432 research outputs found
Influence of a Strain Rate and Temperature on the Crack Tip Stress and Microstructure Evolution of Monocrystalline Nickel: a Molecular Dynamics Simulation
The effect of a strain rate and temperature on
the crack tip stress and microstructure evolution
ahead of a growing crack in monocrystalline
nickel are studied by molecular dynamics simulations.
The correlation between the microstructure
evolution and stress field near the crack tip
is also explored. The results indicate that the
crack tip stress distribution characteristics and
crack propagation dynamics are closely related
to the microstructure evolution caused by the
change of the strain rate and temperature. At a
lower strain rate and temperature, the crack propagates
by the brittle mechanism without inducing
the change in atomic configuration near the
crack tip. The stress concentration occurs at the
crack tip of a growing crack. The crack propagation
exhibits a gradual brittle-to-ductile transition
with an increase in temperature and a strain
rate. The peak stress is accompanied by the
microstructure evolution ahead of the crack tip.Влияние скорости деформации и температуры на напряжение у вершины трещины и развитие микроструктуры вблизи распространяющейся трещины в монокристаллическом никеле
исследовали с помощью моделирования методом молекулярной динамики. Исследовали корреляцию между развитием микроструктуры и полем напряжений у вершины трещины. Результаты продемонстрировали, что характеристика распределения напряжений у вершины
трещины и динамика распространения трещины тесно связаны с развитием микроструктуры, обусловленной изменением скорости деформации и температуры. При низких скорости
деформации и температуре трещина распространяется по механизму хрупкого разрушения
без воздействия на изменение расположения атомов у ее вершины. Концентрация напряжений возникает у вершины распространяющейся трещины. Распространение трещины
характеризуется постепенным переходом от хрупкого разрушения к пластичному с увеличением температуры и скорости деформации. Максимальное напряжение сопровождается
развитием микроструктуры у вершины трещины.Вплив швидкості деформації і температури на напруження у вістрі тріщини і розвиток мікроструктури поблизу тріщини, що розповсюджується, в монокристалічному
нікелі досліджували за допомогою моделювання методом молекулярної динаміки.
Досліджували кореляцію між розвитком мікроструктури і полем напружень у вістрі
тріщини. Результати показали, що характеристика розподілу напружень у вістрі
тріщини і динаміка поширення тріщини тісно пов’язані з розвитком мікроструктури,
зумовленої зміною швидкості деформації і температури. За низьких швидкості деформації і температури тріщина поширюється по механізму крихкого руйнування без
впливу на зміну розташування атомів у її вістрі. Концентрація напружень виникає у
вістрі тріщини, що поширюється. Поширення тріщини характеризується поступовим
переходом від крихкого руйнування до пластичного з підвищенням температури і
швидкості деформації. Максимальне напруження супроводжується розвитком мікроструктури у вістрі тріщини
Magnetic resonance imaging of glutamate in neuroinflammation
AbstractInflammation in central nervous system (CNS) is one of the most severe diseases, and also plays an impellent role in some neurodegenerative diseases. Glutamate (Glu) has been considered relevant to the pathogenesis of neuroinflammation. In order to diagnose neuroinflammation incipiently and precisely, we review the pathobiological events in the early stages of neuroinflammation, the interactions between Glu and neuroinflammation, and two kinds of magnetic resonance techniques of imaging Glu (chemical exchange saturation transfer and magnetic resonance spectroscopy)
Hawking radiation, W-infinity algebra and trace anomalies
We apply the "trace anomaly method" to the calculation of moments of the
Hawking radiation of a Schwarzschild black hole. We show that they can be
explained as the fluxes of chiral currents forming a W-infinity algebra. Then
we construct the covariant version of these currents and verify that up to
order 6 they are not affected by any trace anomaly. Using cohomological methods
we show that actually, for the fourth order current, no trace anomalies can
exist. The results reported here are strictly valid in two dimensions.Comment: 22 pages, typos correcte
Influence of DC winding configuration on its induced voltage in wound field machines
DC winding induced voltage pulsation in the wound field synchronous machines (WFSMs) will cause dc winding current ripple, challenge the dc power supply, and deteriorate the control performance, especially at high speed. In this paper, the influence of dc winding configuration including the dc coil number and the parallel branch number on its induced voltage pulsation is investigated for WFSMs. Based on the modeling of both open-circuit and on-load dc winding induced voltages, the preferred dc winding configurations for WFSMs having various stator/rotor pole number combinations with double layer or single layer ac windings are obtained and validated by finite element (FE) analysis on four typical partitioned stator WFSMs (PS-WFSMs). A PS-WFSM prototype is built and tested to validate both analytical and FE analyses
Reduction of open-circuit dc-winding-induced voltage in wound field switched flux machines by skewing
