286 research outputs found


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    Voice in the languages of Nusa Tenggara Barat

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    The Naval Officer in an Age of Revolution

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    In greeting the many distinguished guests who are here tonight, I want to say a word of special greetings to a man without whose work neither I, nor anybody who writes on World War II, would be able to function. I am proud that among those present is the great historian Samuel Eliot Morison

    The Naval Officer in an Age of Revolution

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    In the first of the Spruance Lecture Series, and the initial lecture delivered in the college\u27s newly dedicated Spruance Hall, Mr. Herman Wouk presents a timely and fascinating perspective on the revolutionary changes affecting our world. To be effective in his profession, the naval officer must posses an understanding of the social forces that have molded contemporary society

    The history and typology of western Austronesian voice systems

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    The Role of Positive Emotions in Perinatal Mental Health and Breastfeeding

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    Major medical organizations in the U.S. recommend exclusive breastfeeding for six months, with continued breastfeeding through the first year or longer as desired by the woman and her infant. Public health programs have primarily aimed to increase breastfeeding duration and exclusivity without addressing the emotional experience of breastfeeding. Barbara Fredrickson’s broaden-and-build theory of positive emotions suggests that experiences of positive emotions lead to adaptive benefits by broadening thoughts and actions, facilitating the accrual of resources to improve health and well-being. In the context of the postpartum, this theory suggests that positive emotions experienced during infant feeding may broaden the scope of a mother’s thoughts and actions, allowing her to build resources to cope with challenges. We used longitudinal data from the Mood, Mother and Infant cohort of women followed from the third trimester across the first year postpartum to test the extent to which positive emotions during infant feeding were associated with postpartum depression and anxiety and breastfeeding outcomes. We used generalized linear mixed effects models and time-to-event analyses to explore these associations, exploring modification by women’s baseline psychopathology. Among women without a diagnosis of prenatal depression, positive emotions during feeding were inversely associated with postpartum depression symptoms. On the other hand, among women with a diagnosis of prenatal anxiety, positive emotions were associated with significantly lower postpartum anxiety symptoms. We speculate that women with prenatal anxiety who neverthess enjoy the experience of infant feeding may benefit from anxiolytic effects of oxytocin during breastfeeding and mother-infant interaction. Positive emotions were not significantly associated with time to any breast milk feeding cessation; however, positive emotions were significantly associated with a longer time to exclusive breast milk feeding cessation and with a better overall maternal breastfeeding experience, especially with dimensions of maternal enjoyment, role attainment, and lifestyle compatibility. Positive feelings about breastfeeding in the first week were similarly associated with breastfeeding outcomes, suggesting the importance of the early maternal experience of breastfeeding on long-term outcomes. Mother-centered programs and policies that support the experiential aspects of infant feeding may improve postpartum mental health, breastfeeding rates, and maternal satisfaction with breastfeeding.Doctor of Philosoph

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    L I M I T E S D I A L E T A I

    C’est personnel !

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    Exposées dans les bibliothèques, musées et galeries derrière leur plaque protectrice de verre ou de papier cristal, les estampes du début de l’époque moderne peuvent nous sembler des objets statiques, faits pour être contemplés à distance ou manipulés avec grand soin. Altered and Adorned (Altérées et Ornées), l’exposition organisée par l’Art Institute de Chicago en 2011, a montré que la relation avec les estampes à l’aube de la modernité se caractérisait par une dynamique bien plus active et ..
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