114 research outputs found

    Closure Duration in the Classification of Stops: A statistical analysis

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    This study was supported by grants from the Harvard-Yenching Institute and the National Science Foundation (#INT-8314687)

    Collective spin systems in dispersive optical cavity QED: Quantum phase transitions and entanglement

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    We propose a cavity QED setup which implements a dissipative Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick model -- an interacting collective spin system. By varying the external model parameters the system can be made to undergo both first-and second-order quantum phase transitions, which are signified by dramatic changes in cavity output field properties, such as the probe laser transmission spectrum. The steady-state entanglement between pairs of atoms is shown to peak at the critical points and can be experimentally determined by suitable measurements on the cavity output field. The entanglement dynamics also exhibits pronounced variations in the vicinities of the phase transitions.Comment: 19 pages, 18 figures, shortened versio

    Entanglement and bifurcations in Jahn-Teller models

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    We compare and contrast the entanglement in the ground state of two Jahn-Teller models. The E⊗βE\otimes\beta system models the coupling of a two-level electronic system, or qubit, to a single oscillator mode, while the E⊗ϵE\otimes\epsilon models the qubit coupled to two independent, degenerate oscillator modes. In the absence of a transverse magnetic field applied to the qubit, both systems exhibit a degenerate ground state. Whereas there always exists a completely separable ground state in the E⊗βE\otimes\beta system, the ground states of the E⊗ϵE\otimes\epsilon model always exhibit entanglement. For the E⊗βE\otimes\beta case we aim to clarify results from previous work, alluding to a link between the ground state entanglement characteristics and a bifurcation of a fixed point in the classical analogue. In the E⊗ϵE\otimes\epsilon case we make use of an ansatz for the ground state. We compare this ansatz to exact numerical calculations and use it to investigate how the entanglement is shared between the three system degrees of freedom.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, comments welcome; 2 references adde

    Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox without entanglement

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    We claim that the nonlocality without entanglement revealed quite recently by Bennett {\it et al.} [quant-ph/9804053] should be rather interpreted as {\it Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox without entanglement}. It would be true nonlocality without entanglement if one knew that quantum mechnics provides the best possible means for extracting information from physical system i.e. that it is ``operationally complete''.Comment: RevTeX, 2 page

    Interference in dielectrics and pseudo-measurements

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    Inserting a lossy dielectric into one arm of an interference experiment acts in many ways like a measurement. If two entangled photons are passed through the interferometer, a certain amount of information is gained about which path they took, and the interference pattern in a coincidence count measurement is suppressed. However, by inserting a second dielectric into the other arm of the interferometer, one can restore the interference pattern. Two of these pseudo-measurements can thus cancel each other out. This is somewhat analogous to the proposed quantum eraser experiments.Comment: 7 pages RevTeX 3.0 + 2 figures (postscript). Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    On 1-qubit channels

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    The entropy H_T(rho) of a state rho with respect to a channel T and the Holevo capacity of the channel require the solution of difficult variational problems. For a class of 1-qubit channels, which contains all the extremal ones, the problem can be significantly simplified by associating an Hermitian antilinear operator theta to every channel of the considered class. The concurrence of the channel can be expressed by theta and turns out to be a flat roof. This allows to write down an explicit expression for H_T. Its maximum would give the Holevo (1-shot) capacity.Comment: 12 pages, several printing or latex errors correcte

    Bell's Theorem from Moore's Theorem

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    It is shown that the restrictions of what can be inferred from classically-recorded observational outcomes that are imposed by the no-cloning theorem, the Kochen-Specker theorem and Bell's theorem also follow from restrictions on inferences from observations formulated within classical automata theory. Similarities between the assumptions underlying classical automata theory and those underlying universally-unitary quantum theory are discussed.Comment: 12 pages; to appear in Int. J. General System

    Classical Structures Based on Unitaries

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    Starting from the observation that distinct notions of copying have arisen in different categorical fields (logic and computation, contrasted with quantum mechanics) this paper addresses the question of when, or whether, they may coincide. Provided all definitions are strict in the categorical sense, we show that this can never be the case. However, allowing for the defining axioms to be taken up to canonical isomorphism, a close connection between the classical structures of categorical quantum mechanics, and the categorical property of self-similarity familiar from logical and computational models becomes apparent. The required canonical isomorphisms are non-trivial, and mix both typed (multi-object) and untyped (single-object) tensors and structural isomorphisms; we give coherence results that justify this approach. We then give a class of examples where distinct self-similar structures at an object determine distinct matrix representations of arrows, in the same way as classical structures determine matrix representations in Hilbert space. We also give analogues of familiar notions from linear algebra in this setting such as changes of basis, and diagonalisation.Comment: 24 pages,7 diagram

    Quantum uniqueness

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    In the classical world one can construct two identical systems which have identical behavior and give identical measurement results. We show this to be impossible in the quantum domain. We prove that after the same quantum measurement two different quantum systems cannot yield always identical results, provided the possible measurement results belong to a non orthogonal set. This is interpreted as quantum uniqueness - a quantum feature which has no classical analog. Its tight relation with objective randomness of quantum measurements is discussed.Comment: Presented at 4th Feynman festival, June 22-26, 2009, in Olomouc, Czech Republic
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