259 research outputs found

    Discovery and Observations of ASASSN-13db, an EX Lupi-Type Accretion Event on a Low-Mass T Tauri Star

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    We discuss ASASSN-13db, an EX Lupi-type ("EXor") accretion event on the young stellar object (YSO) SDSS J051011.01−-032826.2 (hereafter SDSSJ0510) discovered by the All-Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN). Using archival photometric data of SDSSJ0510 we construct a pre-outburst spectral energy distribution (SED) and find that it is consistent with a low-mass class II YSO near the Orion star forming region (d∼420d \sim 420 pc). We present follow-up photometric and spectroscopic observations of the source after the ΔV∼−\Delta V \sim-5.4 magnitude outburst that began in September 2013 and ended in early 2014. These data indicate an increase in temperature and luminosity consistent with an accretion rate of ∼10−7\sim10^{-7} M⊙\rm{M}_\odot yr−1^{-1}, three or more orders of magnitude greater than in quiescence. Spectroscopic observations show a forest of narrow emission lines dominated by neutral metallic lines from Fe I and some low-ionization lines. The properties of ASASSN-13db are similar to those of the EXor prototype EX Lupi during its strongest observed outburst in late 2008.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, 1 table. Updated May 2014 to reflect changes in the final version published in ApJL. Photometric data presented in this submission are included as ancillary files. For a brief video explaining this paper, see http://youtu.be/yRCCrNJnvt

    Hydrodynamic simulations of classical novae; CO and ONe white dwarfs are supernova ia progenitors

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    Cataclysmic Variables (CVs) and Symbiotic Binaries are close (or not so close) binary star systems which contain both a white dwarf (WD) primary and a larger cooler secondary star that typically fills its Roche Lobe. The cooler star is losing mass through the inner Lagrangian point of the binary and a fraction of this material is accreted by the WD. Here we report on our hydrodynamic studies of the thermonuclear runaway (TNR) in the accreted material that ends in a Classical Nova explosion. We have followed the evolution of the TNRs on both carbon-oxygen (CO) and oxygen-neon (ONe) WDs. We report on 3 studies in this paper. First, simulations in which we accrete only solar matter using NOVA (our 1-D, fully implicit, hydro code). Second, we use MESA for similar studies in which we accrete only Solar matter and compare the results. Third, we accrete solar matter until the TNR is ongoing and then switch the composition in the accreted layers to a mixed composition: either 25% WD and 75% solar or 50% WD and 50% Solar. We find that the amount of accreted material is inversely proportional to the initial 12C abundance (as expected). Thus, accreting solar matter results in a larger amount of accreted material to fuel the outburst; much larger than in earlier studies where a mixed composition was assumed from the beginning of the simulation. Our most important result is that all these simulations eject significantly less mass than accreted and, therefore, the WD is growing in mass toward the Chandrasekhar Limit

    Carbon-Oxygen Classical Novae Are Galactic 7Li Producers as well as Potential Supernova Ia Progenitors

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    We report on studies of classical nova (CN) explosions where we follow the evolution of thermonuclear runaways (TNRs) on carbon-oxygen (CO) white dwarfs (WDs). We vary both the mass of the WD (from 0.6 M o˙ to 1.35 M o˙) and the composition of the accreted material. Our simulations are guided by the results of multidimensional studies of TNRs in WDs, which find that sufficient mixing with WD core material occurs after the TNR is well underway, and levels of enrichment are reached that agree with observations of CN ejecta abundances. We use NOVA (our one-dimensional hydrodynamic code) to accrete solar matter until the TNR is ongoing and then switch to a mixed composition (either 25% WD material and 75% solar or 50% WD material and 50% solar). Because the amount of accreted material is inversely proportional to the initial 12C abundance, by first accreting solar matter the amount of material taking part in the outburst is larger than in those simulations where we assume a mixed composition from the beginning. Our results show large enrichments of 7Be in the ejected gases, implying that CO CNe may be responsible for a significant fraction (∼100 M o˙) of the 7Li in the galaxy (∼1000 M o˙). Although the ejected gases are enriched in WD material, the WDs in these simulations eject less material than they accrete. We predict that the WD is growing in mass as a consequence of the accretion-outburst-accretion cycle, and CO CNe may be an important channel for SN Ia progenitors

