61,541 research outputs found
People with learning disabilities and mental health problems: the impact of ethnicity
There is increasing awareness of the needs of people with learning disabilities from different ethnic communities. This paper focuses on the impact of ethnicity on the presentation of mental health problems. The main aim of the paper is to inform those planning and delivering mental
health services for people with learning disabilities of the current evidence, in order to enable their practice to improve health outcomes for people from minority ethnic communitie
Directional genetic differentiation and asymmetric migration
Understanding the population structure and patterns of gene flow within
species is of fundamental importance to the study of evolution. In the fields
of population and evolutionary genetics, measures of genetic differentiation
are commonly used to gather this information. One potential caveat is that
these measures assume gene flow to be symmetric. However, asymmetric gene flow
is common in nature, especially in systems driven by physical processes such as
wind or water currents. Since information about levels of asymmetric gene flow
among populations is essential for the correct interpretation of the
distribution of contemporary genetic diversity within species, this should not
be overlooked. To obtain information on asymmetric migration patterns from
genetic data, complex models based on maximum likelihood or Bayesian approaches
generally need to be employed, often at great computational cost. Here, a new
simpler and more efficient approach for understanding gene flow patterns is
presented. This approach allows the estimation of directional components of
genetic divergence between pairs of populations at low computational effort,
using any of the classical or modern measures of genetic differentiation. These
directional measures of genetic differentiation can further be used to
calculate directional relative migration and to detect asymmetries in gene flow
patterns. This can be done in a user-friendly web application called
divMigrate-online introduced in this paper. Using simulated data sets with
known gene flow regimes, we demonstrate that the method is capable of resolving
complex migration patterns under a range of study designs.Comment: 25 pages, 8 (+3) figures, 1 tabl
Natural environment design requirements for the Spacelab
The natural environment design requirements for the Spacelab, carried to orbital altitudes as cargo in the space shuttle bay, were presented. This includes consideration of the following: neutral atmosphere, charged particles, radiation (galactic cosmic, trapped, and solar particle events), meteoroids, and astrodynamic constants
Velocity resolved spectroscopy of molecular hydrogen emission in NGC6240
NGC6240 is a member of the class of luminous galaxies which emit a significant fraction of their total light in the infrared. Based on its highly disturbed morphology, Fosbury and Wall (1979) suggested that the system may be a merger of two gas rich galaxies. It has two nuclei separated by 2 arcsec which are visible in the near infrared and at radio wavelengths and CO observations show that the galaxy contains a large mass of molecular gas. Unusually strong H2 emission lines dominate the near infrared spectrum of this galaxy. The galaxy emits approximately 4x10(exp 7) solar luminosity in the 2.12 micron v = 1 to 0 S(1) line alone, an order of magnitude more than other merging or starburst galaxies. To provide a better understanding of the physical processes responsible for the H2 emission from NGC6240 we have begun a program to obtain high spectral resolution observations using the echelle in CGS4 on the UKIRT. Preliminary data which were obtained in February 1991 are presented here. It is intended to obtain further observations with twice the spatial and spectral resolution in June of this year
Environmental protection of titanium alloys at high temperatures
Various concepts were evaluated for protecting titanium alloys from oxygen contamination at 922 K (1200 F) and from hot-salt stress-corrosion at 755 K (900 F). It is indicated that oxygen-contamination resistance can be provided by a number of systems, but for hot-salt stress-corrosion resistance, factors such as coating integrity become very important. Titanium aluminides resist oxygen ingress at 922 K through the formation of alumina (on TiAl3) or modified TiO2 (on Ti3Al, TiAl) scales. TiAl has some resistance to attack by hot salt, but has limited ductility. Ductile Ti-Ni and Ti-Nb-Cr-Al alloys provide limited resistance to oxygen ingress, but are not greatly susceptible to hot-salt stress-corrosion cracking
Development of high-emittance scales on thoriated nickel-chromium-aluminum-base alloys
The surface regions of a DSNiCrAl alloy have been doped, by a pack diffusion process, with small amounts of Mn, Fe, or Co, and the effect of these dopants on the total normal emissivity of the scales produced by subsequent high temperature oxidation has been measured. While all three elements lead to a modest increase in emissivity, (up to 23% greater than the undoped alloy) only the change caused by manganese is thermally stable. However, this increased emissivity is within 85 percent of that of TDNiCr oxidized to form a chromia scale. The maganese-doped alloy is some 50 percent weaker than undoped DSNiCrAl after the doping treatment, and approximately 30 percent weaker after oxidation
Quantum state transfer between a Bose-Einstein condensate and an optomechanical mirror
In this paper we describe a scheme for state transfer between a trapped
atomic Bose condensate and an optomechanical end-mirror mediated by a cavity
field. Coupling between the mirror and the cold gas arises from the fact that
the cavity field can produce density oscillations in the gas which in turn acts
as an internal Bragg mirror for the field. After adiabatic elimination of the
cavity field we find that the hybrid system of the gas and mirror is described
by a beam splitter Hamiltonian that allows for state transfer, but only if the
quantum nature of the cavity field is retained
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