72 research outputs found

    A new lookup model for multiple flow tables of open flow with implementation and optimization considerations

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from IEEE via the DOI in this record.Open Flow has become the key standard for the southbound interface of software defined networking. The single flow table of Open Flow implementation can lead to fast storage space growth, and finally cause table-overflow, the multiple flow tables can address this problem and provide greater efficiency and flexibility. Through analyzing the potential deployment challenges of Open Flow, this paper proposes a new lookup model with implementation and optimization considerations for multiple flow tables in an Open Flow switch. With the developed lookup model, the original single flow table is split into multiple sub-flow tables, and the fields in each sub-flow table are further divided into several categories according to different field types. Preliminary simulation results demonstrate that the proposed solution can effectively reduce the storage space of flow tables

    H-SOFT: a heuristic storage space optimisation algorithm for flow table of OpenFlow

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    PublishedThis is the peer reviewed version of the article, which has been published in final form at DOI 10.1002/cpe.3206. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving.OpenFlow has become the key standard and technology for software defined networking, which has been widely adopted in various environments. However, the global deployment of OpenFlow encountered several issues, such as the increasing number of fields and complex structure of flow entries, making the size of flow table in OpenFlow switches explosively grows, which results in hardware implementation difficulty. To this end, this paper presents the modelling on the minimisation for storage space of flow table and proposes a Heuristic Storage space Optimisation algorithm for Flow Table (H-SOFT) to solve this optimisation problem. The H-SOFT algorithm degrades the complex and high-dimensional fields of a flow table into multiple flow tables with simple and low-dimensional fields based on the coexistence and conflict relationships among fields to release the unused storage space due to blank fields. Extensive simulation experiments demonstrate that the H-SOFT algorithm can effectively reduce the storage space of flow table. In particular, with frequent updates on flow entries, the storage space compression rate of flow table is stable and can achieve at ~70%. Moreover, in comparison with the optimal solution, the H-SOFT algorithm can achieve the similar compression rate with much lower execution time.National Natural Science Foundation of ChinaNational Program on Key Basic Research Project (973 Program)Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of SciencesNational High-Tech R&D Program of China (863 Program

    Integrated photonics modular arithmetic processor

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    Integrated photonics computing has emerged as a promising approach to overcome the limitations of electronic processors in the post-Moore era, capitalizing on the superiority of photonic systems. However, present integrated photonics computing systems face challenges in achieving high-precision calculations, consequently limiting their potential applications, and their heavy reliance on analog-to-digital (AD) and digital-to-analog (DA) conversion interfaces undermines their performance. Here we propose an innovative photonic computing architecture featuring scalable calculation precision and a novel photonic conversion interface. By leveraging Residue Number System (RNS) theory, the high-precision calculation is decomposed into multiple low-precision modular arithmetic operations executed through optical phase manipulation. Those operations directly interact with the digital system via our proposed optical digital-to-phase converter (ODPC) and phase-to-digital converter (OPDC). Through experimental demonstrations, we showcase a calculation precision of 9 bits and verify the feasibility of the ODPC/OPDC photonic interface. This approach paves the path towards liberating photonic computing from the constraints imposed by limited precision and AD/DA converters.Comment: 23 pages, 9 figure

    Experimenting adaptive services in sea-cloud innovation environment

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    Most of existing network testbeds can only support the experimentation of L2~L4 forwarding protocols, leaving the evaluation of L4~L7 applications still a tremendous challenge. This paper pioneers to present the design of sea-cloud innovation environment (SCIE) based on the software defined networking (SDN) and network functions virtualization (NFV) paradigms to support adaptive service-oriented experimentation, where the virtualized network functions (VNFs) can be implemented or deimplemented dynamically on network devices according to ondemand requirements. The experimentation is running to form an adaptive chain of network functions, which can be achieved by the protocol oblivious forwarding (POF) via user-defined fields and generic flow instruction set to forward the data to appropriate devices with VNFs. In SCIE, we demonstrate the experimentation of DPI service with on-demand requirement of security check

