20 research outputs found

    Rice sheath blight control (2009)

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    Sheath blight is the most destructive disease Missouri rice growers face. Crop losses may range from slight to heavy each year, depending on weather, the plant growth stage when infection occurs, the extent of infection and the rice varieties grown. The severity of sheath blight in Missouri has increased in recent years due to increased use of highly susceptible varieties, a lack of crop rotation, thicker stands and use of higher nitrogen (N) rates, and earlier planting dates.Authors: Allen Wrather (Professor of Plant Pathology, Division of Plant Sciences, Delta Center, Portageville), Laura Sweets (Extension Associate Professor, Plant Pathology, Division of Plant Sciences)Blight symptoms -- Cause of sheath blight -- Control -- Fungicide use -- Scouting for sheath blight.Revised 9/200

    Cedar apple rust (1996)

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    In Missouri, cedar apple rust can be a destructive apple disease if you don't use adequate controls. It also attacks red cedars, as the name implies, causing unsightly galls, but damage is usually minimal. Understanding of the disease cycle of this rust fungus is necessary for proper identification and control.Revised 2/96/5M

    Soybean disease management (1998)

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    New 12/92, Revised 7/98/7M

    Wheat take-all (1997)

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    Take-all is a disease of the roots, crown, and stem base of wheat. It interrupts plant development and may seriously suppress yields. A common problem of winter wheat in North America, Take-all occurs in Missouri especially under cool, damp conditions. The name originated in Australia in the middle of the last century when the disease 'took all' seedlings it attacked. In Missouri the disease seldom affects seedlings but more commonly attacks wheat plants at the tillering stage. This publication provides a description of the disease as well as some tips on how to control it

    Cotton seedling diseases : answers to frequently asked questions (1994)

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    New March 25, 1994

    Aflatoxins in Corn (2010)

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    Aflatoxin is a term generally used to refer to a group of extremely toxic chemicals produced by two molds, Aspergillus flavus and A. parasiticus. This publication provides information about aflatoxins in corn

    Rice blast control (2009)

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    Blast, also called rotten neck, is one of the most destructive diseases of Missouri rice. Losses due to this disease have been on the increase since 2000. Blast does not develop every year but is very destructive when it occurs

    Management of grain sorghum diseases in Missouri (2009)

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    Grain sorghum is the sixth most valuable field crop grown in Missouri. Unfortunately, diseases damage this crop, causing lower yields and reduced grower profits. Fortunately, most diseases of grain sorghum can be managed by planting resistant varieties and adopting certain cultural practices. This publication will help you identify diseases in your grain sorghum crop and select the best disease management tactics

    Cotton seedling diseases : answers to frequently asked questions (2009)

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    This article, in question and answer format, offers advice on common diseases of cotton seedlings

    Soybean rust (2004)

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    Asian soybean rust is a serious foliage disease that has the potential to cause significant soybean yield losses. Although Asian soybean rust was identified on soybean plants in Hawaii in 1994, the disease was not reported in the continental United States until the fall of 2004. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) released an official notice of the confirmation of soybean rust on soybean leaf samples collected in Louisiana on Nov. 10, 2004. Over the next few weeks the fungus was detected on plants from a number of additional states, including Missouri. Now that Asian soybean rust has been found in the continental United States, it is critical that anyone involved in soybean production be familiar with the disease and its identification and management. This publication will describe the history, symptoms, development and management of soybean rust