90 research outputs found

    Experimental realization of non-Abelian gauge potentials and topological Chern state in circuit system

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    Gauge fields, both Abelian and non-Abelian type, play an important role in modern physics. It prompts extensive studies of exotic physics on a variety of platforms. In this work, we present building blocks, consist of capacitors and inductors, for implementing non-Abelian gauge fields in circuit system. Based on these building blocks, we experimentally synthesize the Rashba-Dresselhaus spin-orbit interaction. Using operational amplifier, to break the time reversal symmetry, we further provide a scheme for designing the topological Chern circuit system. By measuring the chiral edge state of the Chern circuit, we experimentally confirm its topological nature. Our scheme offers a new route to study physics related to non-Abelian gauge field using circuit systems

    LACV-Net: Semantic Segmentation of Large-Scale Point Cloud Scene via Local Adaptive and Comprehensive VLAD

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    Large-scale point cloud semantic segmentation is an important task in 3D computer vision, which is widely applied in autonomous driving, robotics, and virtual reality. Current large-scale point cloud semantic segmentation methods usually use down-sampling operations to improve computation efficiency and acquire point clouds with multi-resolution. However, this may cause the problem of missing local information. Meanwhile, it is difficult for networks to capture global information in large-scale distributed contexts. To capture local and global information effectively, we propose an end-to-end deep neural network called LACV-Net for large-scale point cloud semantic segmentation. The proposed network contains three main components: 1) a local adaptive feature augmentation module (LAFA) to adaptively learn the similarity of centroids and neighboring points to augment the local context; 2) a comprehensive VLAD module (C-VLAD) that fuses local features with multi-layer, multi-scale, and multi-resolution to represent a comprehensive global description vector; and 3) an aggregation loss function to effectively optimize the segmentation boundaries by constraining the adaptive weight from the LAFA module. Compared to state-of-the-art networks on several large-scale benchmark datasets, including S3DIS, Toronto3D, and SensatUrban, we demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed network

    Intervention and Mechanism of Dexmedetomidine on A549 Cells Injured by Hypoxia/Reoxygenation

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    Objective: To investigate the effect and mechanism of dexmedetomidine (DEX) on hypoxia /reoxygenation (H/R) injury of A549 cells. Methods: A549 cells were cultured and randomly divided into four groups (n=10): Normoxic group;DEX group; H/R injury group;H/R injury+DEX intervention group. Observe the morphological changes of cells; Cell viability was detected by cck-8 assay. TUNEL assay was used to detect apoptosis index (AI).Expressions of GRP78, CHOP, JNK, caspase-12, caspase-3 proteins and mRNA were detected by Western Blot and RT-PCR;Detect the activity of caspase-3. Results: Compared with the H group, the OD value and AI value in the HD group were significantly up-regulated, apoptotic cells were significantly decreased, the expressions of CHOP, caspase-12, p-JNK and caspase-3 proteins and mRNA were significantly decreased, the GRP78 protein and mRNA increased, and the caspase-3 activity was significantly decreased, the differences were statistically significant (P<0.01). Conclusion: Dexmedetomidine has a protective effect on A549 cells after H/R injury, which may be related to its inhibition of apoptosis induced by excessive endoplasmic reticulm stress. Keywords: Dexmedetomidine; Hypoxia/Reoxygenationinjury;Apoptosis;Endoplasmicreticulm stress

    Re-channelization of turbidity currents in South China Sea abyssal plain due to seamounts and ridges

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    Turbidity currents can be characterized as net-erosive, net-depositional or net-bypassing. Whether a flow is erosive, depositional or bypasses depends on the flow velocity, concentration and size but these can also be impacted by external controls such as the degree of confinement, slope gradient and substrate type and erodibility. Our understanding of the relative importance of these controls comes from laboratory experiments and numerical modelling, as well as from field data due to the proliferation of high-resolution 3D seismic and bathymetric data, as well as the outcrop and rock record. In this study, based on extensive multibeam and seismic reflection surveys in combination with International Ocean Discovery Program cores from the South China Sea, we document a new mechanism of turbidity current transformation from depositional to erosive resulting in channel incision. We show how confinement by seamounts and bedrock highs of previously unconfined turbidity currents has resulted in the development of seafloor channels. These channels are inferred to be the result of confinement of flows, which have traversed the abyssal plain, leading to flow acceleration allowing them to erode the seafloor substrate. This interpretation is further supported by the coarsening of flow deposits within the area of the seamounts, indicating that confinement has increased flow competency, allowing turbidity currents to carry larger volumes of coarse sediment which has been deposited in this region. This basin-scale depositional pattern suggests that pre-established basin topography can have an important control on sedimentation which can impact characteristics such as potential hydrocarbon storage

    Contourite processes associated with the overflow of Pacific Deep Water within the Luzon Trough: Conceptual and regional implications

