41 research outputs found


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     Many studies have considered the use of mobile devices to support learning in different subjects such as English, math, and biology. However, there are not many studies which focus on facilitating physics learning with mobile device supports in authentic contexts. Taking this into account, we updated a mobile app called Ubiquitous-Physics (U-Physics) by adding a guide learning map (gMap) which helps students to explore inclined plane phenomena in authentic contexts. We aimed to investigate the effectiveness of U-Physics with gMap on students’ learning achievements and to analyze students’ perceptions based on interview results. Forty-five first-grade vocational high school students majoring in housekeeping management were participated in this quasi-experiment for seven weeks. The experimental group used U-Physics with gMap and the control group used U-Physics without gMap. Although there were no significant differences between the experimental group and the control group concerning learning achievements, we found that learning gain of both groups significantly improved. Additionally, students revealed that they enjoyed exploring and conducting physics experiments in authentic context environments such parks, playgrounds, and houses. These findings indicated that exploring and conducting physics phenomena in authentic contexts can enhance understanding of the physics phenomena and enriches experiential learning.Bahasa Indonesia Abstrak Banyak penelitian telah mempertimbangkan penggunaan perangkat seluler untuk mendukung pembelajaran dalam berbagai mata pelajaran seperti bahasa Inggris, Matematika, dan Biologi. Namun, tidak banyak penelitian yang berfokus pada memfasilitasi pembelajaran Fisika dengan dukungan perangkat seluler dalam konteks otentik. Dengan mempertimbangkan hal ini, kami memperbarui aplikasi seluler bernama Ubiquitous-Physics (U-Physics) dengan menambahkan peta pembelajaran panduan (gMap) yang membantu siswa menjelajahi fenomena bidang miring dalam konteks otentik. Kami bertujuan untuk menyelidiki efektivitas U-Physics dengan gMap pada prestasi belajar siswa dan untuk menganalisis persepsi siswa berdasarkan hasil wawancara. Empat puluh lima siswa sekolah menengah kejuruan, kelas satu, jurusan manajemen rumah tangga berpartisipasi dalam percobaan semua ini selama tujuh minggu. Kelompok eksperimen menggunakan U-Physics dengan gMap dan kelompok kontrol menggunakan U-Physics tanpa gMap. Meskipun tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan antara kelompok eksperimen dan kelompok kontrol mengenai prestasi belajar, kami menemukan bahwa perolehan pembelajaran kedua kelompok meningkat secara signifikan. Selain itu, siswa mengungkapkan bahwa mereka senang menjelajahi dan melakukan eksperimen Fisika di lingkungan konteks otentik seperti taman, taman bermain, dan rumah. Temuan ini menunjukkan bahwa mengeksplorasi dan melakukan fenomena Fisika dalam konteks otentik dapat meningkatkan pemahaman tentang fenomena Fisika dan memperkaya pembelajaran berdasarkan pengalaman.

    Application of the Authentic-UG using Augmented Reality to Support Geometry Learning in Authentic Learning Design.

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    Development of Authentic-UG adopting augmented reality technology on the Android platform with ARCore SDK that can measure lines and measure angles with high accuracy is an advantage that can be used for learning geometry to students in authentic learning design. Authentic-UG can detailed record each student's learning activities with the xAPI technology, the system also implemented with annotation features to facilitate student for explaining the answers after searching for geometry objects. Authentic-UG has a flexible system with the use of the RESTFUL API protocol that can be connected to the Dashboard-UG system, so that teachers can see each student's process when doing authentic activities. In this study, we developed the Authentic-UG to facilitate student in authentic learning and we investigate the relationship between learning behavior and learning assessment with learning achievement in fourth-grade elementary school students to learn geometry in the concept of angle and the concept of line. The participants of this study with 50 students, divided two groups that 25 students in the experimental group using Authentic- UG and 25 students in the control group for 10 weeks with the same initial prior knowledge between groups. The statistical results after using Authentic-UG in the learning process indicate that the experimental group has a better learning achievement, especially in the skill of estimation ability on geometry objects. The results of authentic work also checking by teacher assessment and peer assessment using scaffolding. Therefore, the most influential learning activities to help estimation ability in the combine topic which combines the angle concept & line concept and also the scaffolding can work well to help peer assessment quality. There is a phenomenon that students only focus on the concept of angle which is shown by the level on the accuracy of angle is more influent than the level of accuracy of the line. Student feel that using Authentic-UG is more happy learning experience because student feel motivated also healthy to active explore to searching geometry object and make measurement in the authentic environment

