1,024 research outputs found

    Mechanism of NaCl transport-stimulated prostaglandin formation in MDCK cells

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    Recently we have found that stimulation of NaCl transport in high-resistance MDCK cells enhances their prostaglandin formation. In the present study, we investigated the mechanisms by which prostaglandin formation could be linked to the ion transport in these cells. We found that stimulation of transport caused a transient stimulation of prostaglandin formation lasting 5-10 min. The rise in prostaglandin formation was paralleled by a rise of free intracellular arachidonic acid. Analysis of membrane lipids revealed that the rise of free arachidonic acid was paralleled by a loss of arachidonic acid from polyphosphoinositides. We failed to obtain indications for the stimulation of calcium-dependent phospholipase A2. However, we did obtain evidence that the incorporation of arachidonic acid into phospholipids was diminished during stimulation of ion transport, indicating a decreased rate of reesterification. Despite the fact that there was no significant fall in total cellular ATP on stimulation of ion transport, we found a high and transient rise of lactate production of the cells on stimulation of the ion transport indicating an alteration of the ADP/ATP ratio. Moreover, prostaglandin formation and lactate formation were linearly correlated in this situation. When glucose utilization was inhibited by mannoheptulose, the rise in lactate formation was abolished, whereas that of PG formation was unaltered, indicating that lactate formation and prostaglandin formation were not causally linked on stimulation of ion transport. Our results suggest that an increase in the rate of sodium chloride transport by MDCK cells stimulates formation by an inhibition of reesterification of free arachidonic acid.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS

    Music Perception Performance in Prelingually Deafened Children with Cochlear Implants Pre and Post Structured Music Training Postoperative Habilitation Programs: A Systematic Review

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    The goal of this project was to systematically review literature in order to analyze music perception performance in prelingually deafened children with cochlear implants before and after structured music training postoperative habilitation programs. Features of music which were evaluated included pitch, melody, timbre, rhythm, and appraisal. In six studies, these measures of music perception were compared pre and post formal music training; in one study, music perception performance was compared between prelingually deafened cochlear implant users and individuals with normal-hearing sensitivity. Overall, when the music training was sufficiently long, the findings indicated that music training significantly improves pitch perception ability. The duration of musical training is positively correlated with the correct rate of pitch perception. With regards to perception of melody and rhythm, and to music appraisal, the findings were similiar for prelingually deafened children with cochlear implants enrolled in a music group and for children with normal-hearing sensitivity who did not receive music training. Analyses of timbre perception showed that children with cochlear implants generally made fewer errors with percussive instruments as opposed to nonpercussive instruments. Significant mismatch negativity potentials (MMNs) were found in adolescent users of cochlear implants for deviations in timbre and rhythm, but not for pitch. This pitch discrimination deficit in auditory evoked potentials supports the findings on behavioral measures. Overall, MNN amplitudes are significantly smaller in users of cochlear implants than in individuals with normal-hearing sensitivity, which suggests poor overall music discrimination ability. Even when music training was not directly linked to increased scores on music perception tests of pitch, melody, timbre, rhythm, and/or appraisal, the anecdotal evidence from children, teachers, and parents in all of these studies suggested various other benefits of music training, including increased interest in and enjoyment of music and improved relationships among the children and their parents and teachers

    Connecting wind-driven upwelling and offshore stratification to nearshore internal bores and oxygen variability

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    This study utilizes field observations in southern Monterey Bay, CA, to examine how regional-scale upwelling and changing offshore (shelf) conditions influence nearshore internal bores. We show that the low-frequency wind forcing (e.g., upwelling/relaxation time scales) modifies the offshore stratification and thermocline depth. This in turn alters the strength and structure of observed internal bores in the near-shore. An internal bore strength index is defined using the high-pass filtered potential energy density anomaly in the nearshore. During weak upwelling favorable conditions and wind relaxations, the offshore thermocline deepens. In this case, both the amplitude of the offshore internal tide and the strength of the nearshore internal bores increase. In contrast, during strong upwelling conditions, the offshore thermocline shoals toward the surface, resulting in a decrease in the offshore internal tide amplitude. As a result, cold water accumulates in the nearshore (nearshore pooling), and the internal bore strength index decreases. Empirical orthogonal functions are utilized to support the claim that the bore events contribute to the majority of the variance in cross-shelf exchange and transport in the nearshore. Observed individual bores can drive shock-like drops in dissolved oxygen (DO) with rapid onset times, while extended upwelling periods with reduced bore activity produce longer duration, low DO events