    Carbon-oxygen and oxygen-neon classical novae are Galactic7Li producers

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    We report on studies of classical nova (CN) explosions where we follow the evolution of thermonuclear runaways (TNRs) on carbon oxygen (CO) and oxygen-neon (ONe) white dwarfs (WDs). Our simulations are guided by the results of multi-dimensional studies of TNRs in WDs which find that sufficient mixing with WD core material occurs after the TNR is well underway, reaching levels of enrichment that agree with observations of CN ejecta abundances. Our results show large enrichments of7Be in the ejected gases implying that CNe may be responsible for a significant fraction (∼ 100 M) of the7Li in the galaxy (∼1000 M). In addition, the WDs in these simulations are ejecting less material than they accrete. We, therefore, predict that the WDs can grow in mass as a consequence of the TNR and CNe may be an important channel of Supernova Ia progenitors

    Hydrodynamic simulations of classical novae: Accretion onto CO white dwarfs as Sn Ia progenitors

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    We report on our continuing studies of Classical Nova explosions by following the evolution of thermonuclear runaways (TNRs) on carbon-oxygen (CO) white dwarfs (WDs). We have varied both the mass of the WD and the composition of the accreted material. Rather than assuming that the material has mixed from the beginning, we now rely on the results of the multidimensional (multi-D) studies of mixing as a consequence of the TNRs in WDs that accreted only Solar matter. The multi-D studies find that mixing with the core occurs after the TNR is well underway and reach enrichment levels in agreement with observations of the ejecta abundances. We report on 3 studies in this paper. First, simulations in which we accrete only Solar matter with NOVA (our 1-D, fully implicit, hydro code). Second, we use MESA for similar studies in which we accrete only Solar material and compare the results. Third, we accrete Solar matter until the TNR is initiated and then switch the composition in the accreted layers to a mixed composition: either 25% core and 75% Solar or 50% core and 50% Solar. The amount of accreted material is inversely proportional to the initial 12 C abundance. Thus, accreting Solar material results in more material to fuel the outburst - much larger than in the earlier studies where mixed materials were used from the beginning. We tabulate the amount of ejected gases, their velocities, and abundances. We predict the amount of 7 Li and 7 Be produced and ejected by the explosion and compare our predictions to our Large Binocular Telescope (LBT) high dispersion spectra which determined the abundance of 7 Li in nova V5668 Sgr. Finally, many of these simulations eject significantly less mass than accreted and, therefore, the WD is growing in mass toward the Chandrasekhar Limit

    Interatomic potentials for atomistic simulations of the Ti-Al system

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    Semi-empirical interatomic potentials have been developed for Al, alpha-Ti, and gamma-TiAl within the embedded atomic method (EAM) by fitting to a large database of experimental as well as ab-initio data. The ab-initio calculations were performed by the linear augmented plane wave (LAPW) method within the density functional theory to obtain the equations of state for a number of crystal structures of the Ti-Al system. Some of the calculated LAPW energies were used for fitting the potentials while others for examining their quality. The potentials correctly predict the equilibrium crystal structures of the phases and accurately reproduce their basic lattice properties. The potentials are applied to calculate the energies of point defects, surfaces, planar faults in the equilibrium structures. Unlike earlier EAM potentials for the Ti-Al system, the proposed potentials provide reasonable description of the lattice thermal expansion, demonstrating their usefulness in the molecular dynamics or Monte Carlo studies at high temperatures. The energy along the tetragonal deformation path (Bain transformation) in gamma-TiAl calculated with the EAM potential is in a fairly good agreement with LAPW calculations. Equilibrium point defect concentrations in gamma-TiAl are studied using the EAM potential. It is found that antisite defects strongly dominate over vacancies at all compositions around stoichiometry, indicating that gamm-TiAl is an antisite disorder compound in agreement with experimental data.Comment: 46 pages, 6 figures (Physical Review B, in press

