9,312 research outputs found

    What-and-Where to Match: Deep Spatially Multiplicative Integration Networks for Person Re-identification

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    Matching pedestrians across disjoint camera views, known as person re-identification (re-id), is a challenging problem that is of importance to visual recognition and surveillance. Most existing methods exploit local regions within spatial manipulation to perform matching in local correspondence. However, they essentially extract \emph{fixed} representations from pre-divided regions for each image and perform matching based on the extracted representation subsequently. For models in this pipeline, local finer patterns that are crucial to distinguish positive pairs from negative ones cannot be captured, and thus making them underperformed. In this paper, we propose a novel deep multiplicative integration gating function, which answers the question of \emph{what-and-where to match} for effective person re-id. To address \emph{what} to match, our deep network emphasizes common local patterns by learning joint representations in a multiplicative way. The network comprises two Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) to extract convolutional activations, and generates relevant descriptors for pedestrian matching. This thus, leads to flexible representations for pair-wise images. To address \emph{where} to match, we combat the spatial misalignment by performing spatially recurrent pooling via a four-directional recurrent neural network to impose spatial dependency over all positions with respect to the entire image. The proposed network is designed to be end-to-end trainable to characterize local pairwise feature interactions in a spatially aligned manner. To demonstrate the superiority of our method, extensive experiments are conducted over three benchmark data sets: VIPeR, CUHK03 and Market-1501.Comment: Published at Pattern Recognition, Elsevie

    Deep Adaptive Feature Embedding with Local Sample Distributions for Person Re-identification

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    Person re-identification (re-id) aims to match pedestrians observed by disjoint camera views. It attracts increasing attention in computer vision due to its importance to surveillance system. To combat the major challenge of cross-view visual variations, deep embedding approaches are proposed by learning a compact feature space from images such that the Euclidean distances correspond to their cross-view similarity metric. However, the global Euclidean distance cannot faithfully characterize the ideal similarity in a complex visual feature space because features of pedestrian images exhibit unknown distributions due to large variations in poses, illumination and occlusion. Moreover, intra-personal training samples within a local range are robust to guide deep embedding against uncontrolled variations, which however, cannot be captured by a global Euclidean distance. In this paper, we study the problem of person re-id by proposing a novel sampling to mine suitable \textit{positives} (i.e. intra-class) within a local range to improve the deep embedding in the context of large intra-class variations. Our method is capable of learning a deep similarity metric adaptive to local sample structure by minimizing each sample's local distances while propagating through the relationship between samples to attain the whole intra-class minimization. To this end, a novel objective function is proposed to jointly optimize similarity metric learning, local positive mining and robust deep embedding. This yields local discriminations by selecting local-ranged positive samples, and the learned features are robust to dramatic intra-class variations. Experiments on benchmarks show state-of-the-art results achieved by our method.Comment: Published on Pattern Recognitio

    Estimate black hole masses of AGNs using ultraviolet emission line properties

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    Based on the measured sizes of broad line region of the reverberation-mapping AGN sample, two new empirical relations are introduced to estimate the central black hole masses of radio-loud high-redshift (z>0.5z > 0.5) AGNs. First, using the archival IUE/HSTIUE/HST spectroscopy data at UV band for the reverberation-mapping objects, we obtained two new empirical relations between the BLR size and \Mg/\C emission line luminosity. Secondly, using the newly determined black hole masses of the reverberation-mapping sample for calibration, two new relationships for determination of black hole mass with the full width of half maximum and the luminosity of \Mg/\C line are also found. We then apply the relations to estimate the black hole masses of AGNs in Large Bright Quasar Surveyq and a sample of radio-loud quasars. For the objects with small radio-loudness, the black hole mass estimated using the R_{\rm BLR} - L_{\eMg/\eC} relation is consistent with that from the RBLR−L3000A˚/1350A˚R_{BLR} - L_{3000\AA/1350 \AA} relation. But for radio-loud AGNs, the mass estimated from the R_{BLR} - L_{\eMg/\eC} relation is systematically lower than that from the continuum luminosity L3000A˚/1350A˚L_{3000\AA/1350\AA}. Because jets could have significant contributions to the UV/optical continuum luminosity of radio-loud AGNs, we emphasized again that for radio-loud AGNs, the emission line luminosity may be a better tracer of the ionizing luminosity than the continuum luminosity, so that the relations between the BLR size and UV emission line luminosity should be used to estimate the black hole masses of high redshift radio-loud AGNs.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figure

    Energy-Efficient Train Control with Onboard Energy Storage Systems considering Stochastic Regenerative Braking Energy

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    With the rapid development of energy storage technology, onboard energy storage systems(OESS) have been applied in modern railway systems to help reduce energy consumption. In addition, regenerative braking energy utilization is becoming increasingly important to avoid energy waste in the railway systems, undermining the sustainability of urban railway transportation. However, the intelligent energy management of the trains equipped with OESSs considering regenerative braking energy utilization is still rare in the field. This paper considers the stochastic characteristics of the regenerative braking power distributed in railway power networks. It concurrently optimizes the train trajectory with OESS and regenerative braking energy utilization. The expected regenerative braking power distribution can be obtained based on the Monte-Carlo simulation of the train timetable. Then, the integrated optimization using mixed integer linear programming (MILP) can be conducted and combined with the expected available regenerative braking energy. A generic four-station railway system powered by one traction substation is modeled and simulated for the study. The results show that by applying the proposed method, 68.8% of the expected regenerative braking energy in the environment will be further utilized. The expected amount of energy from the traction substation is reduced by 22.0% using the proposed train control method to recover more regenerative braking energy from improved energy interactions between trains and OESSs

    Optimal Sizing of On-Board Energy Storage Devices for Electrified Railway Systems

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