    Authentic U-Fraction in Authentic Learning Environment

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    In this study, we developed a tablet-based application, namely Authentic U-Fraction to assist elementary school students in learning fractions with authentic contextual support. In this study, an experiment was carried out to investigate the effects of the students’ learning behavior toward the fraction learning achievements using Authentic U-Fraction. Three topics of fractions included are fractions concept, fraction simplification, and fraction addition/subtraction. Totally 54 fifth-grade students were assigned and divide into two groups, one experimental group, and one control group. The control group learned fraction using traditional teaching method and paper-based assignment, while the experimental group using Authentic U-Fraction in an authentic context. After the experiment, the result showed that the experimental group performed better than the control group, especially in understanding fraction and fraction representation. The reason was that by taking the picture, making fraction representation from the picture, and making annotation facilitated students to learn fraction using Authentic U-Fraction. Authentic U-Fraction also helped students to do more practice by themselves and fully explain their solutions, but it does not affect their learning achievement. Because besides students did more practice, they also need to make a complete annotation that includes three different representation: linguistic, logic mathematics, and visual representative. More students did practice with complete annotation higher their learning achievement. Application of three scaffoldings on students’ peer assessment also revealed that meaningful peer assessment could correlate to the students’ learning achievement that also strengthened by the teacher assessment score that also has a higher correlation to the learning achievement from the assessment of assignment side. A Multiple regression result shown that teacher assessment score could strongly predict the posttest score. Overall, students satisfied with Authentic U- Fraction because it is easy to use, easy to learn, and it facilitates the students to learn fraction in an authentic context. In the final, the result of this study contributes essential implications along with conclusion and suggestion for future research

    X-Education: Education of All Things with AI and Edge Computing—One Case Study for EFL Learning

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    Education usually only focuses on how to educate human beings with pedagogical or technical support. However, with artificial intelligence (AI) and edge computing, education can be extended and considered not only to educate human beings but also all things, such as physical or digital things. In this study, all things are given the opportunity to learn more about themselves and build their knowledge through interactions with other things, people, and AI agents. Thus, the X-Education framework is proposed in this study for educating all things, including human beings, physical, digital, and AI agents. One preliminary study for EFL writing was conducted to investigate not only whether all things can speed up their knowledge but also whether EFL learners as humans can also obtain the benefits of using X-Education. Further, the forwarding mechanisms of questioning and answering (Q&A) were designed to speed up interactions among all things. In total, 22 learners were divided into two groups, the experimental group (EG) and the control group (CG), with/without the Q&A forwarding mechanisms, respectively. A mixed-method approach with the two experimental phases was used in this study. The results showed that the knowledge of all things in the EG increased significantly more than the CG. Moreover, the EG received better EFL answers from the on-device AI with the forwarding mechanisms. They also felt that X-Education could help them to learn EFL writing better through Q&A. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that X-Education can accommodate not only humans but also all things to improve their knowledge

    Cognitive diffusion model with user-oriented context-to-text recognition for learning to promote high level cognitive processes

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    There is a large number of studies on how to promote students’ cognitive processes and learning achievements through various learning activities supported by advanced learning technologies. However, not many of them focus on applying the knowledge that students learn in school to solve authentic daily life problems. This study aims to propose a cognitive diffusion model called User-oriented Context-to-Text Recognition for Learning (U-CTRL) to facilitate and improve students’ learning and cognitive processes from lower levels (i.e., Remember and Understand) to higher levels (i.e., Apply and above) through an innovative approach, called User-Oriented Context-to-Text Recognition for Learning (U-CTRL). With U-CTRL, students participate in learning activities in which they capture the learning context that can be scanned and recognized by a computer application as text. Furthermore, this study proposes the use of an innovative model, called Cognitive Diffusion Model, to investigate the diffusion and transition of students’ cognitive processes in different learning stages including pre-schooling, after-schooling, crossing the chasm, and higher cognitive processing. Finally, two cases are presented to demonstrate how the U-CTRL approach can be used to facilitate student cognition in their learning of English and Natural science

    X-Education: Education of All Things with AI and Edge Computing—One Case Study for EFL Learning

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    Education usually only focuses on how to educate human beings with pedagogical or technical support. However, with artificial intelligence (AI) and edge computing, education can be extended and considered not only to educate human beings but also all things, such as physical or digital things. In this study, all things are given the opportunity to learn more about themselves and build their knowledge through interactions with other things, people, and AI agents. Thus, the X-Education framework is proposed in this study for educating all things, including human beings, physical, digital, and AI agents. One preliminary study for EFL writing was conducted to investigate not only whether all things can speed up their knowledge but also whether EFL learners as humans can also obtain the benefits of using X-Education. Further, the forwarding mechanisms of questioning and answering (Q&A) were designed to speed up interactions among all things. In total, 22 learners were divided into two groups, the experimental group (EG) and the control group (CG), with/without the Q&A forwarding mechanisms, respectively. A mixed-method approach with the two experimental phases was used in this study. The results showed that the knowledge of all things in the EG increased significantly more than the CG. Moreover, the EG received better EFL answers from the on-device AI with the forwarding mechanisms. They also felt that X-Education could help them to learn EFL writing better through Q&A. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that X-Education can accommodate not only humans but also all things to improve their knowledge

