1,194 research outputs found

    Аналіз аутсорсингу логістичної діяльності

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    Досліджено теоретичні аспекти аутсорсингу логістичної діяльності, основні мотиви, переваги та недоліки використання логістичного аутсорсингу, розглянуті основні проблеми розвитку аутсорсингу в Україні та шляхи їх подолання.The article shows the theoretical aspects of outsourcing logistics activities. The main motives, advantages and disadvantages of using logistics outsourcing, the basic problem of outsourcing in Ukraine and ways to overcome them

    Оцінка дії бальзаму "Трускавецький" в складі стандартного бальнеотерапевтичного комплексу на нейро-гормональну регуляцію у дітей шкільного віку

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    Бальзам "Трускавецкий", включенный в состав стандартного бальнеотерапевтического комплекса (СБТК) курорта Трускавец, у детей без иммунодефицита реверсирует ваготонический эффект СБТК в симпатотонический и снижает уровень кортизола, не влияя существенно на повышенный уровень альдостерона. У детей с иммунодефицитом симпатотонический и кортизолингибиторный эффекты бальзама проявляются менее отчетливо.Balm "Truskavets'kyi", included in structure of standard balneotherapeutic complex (SB&C) of a spa Truskavets', at children without immunodeficiency reverces vagotonic effect of SBTC in sympathotonic also reduces a cortisol level, not influencing essentially on the increased aldosteron level. At children with immunodeficiency sympathotonic and cortisolinhibiting effects of balm are shown less clearly

    A study of the adjustment of children removed from Buva College Rescue Home and Training School for Negro Children: Nashville, Tennessee

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    There is general agreement among persons who work with children that the quality of care which a child receives from his parents, especially his mother, in his early years is of vital importance to his future personality development. Bowlby points out that what is believed to be essential for mental health is that the infant and young child should experience a warm, intimate, and continuous relationship with his mother (or permanent mother-substitute) in which both find satisfaction and enjoyment. This relationship is best provided through the child\u27s own family. While it is recognized that relationships between parents and their children vary widely in quality because of the needs of the various members, in most instances even the bad parents provide for the child that sense of security for which there can be no substitute. Even when the basic needs of the child are not met, if he is not totally rejected by his parents he is secure in the knowledge that there is someone to whom he is of value and who will strive, even though inadequately, to provide for him until such time as he can fend for himself. While the full meaning a child\u27s own family may have for him cannot be discounted, there are times when placement outside the child\u27s own home is inevitable. As it becomes necessary for a child to be separated from his parents, whether the plan for placement is made by the parents themselves or one of the child-placing agencies, the kind of placement will have far-reaching consequences for him. It is for this reason that any plan of substitute care must be used selectively for the individual child

    The Next Frontier in Industiral Energy Efficiency

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    Industry contributes directly and indirectly (through consumed electricity) about 37% of the global greenhouse gas emissions, of which over 80% is from energy use. Total energy-related emissions, which were 9.9 GtCO2 in 2004, have grown by 65% since 1971. In the near future, energy efficiency is potentially the most important and cost-effective means for mitigating greenhouse gas emissions from industry. Despite the growth in energy use, industry has almost continuously improved its energy efficiency over the past decades. Yet, climate change and other future challenges will drive a quest for further energy-efficiency improvement. Both improvements with which industrial processes use energy and materials are key to realize strong reductions energy use. This paper discusses the potential contribution of industrial energy and material efficiency technologies to reduce energy use and greenhouse gas emissions to 2030 and beyond, and ways to realize them

    What's Decidable about Discrete Linear Dynamical Systems?

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    We survey the state of the art on the algorithmic analysis of discrete linear dynamical systems, and outline a number of research directions

    Problems in the Use of Business Data on Tape

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    Problems in the Use of Business Data on Tap

    Метаморфози терміна "ідентичність" у західній філософській традиції

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    Стаття присвячена інтерпретації категорії «ідентичність» у європейській філософській традиції від Парменіда до П. Рікера. Авторка виокремлює головні чотири парадигми її тлумачення: космологічну, теоцентричну, новоєвропейську та сучасну. У статті також простежується еволюція змістовних значень слова «ідентичність» у західній та вітчизняній філософії та інших галузях гуманітарного знання.Статья посвящена интерпретации категории «идентичность» в европейской философской традиции от Парменида до П. Рикера. Автор выделяет четыре главные парадигмы её толкования: космологическую, теоцентрическую, новоевропейскую и современную. В статье также прослеживается эволюция содержательных значений слова «идентичность» в западной и отечественной философии и других областях гуманитарного знания