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    Overflows through oceanic gateways govern the exchange of water masses in the world's ocean basins. These exchanges also involve energy, salinity, nutrients, and carbon. As such, the physical features that control overflow can exert a strong influence on regional and global climate. Here, we present the first description of sedimentary processes generated by the overflow of Pacific Deep Water (OPDW). This mass flows southward at approximately 2000–3450β€―m water depth within the Luzon Trough (gateway) from the Pacific Ocean into the South China Sea. OPDW can be divided into: a) a lower, denser layer (including an associated weak counter-current), which has generated a large contourite depositional system (CDS-1) that includes large erosional (channel and moat), depositional (mounded and plastered drift), and mixed (terrace) contourite features along the trough bottom and walls, and b) an upper mixing layer, which has not generated any significant depositional or erosional contourite features. Where OPDW does not reach the seafloor, it is underlain by bottom water that circulates more sluggishly but has generated a second contourite depositional system (CDS-2) made of a large sheet-like drift. The OPDW flow has generally enhanced since the middle to late Miocene, except in the shallower northernmost corridor. In the deeper main trough, reductions in width and depth of the gateway by Taiwan orogenic events have likely accelerated the overflow. The latest significant enhancening may promote widespread development of contourite depositional systems along the South China Sea's lower continental slope and adjacent deeper areas. This work highlights the importance of gateway-confined overflows in controlling the morphology and sedimentary evolution of adjacent deep marine sedimentary systems. A clear understanding of overflow processes and their products is essential for decoding tectonic control in oceanographic or paleoceanographic processes

    Down-Regulation of MicroRNA-214 Contributed to the Enhanced Mitochondrial Transcription Factor A and Inhibited Proliferation of Colorectal Cancer Cells

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    Background/Aims: Colon cancer, also known as colorectal cancer (CRC), is one of the most common malignant tumors globally. Although significant advances have been made for developing novel therapeutics, the mechanisms of progression of colorectal cancer are still poorly understood. Methods: In this study, we identified down-regulation of microRNA-214 (miR-214) as the contributing factor for CRC. Mitochondrial transcription factor A (TFAM) and miR-214 expression in tumor samples from colorectal cancer patients and cancer cell lines were examined by reverse transcription and real-Time PCR (qPCR) or Western Blotting. Results: Our data demonstrated that miR-214 was significantly down-regulated in the tissue samples from CRC patients as well as CRC derived cell lines. TFAM overexpression was also observed in CRC patients and identified as a target for miR-214. Knockdown of TFAM by miR-214 mimics significantly inhibited the proliferation of CRC cell lines. Also, down-regulation of TFAM inhibited nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells (NF-ΞΊB) nuclear translocation and the expression of NF-ΞΊB depended genes. Conclusion: In conclusion, our data suggested that down-regulation of MiR-214 contributed to the enhanced TFAM expression and decreased proliferation of CRC cells

    Identification of a TPX2-Like Microtubule-Associated Protein in Drosophila

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    Chromosome segregation during mitosis and meiosis relies on the spindle and the functions of numerous microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs). One of the best-studied spindle MAPs is the highly conserved TPX2, which has been reported to have characteristic intracellular dynamics and molecular activities, such as nuclear localisation in interphase, poleward movement in the metaphase spindle, microtubule nucleation, microtubule stabilisation, microtubule bundling, Aurora A kinase activation, kinesin-5 binding, and kinesin-12 recruitment. This protein has been shown to be essential for spindle formation in every cell type analysed so far. However, as yet, TPX2 homologues have not been found in the Drosophila genome. In this study, I found that the Drosophila protein Ssp1/Mei-38 has significant homology to TPX2. Sequence conservation was limited to the putative spindle microtubule-associated region of TPX2, and intriguingly, D-TPX2 (Ssp1/Mei-38) lacks Aurora A- and kinesin-5-binding domains, which are highly conserved in other animal and plant species, including many insects such as ants and bees. D-TPX2 uniformly localised to kinetochore microtubule-enriched regions of the metaphase spindle in the S2 cell line, and it had microtubule binding and bundling activities in vitro. In comparison with other systems, the contribution of D-TPX2 to cell division seems to be minor; live cell imaging of microtubules and chromosomes after RNAi knockdown identified significant delay in chromosome congression in only 18% of the cells. Thus, while this conserved spindle protein is present in Drosophila, other mechanisms may largely compensate for its spindle assembly and chromosome segregation functions

    The Spatial Association of Gene Expression Evolves from Synchrony to Asynchrony and Stochasticity with Age

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    For multicellular organisms, different tissues coordinate to integrate physiological functions, although this systematically and gradually declines in the aging process. Therefore, an association exists between tissue coordination and aging, and investigating the evolution of tissue coordination with age is of interest. In the past decade, both common and heterogeneous aging processes among tissues were extensively investigated. The results on spatial association of gene changes that determine lifespan appear complex and paradoxical. To reconcile observed commonality and heterogeneity of gene changes among tissues and to address evolution feature of tissue coordination with age, we introduced a new analytical strategy to systematically analyze genome-wide spatio-temporal gene expression profiles. We first applied the approach to natural aging process in three species (Rat, Mouse and Drosophila) and then to anti-aging process in Mouse. The results demonstrated that temporal gene expression alteration in different tissues experiences a progressive association evolution from spatial synchrony to asynchrony and stochasticity with age. This implies that tissue coordination gradually declines with age. Male mice showed earlier spatial asynchrony in gene expression than females, suggesting that male animals are more prone to aging than females. The confirmed anti-aging interventions (resveratrol and caloric restriction) enhanced tissue coordination, indicating their underlying anti-aging mechanism on multiple tissue levels. Further, functional analysis suggested asynchronous DNA/protein damage accumulation as well as asynchronous repair, modification and degradation of DNA/protein in tissues possibly contributes to asynchronous and stochastic changes of tissue microenvironment. This increased risk for a variety of age-related diseases such as neurodegeneration and cancer that eventually accelerate organismal aging and death. Our study suggests a novel molecular event occurring in aging process of multicellular species that may represent an intrinsic molecular mechanism of aging
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