238,685 research outputs found

    Family Structure, Early Sexual Behavior, and Premarital Births

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    In this paper, we argue that entry into first sexual intercourse is a key process mediating the effects of family structure on premarital childbearing. We explicate three ways in which onset of sexual activity can mediate effects of family structure on premarital first births. First, the gross association between family structure and premarital birth risks may be due entirely to the effect of family structure on age at first intercourse. Second, the earlier the age at first intercourse, the longer the duration of exposure to the risk of a premarital first birth. Third, an early age at first intercourse may proxy unmeasured individual characteristics correlated with age at onset but uncorrelated with other variables in the model. We develop methods to assess such mediating effects and analyze data from two sources, the 1979-93 National Longitudinal Survey of Youth and the 1988 National Survey of Family Growth. We find that age at first intercourse partially mediates the effect on premarital birth risks of both snapshot measures of family structure at age 14 and a time-varying measure of the number of family transitions, but that significant effects of these variables remain net of age at first intercourse. Delaying age at intercourse by one year reduces the cumulative relative risk of a premarital first birth by a similar amount for both white and black women. For black women, the magnitude of this effect is roughly the same as that of residing in a mother-only family at age 14.

    Experimentally realizable control fields in quantum Lyapunov control

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    As a hybrid of techniques from open-loop and feedback control, Lyapunov control has the advantage that it is free from the measurement-induced decoherence but it includes the system's instantaneous message in the control loop. Often, the Lyapunov control is confronted with time delay in the control fields and difficulty in practical implementations of the control. In this paper, we study the effect of time-delay on the Lyapunov control, and explore the possibility of replacing the control field with a pulse train or a bang-bang signal. The efficiency of the Lyapunov control is also presented through examining the convergence time of the controlled system. These results suggest that the Lyapunov control is robust gainst time delay, easy to realize and effective for high-dimensional quantum systems

    On Binary Codes from Conics in PG(2,q)

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    Let A be the incidence matrix of passant lines and internal points with respect to a conic in PG(2, q), where q is an odd prime power. In this article, we study both geometric and algebraic properties of the column null space L of A over the finite field of 2 elements. In particular, using methods from both finite geometry and modular presentation theory, we manage to compute the dimension of L, which provides a proof for the conjecture on the dimension of the binary code generated by L