6 research outputs found

    Factors Affecting Energy Efficiency and CO2 Reduction in The Manufacturing Firms of Thailand

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    Objective: The current study investigated the effects of management commitment, energy awareness, energy knowledge, energy audit towards energy efficiency which was further examined towards CO2 reduction in manufacturing firms of Thailand.Methodology: The sample of this study was gathered from manufacturing firms of Thailand and the sample size was 148 responses. The data was collected in a quantifiable manner and was analyzed using PLS-SEM.Findings: The paper should that energy audits have a positive and significant effect on energy efficiency. Energy awareness has a positive and significant effect on energy efficiency. Energy efficiency has a positive and significant effect on CO2 reduction. Energy knowledge has a positive and significant effect on energy efficiency. The management committee has a positive and significant effect on energy efficiency.Recommendations: Investing in human resource growth provides signs of determination to produce the desired results and, combined with administration encouragement and determination, the expected success can be achieved

    An Ontology Model for Medical Tourism Supply Chain Knowledge Representation

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    This study developed an application ontology related to the medical tourism supply chain domain (MTSC). The motivation for developing an ontology is that current MTSC studies use a descriptive approach to provide knowledge, which is difficult to comprehend and apply. The formalization of MTSC knowledge can provide medical tourism stakeholders with a shared understanding of the medical tourism business. As a result, the MTSC domain requires efficient semantic knowledge representation. Ontology is a popular approach for integrating knowledge and comprehension because it presents schema and knowledge base in an accurate and relevant feature. This paper employed the ontology engineering methodology, which included specification, conceptualization, and implementation steps. The conceptual model and facets of the MTSC are proposed. The MTSC objective and scope are tested with semantic competency questions against SPARQL Query formulations. The ontology metrics evaluation was used to verify the ontology quality including the external validation done by the domain experts. The results showed that the MTSC ontology has an appropriate schema design, terminologies, and query results. 2022. All Rights Reserved.This work was supported by the National Research and Innovation Information System (Project-code 2563NRCT321664, 2020).Scopu

    Exploring the Competency Gap of it Students in Thailand: The Employers' View of an Effective Workforce

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    Adapting to the digital economy is part of the national agenda in many countries. Developing IT workforces to support business growth and innovation in Thailand is now a matter of urgency. Universities which are directly responsible for producing graduates for the employment market lack direction in designing curricula because they lack understanding of industry requirements. The absence of industrial demand research leads to a loss of opportunity to develop skills within the country's working population and to maximize productive employment. The study described in this paper focused on IT internship students' competencies and aimed to analyze the gap in information technology competencies between employers' expectations and their assessment of the current competencies of intern students they employ, and to analyze the important areas which make up an effective IT student from the employers' perspective. The digital competence framework and the information technology competency model were modified to generate a structured questionnaire comprising closed-ended items, which was sent to organizations that are collaborating on work-integrated learning programs with universities in Thailand. Descriptive statistics, correlation and regression analysis were used as the analysis tools. The results found that employers' highest expectations were in respect of the self-effectiveness competency and that students do not meet their expectations in that area. However, the interns exceed the employers' expectations in respect of workplace ability and industry-wide core IT foundation skills. The regression models constructed suggested that the performance of IT students in the academic literacy and workplace ability competencies were most predictive of the average level of employers' expectations. The findings from this empirical study can be used by universities to support curriculum reform in order to meet industry requirements and by students who need to be aware of employers' needs in order to prepare themselves for employment in the IT industry

    A Cooperative Education Learning Framework to Develop Undergraduate Students' Work Competencies

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    This work was supported in part by the ETHICS-FED Projet www.camt.cmu.ac.th/ethicsfed/ (This project is funded by The European Commission Thailand-EC Cooperation Facility, Reference: EuropeAid/126-031/L/ACT/TH)This paper proposes a Cooperative Education Learning Framework for developing the necessary competencies of undergraduate student before entering a workplace. The framework structure is incorporated with the Personal and Professional Project (PPP) of the Institut Universitaire de Technologie Lumière. It is also formulated with the competencies gap analysis that is integrated with David Garvin's “Learning in Action” theory. This allows students to have an opportunity to think, analyze, and plan for reflection in the future; otherwise known as After Action Review (AAR). Although the learning framework can be implemented there needs to be some minor adjustments. These adjustments include the learning activities and processes, competencies requirements, and an apprenticeship rhythm and method