In this paper, the open-circuit dc-winding-induced voltage in a wound field switched flux (WFSFs) machines is analyzed. The phenomenon of open-circuit dc-winding-induced voltage is illustrated and the mechanism is explained. Rotor skewing is proposed to reduce the open-circuit dc-winding-induced voltage, and the optimal skewing angle is analytically derived based on the analytically deduced harmonic orders of the open-circuit dc-winding-induced voltage. Finite-element (FE) analyses show that the open-circuit dc-winding-induced voltages in the analyzed 12-stator-pole partitioned stator WFSF machines having 10-, 11-, 13-, and 14-rotor-pole rotors can be effectively reduced by >94%, while the ac-winding phase-fundamental back-EMFs can be maintained by >95%. Twelve/ten-stator/rotor-pole prototypes with skewed and nonskewed rotors are built and tested to verify the analytical and FE results
Thermodynamics of charged and rotating black strings
We study thermodynamics of cylindrically symmetric black holes. Uncharged as
well as charged and rotating objects have been discussed. We derive surface
gravity and hence the Hawking temperature and entropy for all these cases. We
correct some results in the literature and present new ones. It is seen that
thermodynamically these black configurations behave differently from
spherically symmetric objects
Performance Comparison between Consequent-Pole and Inset Modular Permanent Magnet Machines
This paper proposes some consequent-pole modular
permanent magnet machines with different flux gap widths
and slot/pole number combinations. The corresponding inset
modular permanent magnet machines having the same
magnet volume are also presented for comparison. It has been
demonstrated that the output torques of the consequent pole
modular machines are always higher than those of the inset
modular machines regardless of flux gap widths and slot/pole
number combinations. Other electromagnetic performances
such as back-EMF, cogging torque, and iron losses, etc. are
calculated by 2D FEA software and compared as well. The
advantages and disadvantages of consequent and inset
modular permanent magnet machines are summarized in this
Charmless Decays Based on the six-quark Effective Hamiltonian with Strong Phase Effects II
We provide a systematic study of charmless decays (
and denote pseudoscalar and vector mesons, respectively) based on an
approximate six-quark operator effective Hamiltonian from QCD. The calculation
of the relevant hard-scattering kernels is carried out, the resulting
transition form factors are consistent with the results of QCD sum rule
calculations. By taking into account important classes of power corrections
involving "chirally-enhanced" terms and the vertex corrections as well as weak
annihilation contributions with non-trivial strong phase, we present
predictions for the branching ratios and CP asymmetries of decays into
PP, PV and VV final states, and also for the corresponding polarization
observables in VV final states. It is found that the weak annihilation
contributions with non-trivial strong phase have remarkable effects on the
observables in the color-suppressed and penguin-dominated decay modes. In
addition, we discuss the SU(3) flavor symmetry and show that the symmetry
relations are generally respected
Weak Phase and Strong Phase from CP Averaged and Decays
Assuming SU(3) symmetry for the strong phases in the four decay modes
B\rarrow \pi^-\pi^+, \pi^0 \pi^+, \pi^- K^+, \pi^- \bar{K}^0 and ignoring the
relative small electroweak penguin effects in those decays, the weak phase
and the strong phase can be determined in a model independent
way by the CP-averaged branching ratios of the four decay modes. It appears
that the current experimental data for and decays prefer
a negative value of . By combining with the other
constraints from , mixings and indirect
CP-violating parameter within the standard model, two favorable
solutions for the phases and are found to lie in the region:
35^{\circ}\alt\gamma\alt 62^{\circ} and 106^{\circ}\alt \delta \alt
180^{\circ} or 86^{\circ}\alt\gamma\alt 151^{\circ} and
0^{\circ}\alt\delta\alt 75^{\circ} within 1 standard deviation. It
is noted that if allowing the standard deviation of the data to be more than
1, the two solutions could approach to one solution with a much larger
region for the phases and . Direct CP asymme try
in B\rarrow \pi^-K^+ decay can be as large as
the present experimental upper bound. Direct CP asymmetry
in B\rarrow \pi^-\pi^+ decay can reach up to
about 40% at 1 level.Comment: 14 Pages, ReVTeX, 5 figures, one figure (Fig.3) is correcte
Anomaly analysis of Hawking radiation from Kaluza-Klein black hole with squashed horizon
Considering gravitational and gauge anomalies at the horizon, a new method
that to derive Hawking radiations from black holes has been developed by
Wilczek et al. In this paper, we apply this method to non-rotating and rotating
Kaluza-Klein black holes with squashed horizon, respectively. For the rotating
case, we found that, after the dimensional reduction, an effective U(1) gauge
field is generated by an angular isometry. The results show that the gauge
current and energy-momentum tensor fluxes are exactly equivalent to Hawking
radiation from the event horizon.Comment: 15 pages, no figures, the improved version, accepted by Eur. Phys. J.
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