    Optimizacija upravljanja brzinom mobilnog robota s izbjegavanjem prepreka zasnovana na teoriji vijabilnosti

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    The navigation efficiency of wheeled robots needs to be further improved. Although related research has proposed various approaches, most of them describe the relationship between the robot and the obstacle roughly. Viability theory concerns the dynamic adaptation of evolutionary systems to the environment. Based on viability, we explore a method that involves robot dynamic model, environmental constraints and navigation control. The method can raise the efficiency of the navigation. We treat the environment as line segments to reduce the computational difficulty for building the viability condition constraints. Although there exists lots of control values which can be used to drive the robot safely to the goal, it is necessary to build an optimization model to select a more efficient control value for the navigation. Our simulation shows that viability theory can precisely describe the link between robotic dynamics and the obstacle, and thus can help the robot to achieve radical high speed navigation in an unknown environment.Postoji potreba za unaprijeđenjem učinkovitosti navigacije mobilnih robota. Iako su vezana istraživanja predložila različite pristupe, većina ne opisuje precizno odnos između robota i prepreke. Teorija vijabilnosti istražuje dinamičke adaptacije evolucijskih sustava njihovoj okolini. U članku istražujemo metodu koja može povećati učinkovitost navigacije, zasnovanu na vijabilnosti koja uključuje dinamički model robota, ograničenja okoline robota i samu navigaciju. Radna okolina predstavljena je ravnim crtama kako bi se smanjila računska složenost izgradnje ograničenja. Iako postoji veliki broj iznosa upravljačkih veličina koje bi sigurno uputile robota prema cilju, potrebno je izraditi optimizacijski model koji bi odabrao učinkovitiju upravljačku vrijednost za navigaciju. Izvedene simulacije pokazuju da teorija vijabilnosti može precizno opisati vezu između prepreke i dinamike robota te na taj način pomoći robotu da postigne radikalno veće brzine pri navigaciji u nepoznatim prostorima

    A Kernel-space POF virtual switch

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    Protocol Oblivious Forwarding (POF) aims at providing a standard southbound interface for sustainable Software Defined Networking (SDN) evolvement. It overcomes the limitations of popular Open Flow protocols (an existing widely-adopted southbound interface), through the enhancement of SDN forwarding plane. This paper pioneers the design and implementation of a Kernel-space POF Virtual Switch (K_POFVS) on Linux platform. K_POFVS can improve the packet processing speed, through fast packet forwarding and the capability of adding/deleting/modifying protocol fields in kernel space. In addition, it is able to enhance flow table matching speed, by separating the mask table (consisting of flow entry masks used to figure out the matching field) and the flow table under a caching mechanism. Furthermore, K_POFVS can achieve efficient communication between the kernel space and the user space, via extending the Netlink communication between them. Experimental results show that K_POFVS can provide much better performance than existing user-space POF virtual switches, in terms of packet forwarding delay, packet processing delay and packet transmission rateThis work is partially supported by the National Program on Key Basic Research Project of China (973 Program) under Grant No. 2012CB315803, the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences under grant No. XDA06010306, the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No. 61303241, and the University of Exeterā€™s Innovation Platform ā€“ Link Fund under Award No. LF207

    Mitigating NO_x emissions does not help alleviate wintertime particulate pollution in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei (BTH), China

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    Stringent mitigation measures have reduced wintertime PM_(2.5) concentrations by 42.2% from 2013 to 2018 in the BTH. The observed nitrate aerosols have not exhibited a significant decreasing trend and constituted a major fraction (about 20%) of the total PM_(2.5), although the surface-measured NOā‚‚ level has decreased by over 20%. It still remains elusive about contributions of nitrogen oxides (NO_x) emissions mitigation to the nitrate and PM_(2.5) level. The WRF-Chem model simulations of a persistent haze episode in January 2019 in the BTH reveal that NO_x emissions mitigation does not help lower wintertime nitrate and PM_(2.5) concentrations under current conditions in the BTH, because the substantial Oā‚ƒ increase induced by NO_x mitigation offsets the HNOā‚ƒ loss and enhances sulfate and secondary organic aerosols formation. Our results are further consolidated by occurrence of the severe PM pollution in the BTH during the COVID-19 outbreak with a significant reduction of NOā‚‚

