1,260 research outputs found

    Modelling tidal energy converters in TELEMAC-3D

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    Achieving a Strongly Temperature-Dependent Casimir Effect

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    We propose a method of achieving large temperature sensitivity in the Casimir force that involves measuring the stable separation between dielectric objects immersed in fluid. We study the Casimir force between slabs and spheres using realistic material models, and find large > 2nm/K variations in their stable separations (hundreds of nanometers) near room temperature. In addition, we analyze the effects of Brownian motion on suspended objects, and show that the average separation is also sensitive to changes in temperature . Finally, this approach also leads to rich qualitative phenomena, such as irreversible transitions, from suspension to stiction, as the temperature is varied

    Classical and fluctuation-induced electromagnetic interactions in micronscale systems: designer bonding, antibonding, and Casimir forces

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    Whether intentionally introduced to exert control over particles and macroscopic objects, such as for trapping or cooling, or whether arising from the quantum and thermal fluctuations of charges in otherwise neutral bodies, leading to unwanted stiction between nearby mechanical parts, electromagnetic interactions play a fundamental role in many naturally occurring processes and technologies. In this review, we survey recent progress in the understanding and experimental observation of optomechanical and quantum-fluctuation forces. Although both of these effects arise from exchange of electromagnetic momentum, their dramatically different origins, involving either real or virtual photons, lead to different physical manifestations and design principles. Specifically, we describe recent predictions and measurements of attractive and repulsive optomechanical forces, based on the bonding and antibonding interactions of evanescent waves, as well as predictions of modified and even repulsive Casimir forces between nanostructured bodies. Finally, we discuss the potential impact and interplay of these forces in emerging experimental regimes of micromechanical devices.Comment: Review to appear on the topical issue "Quantum and Hybrid Mechanical Systems" in Annalen der Physi

    The Hot R Coronae Borealis Star DY Centauri is a Binary

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    The remarkable hot R Coronae Borealis (RCB) star DY Cen is revealed to be the first and only binary system to be found among the RCB stars and their likely relatives, including the extreme helium stars and the hydrogen-deficient carbon stars. Radial velocity determinations from 1982 to 2010 have shown that DY Cen is a single-lined spectroscopic binary in an eccentric orbit with a period of 39.67 days. It is also one of the hottest and most H-rich member of the class of RCB stars. The system may have evolved from a common envelope to its current form.Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness AYA-2011-27754McDonald Observator

    Space-based retrievals of air-sea gas transfer velocities using altimeters: Calibration for dimethyl sulfide

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    This study is the first to directly correlate gas transfer velocity, measured at sea using the eddy-correlation (EC) technique, and satellite altimeter backscattering. During eight research cruises in different parts of the world, gas transfer velocity of dimethyl sulfide (DMS) was measured. The sample times and locations were compared with overpass times and locations of remote sensing satellites carrying Ku-band altimeters: ERS-1, ERS-2, TOPEX, POSEIDON, GEOSAT Follow-On, JASON-1, JASON-2 and ENVISAT. The result was 179 pairs of gas transfer velocity measurements and backscattering coefficients. An inter-calibration of the different altimeters significantly reduced data scatter. The inter-calibrated data was best fitted to a quadratic relation between the inverse of the backscattering coefficients and the gas transfer velocity measurements. A gas transfer parameterization based on backscattering, corresponding with sea surface roughness, might be expected to perform better than wind speed-based parameterizations. Our results, however, did not show improvement compared to direct correlation of shipboard wind speeds. The relationship of gas transfer velocity to satellite-derived backscatter, or wind speed, is useful to provide retrieval algorithms. Gas transfer velocity (cm/hr), corrected to a Schmidt number of 660, is proportional to wind speed (m/s). The measured gas transfer velocity is controlled by both the individual water-side and air-side gas transfer velocities. We calculated the latter using a numerical scheme, to derive water-side gas transfer velocity. DMS is sufficiently soluble to neglect bubble-mediated gas transfer, thus, the DMS transfer velocities could be applied to estimate water-side gas transfer velocities through the unbroken surface of any other gas Key Points: - Show relations between altimeter data and field values of air-sea gas transfer - DMS gas transfer velocity can be used to estimate direct gas transfer of any gas - Direct gas transfer velocity (for Sc = 660) is roughly double 10 m wind spee

    I Called My Thesis This Because the F-Word Was Unacceptable in the Original Title That I Presented to the University Library

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    My early work consisted of highly aestheticized photographs of natural objects taken in extreme close-up. Working as a self-described scientist, I used an unusual macro camera lens (Canon MP-E 65mm) to achieve high magnification of my subject, which I isolated from disruptive vibrations in a home "lab" of sorts. The emerging patterns in backlit leaves replicated abstract satellite imagery and introduced me to the idea of fractal patterns, naturally occurring repeating patterns similar at any viewed scale. Think of the similarities between the veins in your body, the neurons in your brain, and the tributaries of a river, all three form dendritic fractals, but at massively different scales from the micrometer, the millimeter, and the kilometer, respectively. Dendrite itself is a term originating from the Greek word dendron, meaning tree; trees too share this pattern in both their branches, roots, and in the leaf structures that my original study explored
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