136 research outputs found


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    In the context of the environmental challenges we are facing, technology is often seen as both a cause of and a potential remedy for humanity’s environmental impact. Green consumer information systems (IS) have shown to be powerful in promoting individuals’ pro-environmental behavior. Yet, there is little knowledge about the mechanisms of how information systems lead to a sustainable change in behavior for the good. To fill this gap, we propose an experiment on the basis of a research model that sheds light on two critical aspects of how green consumer IS affects pro-environmental behavior: First, green consumer IS may be used to induce higher-level construals that foster superordinate de-terminants of pro-environmental behavior by displaying rather abstract than concrete information. Second, we analyze the direct and indirect role of technology adoption as a means to motivate pro-environmental behavior. To test our hypotheses, we propose an online experiment on eco-driving feedback and present first drafts of stimuli. Implications for consumer IS theory as well as for practice regarding feedback design are discussed


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    Online communities are common means to maintain and extend private social networks. In addition, they also offer new ways for enterprises to connect and collaborate with customers, employees, and business partners. However, key challenge for online communities is engaging community members thereby keeping the community successful and alive. This is especially true for communities, which leverage advertising as a source of revenue. A potential means to compensate negative participation effects and foster contribution is social normative feedback being known as one of the most powerful levers of behavioral change. However, we want to challenge the power of this instrument in the context of communities building upon advertising and propose a respective field experiment with 600 participants. Our findings will be important for the design of online communities considering or relying on advertising as a source of revenue

    Internet of Things - Technology and Value Added

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    Barriers to IoT Business Model Innovation

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    The vision of an Internet of Things (IoT), in which virtually all physical things become connected to the internet, promises enormous economic potential. The IoT might disrupt entire industries and it forces companies to rethink their current business activities. In light of these challenges, research on business model innovation (BMI) can offer promising insights. This research paper aims to contribute to the emerging BMI literature by identifying innovation barriers in an IoT context. 16 barriers are identified on the basis of ten expert interviews that were conducted with employees from five multinational companies. The contributions of our study might lay a fruitful ground for future research, e.g. in respect to prescriptive IoT BMI processes or quantitative investigations of IoT success

    A Procedure Model for Enterprise-Wide Authorization Architecture

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    Design Theory

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    A Maturity Model for Management Control Systems: Five Evolutionary Steps to Guide Development

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    Corporate management in today's international companies has become increasingly complex. To cope with the growing challenges, information technology (IT)-based management control systems (MCSs) covering reporting, planning, and consolidation have been deployed. Despite their tradition in management research, the ‘right' setup of MCSs is still challenging. Maturity models (MMs) are an established instrument to identify strengths and weaknesses of certain domains. As existing MMs rather focus on single MCS domains, neglect an IT perspective and miss a sound methodical foundation, this paper outlines an empirically and algorithmically constructed MCS MM. The model consists of three partial MMs for reporting, planning, and consolidation, which are integrated into one holistic MCS MM. The five levels of the MCS MM guide MCS evolution from a basic, mandatory/external-driven MCS (level1) to a balanced MCS (level2), and a comprehensive MCS (level3). Ultimately, MCSs show a strong strategic focus (level4) and leverage the potentials of modern IT (level5


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    Data privacy has become a strategic issue. Companies increasingly rely on personal data to advance their business models. However, in doing so they must address ever-growing customer concerns, thus necessitating that they go beyond merely complying with regulations. Strategic privacy principles that reflect strategic privacy choices are the fundamental pillars for companies’ privacy strategies. Our data set covers strategic privacy principles from 171 Forbes Global 2000 companies that communicate them externally. Our preliminary results show that these companies take six different positions on data privacy. The positions are those of trust builders, data shepherds, data professionals, data caretakers, privacy minimalists and data justifiers. Executives can leverage our insights to actively influence the positioning of their company by defining or adapting its strategic privacy principles. Moreover, our clustering results provide a basis for further analysis of strategic privacy positions, the results of which may have implications for companies’ financial performance

    Method Support of Information Requirements Analysis for Analytical Information Systems: State of the Art, Practice Requirements, and Research Agenda

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    Due to specific characteristics of analytical information systems, their development varies significantly from transaction-oriented systems. Specific method support is particularly needed for requirements engineering and its information-related component, information requirements analysis. The paper at hand first evaluates the state of the art and identifies necessary method support extensions. On this basis, method support requirements for information requirements engineering are identified. The survey is structured along the five core activities of traditional requirements engineering. It reveals a need for further research especially on information requirements elicitation, validation, and management. It further contributes to a discussion of aspects that should be considered by any method support. Due to comparatively long life cycles of analytical information systems, the introduction of a process perspective is discussed in order to ensure the continuous elicitation, documentation, and management of information requirement

    Entwicklungsstufen des Unternehmensarchitekturmanagements

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    Zusammenfassungen: Je nach Ausgestaltung kann Unternehmensarchitekturmanagement (UAM) eine wichtige Komponente des strategischen IT-Managements bilden — oder auch nicht. Um die Ausgestaltungsmöglichkeiten besser zu verstehen, führen wir zunächst UAM-Dimensionen ein und beschreiben auf dieser Grundlage vier zentrale UAM-Entwick-lungsstufen, deren letzte >>strategisches UAM<< ist. Die vier Entwicklungsstufen ermöglichen dem Leser die Positionierung des jeweils realisierten UAM im eigenen Unternehmen sowie die Definition eines angemessenen Zielzustands. Drei Kurzfallstudien zeigen konkret auf, in welchen Variationen strategisches UAM umgesetzt und in welcher Weise dadurch strategisches Informationsmanagement unterstützt werden kan
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