    Mitigating NO_x emissions does not help alleviate wintertime particulate pollution in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei (BTH), China

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    Stringent mitigation measures have reduced wintertime PM_(2.5) concentrations by 42.2% from 2013 to 2018 in the BTH. The observed nitrate aerosols have not exhibited a significant decreasing trend and constituted a major fraction (about 20%) of the total PM_(2.5), although the surface-measured NOā‚‚ level has decreased by over 20%. It still remains elusive about contributions of nitrogen oxides (NO_x) emissions mitigation to the nitrate and PM_(2.5) level. The WRF-Chem model simulations of a persistent haze episode in January 2019 in the BTH reveal that NO_x emissions mitigation does not help lower wintertime nitrate and PM_(2.5) concentrations under current conditions in the BTH, because the substantial Oā‚ƒ increase induced by NO_x mitigation offsets the HNOā‚ƒ loss and enhances sulfate and secondary organic aerosols formation. Our results are further consolidated by occurrence of the severe PM pollution in the BTH during the COVID-19 outbreak with a significant reduction of NOā‚‚

    Impact of emission controls on air quality in Beijing during APEC 2014: implications from water-soluble ions and carbonaceous aerosol in PM2.5 and their precursors

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    Stringent emission controls during the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Summit (APEC; November 5ā€“11, 2014) provide a valuable opportunity to examine the impact of such measures on the chemical properties of PM2.5 and other air pollutants. Here, we measured the water-soluble inorganic ions (WSII) and carbonaceous species in PM2.5, NH3 and NO2 at multiple sites in Beijing between September and November 2014. Relative to the pre-APEC period (September and October 2014), significant reductions in the average concentrations of WSII (69% for NO3āˆ’, 68% for SO42āˆ’, 78% for NH4+, and 29ā€“71% for other species), elemental carbon (EC, 43%) and organic carbon (OC, 45%) in PM2.5 were found during the APEC period. The contributions of secondary inorganic ions (SIA, including SO42āˆ’, NO3āˆ’, and NH4+) to PM2.5 were significantly lower during the APEC period (9ā€“44%), indicating a combination of lower gaseous precursor emissions and a relative weak secondary aerosol formation. Ion-balance calculations indicated that the PM2.5 sample in the pre-APEC period was alkaline but was acidic during the APEC period. Relatively lower mean concentrations of EC (1.5ā€ÆĪ¼gā€Æmāˆ’3), OC (10.5ā€ÆĪ¼gā€Æmāˆ’3), secondary organic carbon (SOC, 3.3ā€ÆĪ¼gā€Æmāˆ’3), secondary organic aerosol (SOA, 5.9ā€ÆĪ¼gā€Æmāˆ’3) and primary organic aerosol (POA, 10.0ā€ÆĪ¼gā€Æmāˆ’3) appeared during the APEC period. The average concentrations of NH3 and NO2 at all road sites were significantly reduced by 48 and 60% during the APEC period, which is consistent with clear reductions in satellite NH3 columns over Beijing city in the same period. This finding suggests that reducing traffic emissions could be a feasible method to control urban NH3 pollution. During the APEC period, concentrations of PM2.5, PM10, NO2, SO2 and CO from the Beijing city monitoring network showed significant reductions at urban (20ā€“60%) and rural (18ā€“57%) sites, whereas O3 concentrations increased significantly (by 93% and 53%, respectively). The control measures taken in the APEC period substantially decreased PM2.5 pollution but can increase ground O3, which also merits attention
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