63 research outputs found

    Problems with Using Evolutionary Theory in Philosophy

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    Does science move toward truths? Are present scientific theories (approximately) true? Should we invoke truths to explain the success of science? Do our cognitive faculties track truths? Some philosophers say yes, while others say no, to these questions. Interestingly, both groups use the same scientific theory, viz., evolutionary theory, to defend their positions. I argue that it begs the question for the former group to do so because their positive answers imply that evolutionary theory is warranted, whereas it is self-defeating for the latter group to do so because their negative answers imply that evolutionary theory is unwarranted

    Active teacher selection for reinforcement learning from human feedback

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    Reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) enables machine learning systems to learn objectives from human feedback. A core limitation of these systems is their assumption that all feedback comes from a single human teacher, despite querying a range of distinct teachers. We propose the Hidden Utility Bandit (HUB) framework to model differences in teacher rationality, expertise, and costliness, formalizing the problem of learning from multiple teachers. We develop a variety of solution algorithms and apply them to two real-world domains: paper recommendation systems and COVID-19 vaccine testing. We find that the Active Teacher Selection (ATS) algorithm outperforms baseline algorithms by actively selecting when and which teacher to query. The HUB framework and ATS algorithm demonstrate the importance of leveraging differences between teachers to learn accurate reward models, facilitating future research on active teacher selection for robust reward modeling

    Constrained Hierarchical Monte Carlo Belief-State Planning

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    Optimal plans in Constrained Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes (CPOMDPs) maximize reward objectives while satisfying hard cost constraints, generalizing safe planning under state and transition uncertainty. Unfortunately, online CPOMDP planning is extremely difficult in large or continuous problem domains. In many large robotic domains, hierarchical decomposition can simplify planning by using tools for low-level control given high-level action primitives (options). We introduce Constrained Options Belief Tree Search (COBeTS) to leverage this hierarchy and scale online search-based CPOMDP planning to large robotic problems. We show that if primitive option controllers are defined to satisfy assigned constraint budgets, then COBeTS will satisfy constraints anytime. Otherwise, COBeTS will guide the search towards a safe sequence of option primitives, and hierarchical monitoring can be used to achieve runtime safety. We demonstrate COBeTS in several safety-critical, constrained partially observable robotic domains, showing that it can plan successfully in continuous CPOMDPs while non-hierarchical baselines cannot.Comment: Under review for the 2024 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA

    Decision Making in Non-Stationary Environments with Policy-Augmented Search

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    Sequential decision-making under uncertainty is present in many important problems. Two popular approaches for tackling such problems are reinforcement learning and online search (e.g., Monte Carlo tree search). While the former learns a policy by interacting with the environment (typically done before execution), the latter uses a generative model of the environment to sample promising action trajectories at decision time. Decision-making is particularly challenging in non-stationary environments, where the environment in which an agent operates can change over time. Both approaches have shortcomings in such settings -- on the one hand, policies learned before execution become stale when the environment changes and relearning takes both time and computational effort. Online search, on the other hand, can return sub-optimal actions when there are limitations on allowed runtime. In this paper, we introduce \textit{Policy-Augmented Monte Carlo tree search} (PA-MCTS), which combines action-value estimates from an out-of-date policy with an online search using an up-to-date model of the environment. We prove theoretical results showing conditions under which PA-MCTS selects the one-step optimal action and also bound the error accrued while following PA-MCTS as a policy. We compare and contrast our approach with AlphaZero, another hybrid planning approach, and Deep Q Learning on several OpenAI Gym environments. Through extensive experiments, we show that under non-stationary settings with limited time constraints, PA-MCTS outperforms these baselines.Comment: Extended Abstract accepted for presentation at AAMAS 202

    Experience Filter: Using Past Experiences on Unseen Tasks or Environments

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    One of the bottlenecks of training autonomous vehicle (AV) agents is the variability of training environments. Since learning optimal policies for unseen environments is often very costly and requires substantial data collection, it becomes computationally intractable to train the agent on every possible environment or task the AV may encounter. This paper introduces a zero-shot filtering approach to interpolate learned policies of past experiences to generalize to unseen ones. We use an experience kernel to correlate environments. These correlations are then exploited to produce policies for new tasks or environments from learned policies. We demonstrate our methods on an autonomous vehicle driving through T-intersections with different characteristics, where its behavior is modeled as a partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP). We first construct compact representations of learned policies for POMDPs with unknown transition functions given a dataset of sequential actions and observations. Then, we filter parameterized policies of previously visited environments to generate policies to new, unseen environments. We demonstrate our approaches on both an actual AV and a high-fidelity simulator. Results indicate that our experience filter offers a fast, low-effort, and near-optimal solution to create policies for tasks or environments never seen before. Furthermore, the generated new policies outperform the policy learned using the entire data collected from past environments, suggesting that the correlation among different environments can be exploited and irrelevant ones can be filtered out.Comment: Accepted at IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV) 202