    Infrared Space Observatory and Ground-Based Infrared Observation of the Classical Nova V723 Cassiopeiae

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    We present observations of the classical nova V723 Cassiopeiae (Nova Cas 1995), obtained both with the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO) and from the ground. The infrared spectrum was dominated in the first year by H and He recombination lines, and at later times by coronal lines. The H recombination lines imply a reddening of E(B-V) = 0.78, an electron temperature of 7000 K, and an electron density of 2 × 108 cm-3 on day 250. We argue that the high-ionization species in the infrared are most likely the result of collisional ionization rather than photoionization and are therefore truly "coronal"; we estimate a temperature of 3.2 × 105 K in the coronal region and abundance ratios of S/Si 2.1, Ca/Si 1.6, and Al/Si 1.5. The ejected mass as determined from the Brα line was 2.6 × 10-5 M⊙ for a distance of 4 kpc; however, the mass deduced from the free-free emission, which we conclude arises primarily in the coronal zone, is 4.3 × 10-4 M⊙. V723 Cas did not display the [O IV] 25.89 μm fine-structure line, which was typically seen in the spectra of novae observed with ISO. There was no evidence of dust emission in V723 Cas

    Lubricating Bacteria Model for Branching growth of Bacterial Colonies

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    Various bacterial strains (e.g. strains belonging to the genera Bacillus, Paenibacillus, Serratia and Salmonella) exhibit colonial branching patterns during growth on poor semi-solid substrates. These patterns reflect the bacterial cooperative self-organization. Central part of the cooperation is the collective formation of lubricant on top of the agar which enables the bacteria to swim. Hence it provides the colony means to advance towards the food. One method of modeling the colonial development is via coupled reaction-diffusion equations which describe the time evolution of the bacterial density and the concentrations of the relevant chemical fields. This idea has been pursued by a number of groups. Here we present an additional model which specifically includes an evolution equation for the lubricant excreted by the bacteria. We show that when the diffusion of the fluid is governed by nonlinear diffusion coefficient branching patterns evolves. We study the effect of the rates of emission and decomposition of the lubricant fluid on the observed patterns. The results are compared with experimental observations. We also include fields of chemotactic agents and food chemotaxis and conclude that these features are needed in order to explain the observations.Comment: 1 latex file, 16 jpeg files, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Late Winter Biogeochemical Conditions Under Sea Ice in the Canadian High Arctic

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    With the Arctic summer sea-ice extent in decline, questions are arising as to how changes in sea-ice dynamics might affect biogeochemical cycling and phenomena such as carbon dioxide (CO2) uptake and ocean acidification. Recent field research in these areas has concentrated on biogeochemical and CO2 measurements during spring, summer or autumn, but there are few data for the winter or winter–spring transition, particularly in the High Arctic. Here, we present carbon and nutrient data within and under sea ice measured during the Catlin Arctic Survey, over 40 days in March and April 2010, off Ellef Ringnes Island (78° 43.11′ N, 104° 47.44′ W) in the Canadian High Arctic. Results show relatively low surface water (1–10 m) nitrate (<1.3 µM) and total inorganic carbon concentrations (mean±SD=2015±5.83 µmol kg−1), total alkalinity (mean±SD=2134±11.09 µmol kg−1) and under-ice pCO2sw (mean±SD=286±17 µatm). These surprisingly low wintertime carbon and nutrient conditions suggest that the outer Canadian Arctic Archipelago region is nitrate-limited on account of sluggish mixing among the multi-year ice regions of the High Arctic, which could temper the potential of widespread under-ice and open-water phytoplankton blooms later in the season
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