1,751 research outputs found

    On the evidence derived from the anatomical analysis of wooden remains from archaeological excavation

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    Large eddy simulation of plume dispersion behind an aircraft in the take-off phase

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    The aim of this paper is to provide an investigation, using large eddy simulation, into plume dispersion behind an aircraft in co-flowing take-off conditions. Validation studies of the computational model were presented by Aloysius and Wrobel (Environ Model Softw 24:929–937, 2009) and a study of the flow and dispersion properties of a double-engine aircraft jetwas presented by Aloysius et al. EEC/SEE/2007/001,EUROCONTROLExperimentalCentre, http://www.eurocontrol.int/eec/gallery/content/public/document/eec/report/2007/ 032_ALAQS_comparison_of_CFD_and_Lagrangian_dispersion_methods.pdf), in which only the engine was modelled. In this paper, the complete geometry of a Boeing 737 is modelled and investigated. The currentwork represents a contribution towards a better understanding of the source dynamics behind an airplane jet engine during the take-off and landing phases. The information provided from these simulations will be useful for future improvements of existing dispersion models

    Steep-Spectrum Radio Emission from the Low-Mass Active Galactic Nucleus GH 10

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    GH 10 is a broad-lined active galactic nucleus (AGN) energized by a black hole of mass 800,000 Solar masses. It was the only object detected by Greene et al. in their Very Large Array (VLA) survey of 19 low-mass AGNs discovered by Greene & Ho. New VLA imaging at 1.4, 4.9, and 8.5 GHz reveals that GH 10's emission has an extent of less than 320 pc, has an optically-thin synchrotron spectrum with a spectral index -0.76+/-0.05, is less than 11 percent linearly polarized, and is steady - although poorly sampled - on timescales of weeks and years. Circumnuclear star formation cannot dominate the radio emission, because the high inferred star formation rate, 18 Solar masses per year, is inconsistent with the rate of less than 2 Solar masses per year derived from narrow Halpha and [OII] 3727 emission. Instead, the radio emission must be mainly energized by the low-mass black hole. GH 10's radio properties match those of the steep-spectrum cores of Palomar Seyfert galaxies, suggesting that, like those Seyferts, the emission is outflow-driven. Because GH 10 is radiating close to its Eddington limit, it may be a local analog of the starting conditions, or seeds, for supermassive black holes. Future imaging of GH 10 at higher resolution thus offers an opportunity to study the relative roles of radiative versus kinetic feedback during black-hole growth.Comment: 7 pages; 2 figures; emulateapj; to appear in Ap

    X-ray Properties of Radio-Selected Dual Active Galactic Nuclei

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    Merger simulations predict that tidally induced gas inflows can trigger kpc-scale dual active galactic nuclei (dAGN) in heavily obscured environments. Previously with the Very Large Array, we have confirmed four dAGN with redshifts between 0.04<z<0.220.04 < z < 0.22 and projected separations between 4.3 and 9.2 kpc in the SDSS Stripe 82 field. Here, we present ChandraChandra X-ray observations that spatially resolve these dAGN and compare their multi-wavelength properties to those of single AGN from the literature. We detect X-ray emission from six of the individual merger components and obtain upper limits for the remaining two. Combined with previous radio and optical observations, we find that our dAGN have properties similar to nearby low-luminosity AGN, and they agree well with the black hole fundamental plane relation. There are three AGN-dominated X-ray sources, whose X-ray hardness-ratio derived column densities show that two are unobscured and one is obscured. The low obscured fraction suggests these dAGN are no more obscured than single AGN, in contrast to the predictions from simulations. These three sources show an apparent X-ray deficit compared to their mid-infrared continuum and optical [OIII] line luminosities, suggesting higher levels of obscuration, in tension with the hardness-ratio derived column densities. Enhanced mid-infrared and [OIII] luminosities from star formation may explain this deficit. There is ambiguity in the level of obscuration for the remaining five components since their hardness ratios may be affected by non-nuclear X-ray emissions, or are undetected altogether. They require further observations to be fully characterized.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Outflow-Dominated Emission from the Quiescent Massive Black Holes in NGC 4621 and NGC 4697

