure R32, which is a leading candidate for R410A replacement pending regulatory discontinuation of its other constituent: R125. The lubricants used in this study were traditional and advanced polyol ester lubricants. Advanced polyol ester lubricants promise to improve lubricity and wear protection compared to current lubricants. The lubricants had nominal viscosities ranging from 32 to 80 cSt. To inventory the distribution of refrigerant and lubricant, the system was modified by the installation of ball valves which could be utilized to separate the system into its constituents: compressor, condenser, liquid line, evaporator, suction line, and accumulator. The system was brought to equilibrium at conditions A, B, C, H1, and H2 which are defined in AHRI Standard 210/240. After maintaining equilibrium, simultaneously the compressor being shut off and the ball valves were closed which isolated refrigerant and lubricant within each component. The components were subsequently removed and weighed in a manner which allowed the mass of refrigerant and lubricant in each component to be determined. Analysis of the results focuses on the change in mass distribution due to refrigerant-lubricant mixture properties and due to changes in operating conditions. The implications of the net migration of lubricant from the compressor to the remainder of the system will also be discussed

    Method for Quantitatively Analyzing Flow Phenomena in Annular-Mist Two-Phase Flows

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    Modeling Mist to Annular Flow Development in the Discharge of a Compressor

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    A model has been created to describe the development of flow leaving a compressor as it transitions from mist to annular flow. Flow parameters such as the drop size, drop speed, drop concentration, film thickness, and film velocity change as a function of length. Parameters such as refrigerant flow rates, oil in circulation ratios, and fluid properties are accounted for in these models. While some flow development work is found in the open literature for air-water or steam-water flows, little work is available for air-conditioning applications. Due to the drastically different properties of refrigerant-oil mixtures from air-water mixtures, the existing models must be modified substantially for use in air-conditioning models. The existing models were modified using physical principles to incorporate the differences in fluid properties. The model closely approximates empirical results presented an accompanying paper

    Measurement of Mist to Annular Flow Development in the Discharge of a Compressor

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    Compressors produce a flow of oil droplets propelled by refrigerant flow while fully developed flow maps predict predominantly annular flow. This discrepancy is rooted in the lack of understanding of flow development. A newly developed video processing technique was used to quantify numerous flow parameters. The drop size, drop speed, drop concentration, film thickness, and film velocity were measured at a variety of refrigerant flow rates, oil circulation ratios, and temperatures. Measurements showing the changes in oil flow from the discharge of a compressor as a function of position are presented. An accompanying paper presents a model incorporating results from this experiment