    Investigation of Students’ and Parents’ Perceptions of Authentic Contextual Learning at Home and Their Mutual Influence on Technological and Pedagogical Aspects of Learning under COVID-19

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    During the COVID-19 pandemic, students have been forced to learn at home. Authentic contexts are essential to designing useful learning activities. Therefore, this study used mobile technology, namely Ubiquitous Geometry (UG), to merge authentic contexts into learning activities and investigate the influence of authentic contextual learning (ACL) on students’ and parents’ perceptions. This is because parents inevitably have an effect on students’ learning at home, which has not been clearly addressed in past studies. This study investigated students’ and parents’ perceptions in terms of technological and pedagogical aspects of the implementation of ACL supported by UG while learning at home. We conducted one experiment on 20 fifth-grade students and their parents. In the students’ acceptance model, the results indicated that students’ ease of use and usefulness significantly influenced their positive attitude toward ACL supported by UG, and the positive attitude also significantly influenced intention to continue using our proposed system in both the technological and pedagogical aspects. In the mutual influence between students’ and parents’ acceptance model, it was found that parents significantly influenced their children’s perceptions of ACL at home. In the mediation analysis, we found parents’ ease of use and intention to use could mediate the relation between students’ positive attitude and intention to use in the pedagogical aspect. From the interview, we found that parents thought that the learning activity in authentic contexts was useful and encouraged their children to do more engagement. However, in the technological aspect of the mutual influence between students’ and parents’ acceptance model, no mediation existed. This might be because parents worried their children were overusing mobile devices

    Applications of Reciprocal Teaching in Flipped Classroom to Facilitate High Level of Cognition for Sustainable Learning Practices

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    In traditional engineering education, students usually have little training on project implementation. Therefore, students have few chances to cultivate and develop their high-level cognitive abilities for the sake of achieving sustainable learning practices. We carried out two consecutive studies to overcome this issue. In both studies, we incorporated a flipped classroom approach into the project-based engineering education curriculum. Twelve junior graduate students majoring in electrical engineering participated in Study 1, and ten junior graduate students participated in Study 2. They all took the Signal Processing of Power Quality Disturbances class and practiced their skills in a computer lab, using LabView software. After we found from the results of Study 1 that the learning activities placed a heavier load on students and their advanced cognitive skills were not developed well, the reciprocal teaching method was introduced to students in Study 2. We assumed that the reciprocal teaching method could improve these outcomes, as well as achieve sustainable learning practices. The results demonstrated that students’ load in Study 2 was reduced, and their high-level cognitive skills improved compared to those in Study 1. Based on these results, we conclude that the reciprocal teaching method can be incorporated into the flipped classroom during project-based engineering education, as it helps prevent students from becoming overloaded, facilitates cognitive abilities from basic to high, and ensures sustainable learning practices

    A Study of the Use of Wearable Devices for Healthy and Enjoyable English as a Foreign Language Learning in Authentic Contexts

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    We designed an English as a foreign language (EFL) learning activity supported by smart watches to combine EFL learning with physical exercise such as walking around the school community. We tested the feasibility of our approach to facilitate EFL learning and make it healthy and enjoyable through single subject experimental design. In addition, we researched the affordances of smart watches for EFL learning and healthy and enjoyable living. We collected the following data: (1) student learning outcomes evaluations, (2) a questionnaire survey, and (3) interviews with the students. According to our results, the students performed the best on learning tasks when they used smart watches. The students perceived that smart watches were easy to use and useful for EFL learning. They also perceived that the learning activity supported by smart watches was useful for their health and positive emotions. The students mentioned several features of smart watches that were useful for EFL learning, physical activity, and positive emotions. For example, the dictionary in smart watches helped the students translate unfamiliar vocabulary, and the fitness tracking tool helped track and record the number of steps taken. The students were happy to learn EFL and to monitor their physical activity progress using smart watches. Furthermore, a significant correlation between learning performance and physical activity was revealed, suggesting that the students who did more physical exercise are those who demonstrate better learning performance. On the other hand, no correlation between learning performance and student perceptions and between physical activity and student perceptions was found, suggesting that most students, no matter how well they performed and exercised, had positive perceptions. Based on our results, we suggest designing learning activities combined with physical exercise supported by smart watches to facilitate EFL learning, physical activity, and positive emotions