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    The nearby elliptical galaxies NGC 4621 and NGC 4697 each host a supermassive black hole with a mass more than 1e8 Solar masses. Analysis of archival Chandra data and new NRAO Very Large Array data shows that each galaxy contains a low-luminosity active galactic nucleus (LLAGN), identified as a faint, hard X-ray source that is astrometrically coincident with a faint 8.5-GHz source. The latter has a diameter less than 0.3 arcsec (26 pc for NGC 4621, 17 pc for NGC 4697). The black holes energizing these LLAGNs have Eddington ratios L(2-10 keV) / L(Edd) ~ 1e-9, placing them in the so-called quiescent regime. The emission from these quiescent black holes is radio-loud, with log Rx = log nuLnu(8.5 GHz) / L(2-10 keV) ~ -2, suggesting the presence of a radio outflow. Also, application of the radio-X-ray-mass relation from Yuan & Cui for quiescent black holes predicts the observed radio luminosities nuLnu(8.5 GHz) to within a factor of a few. Significantly, that relation invokes X-ray emission from the outflow rather than from an accretion flow. The faint, but detectable, emission from these two massive black holes is therefore consistent with being outflow-dominated. Observational tests of this finding are suggested.Comment: 11 pages; 4 figures: emulateapj; to appear in Ap

    Multi-focal laser surgery: cutting enhancement by hydrodynamic interactions between cavitation bubbles

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    Transparent biological tissues can be precisely dissected with ultrafast lasers using optical breakdown in the tight focal zone. Typically, tissues are cut by sequential application of pulses, each of which produces a single cavitation bubble. We investigate the hydrodynamic interactions between simultaneous cavitation bubbles originating from multiple laser foci. Simultaneous expansion and collapse of cavitation bubbles can enhance the cutting efficiency by increasing the resulting deformations in tissue, and the associated rupture zone. An analytical model of the flow induced by the bubbles is presented and experimentally verified. The threshold strain of the material rupture is measured in a model tissue. Using the computational model and the experimental value of the threshold strain one can compute the shape of the rupture zone in tissue resulting from application of multiple bubbles. With the threshold strain of 0.7 two simultaneous bubbles produce a continuous cut when applied at the distance 1.35 times greater than that required in sequential approach. Simultaneous focusing of the laser in multiple spots along the line of intended cut can extend this ratio to 1.7. Counter-propagating jets forming during collapse of two bubbles in materials with low viscosity can further extend the cutting zone - up to a factor of 1.54.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures. Paper is accepted for publication in Physical Review

    A VLBA search for binary black holes in active galactic nuclei with double-peaked optical emission line spectra

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    We have examined a subset of 11 active galactic nuclei (AGN) drawn from a sample of 87 objects that possess double-peaked optical emission line spectra, as put forward by Wang et al. (2009a) and are detectable in the FIRST survey at radio wavelengths. The double-peaked nature of the optical emission line spectra has been suggested as evidence for the existence of binary black holes in these AGN, although this interpretation is controversial. We make a simple suggestion, that direct evidence of binary black holes in these objects could be searched for in the form of dual sources of compact radio emission associated with the AGN. To explore this idea, we have used the Very Long Baseline Array to observe these 11 objects from the Wang et al. (2009a) sample. Of the 11 objects, we detect compact radio emission from two, SDSS J151709+335324 and SDSS J160024+264035. Both objects show single components of compact radio emission. The morphology of SDSS J151709+335324 is consistent with a recent comprehensive multi-wavelength study of this object by Rosario et al. (2010). Assuming that the entire sample consists of binary black holes, we would expect of order one double radio core to be detected, based on radio wavelength detection rates from FIRST and VLBI surveys. We have not detected any double cores, thus this work does not substantially support the idea that AGN with double-peaked optical emission lines contain binary black holes. However, the study of larger samples should be undertaken to provide a more secure statistical result, given the estimated detection rates.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures. To appear in A
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