    Geographical trends in research: a preliminary analysis on authors' affiliations

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    In the last decade, research literature reached an enormous volume with an unprecedented current annual increase of 1.5 million new publications. As research gets ever more global and new countries and institutions, either from academia or corporate environment, start to contribute with their share, it is important to monitor this complex scenario and understand its dynamics. We present a study on a conference proceedings dataset extracted from Springer Nature Scigraph that illustrates insightful geographical trends and highlights the unbalanced growth of competitive research institutions worldwide. Results emerged from our micro and macro analysis show that the distributions among countries of institutions and papers follow a power law, and thus very few countries keep producing most of the papers accepted by high-tier conferences. In addition, we found that the annual and overall turnover rate of the top 5, 10 and 25 countries is extremely low, suggesting a very static landscape in which new entries struggle to emerge. Finally, we highlight the presence of an increasing gap between the number of institutions initiating and overseeing research endeavours (i.e. first and last authors' affiliations) and the total number of institutions participating in research. As a consequence of our analysis, the paper also discusses our experience in working with affiliations: an utterly simple matter at first glance, that is instead revealed to be a complex research and technical challenge yet far from being solved

    Plasma Dynamics

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    Contains reports on two research projects.WADC Contract AF33(616)-3984Servomechanisms Research Laborator

    Nearshore internal bores and turbulent mixing in southern Monterey Bay

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    We observed transient stratification and mixing events associated with nearshore internal bores in southern Monterey Bay using an array of instruments with high spatial and temporal resolution. The arrival of the bores is characterized by surging masses of dense (cold) water that tend to stratify the water column. The bore is followed by a gradual drop in the temperature throughout the water column over several hours (defined here as the bore period) until a sharp warm-front relaxation, followed by high frequency temperature fluctuations, returns the column back to nearly its original state (defined here as the mixing period). Mixing periods revealed increased temperature variance at high frequencies (ω \u3e ), as well as a greater percentage of events where dynamic instabilities may be present (Ri\u3c 0.25), suggesting active mixing of the stratified water column. Turbulent dissipation rates in the stratified interior during the mixing period, estimated using the technique of isopycnal slope spectra, revealed mean values the same order of magnitude as near-bed bottom-generated turbulence. Observations indicate that local shear-produced turbulent kinetic energy by the warm front relaxations dominates mixing in the stratified interior. The non-canonical nature of these bore and relaxation events is also investigated with a numerical model, and the dynamics are shown to depend on the internal Iribarren number. Our results suggest that nearshore internal bores interacting with local bathymetry dramatically alter local dynamics and mixing in the nearshore with important ecological implications

    Plasma Dynamics

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    Contains reports on four research projects

    Charge screening in RNA: an integral route for dynamical enhancements

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    Electrostatic interactions of RNA are at the center of determining the dynamical flexibility and structural stability. By analysing neutron scattering spectroscopy, we show that fast dynamics of hydrated tRNA on ps to ns timescales increases with stronger charge screening, while its structural stability either increases or remains largely unchanged. An unprecedented electrostatic threshold for the onset of additional flexibility is induced from the correlation between the charge-screening density of counterions and the promoted dynamical properties. The results demonstrate that the enhanced dynamical flexibility of tRNA originates from local conformational relaxation coupled with stabilized charge screening rather than governed by fluctuation of hydrated counterions. The present study casts light on the specificity of electrostatic interactions in the thermodynamic balance between the dynamical flexibility and structural stability of RNA.open1121sciescopu