1,578 research outputs found

    The impact of social relationships on men's mental health and wellbeing

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    Section A: Presents a systematic search and narrative review of research into the association between social relationships and depression in men. Social relationships are defined with reference to three key areas of research, and some proposed causal links with depression are outlined. A review of relevant studies identifies some patterns in findings, but also substantial limitations of the extant literature. Implications for clinical practice are considered, including a need to consider the quality of men’s relationships during the assessment of depression and as a target of therapeutic interventions. Recommendations for future research include the need for well-designed longitudinal studies, and qualitative research exploring how men draw on relationships to maintain their emotional wellbeing. Section B: Presents a study in which grounded theory methodology was used to generate a model of contemporary men’s talking groups. The model first describes the experiences leading men to seek out and attend a group. Processes operating in the group are defined, with an emphasis on creating a safe space for men to self-disclose, interrogate the concept of manhood, and create authentic, deep relationships with one another. The perceived benefits of these processes beyond the group are described. The model is linked to theories of group psychotherapy, social identity and social relationships. Implications for practice and research are considered

    Migration decisions of the elderly : an empirical study and the development of a general theory

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    The thesis sets out to examine the factors which influence the migration decisions of old people and, from this, to develop a more general framework for the study of all migration decisions. Two lines of approach are therefore taken: the first, a study of the 'retirement' migration decision per se, is based on a sample of 294 elderly long distance migrants, local movers and non migrants in five Yorkshire coastal towns; the second develops the main arguments and findings of the empirical section to form a general quantitative theory of decision making, migration behaviour being presented as a special case of this general model.The empirical study is primarily concerned with the apparent impact of age related social, economic and biological processes on the decision to move, the effects of previous geographical mobility and the importance of earlier visits to the place of eventual destination, A series of models for predicting the distance and direction of migration is then proposed; this is based on findings concerning the importance attached by the elderly migrant to sources of potential social support and the influence of previous travel and migration experience. Tests of these models suggest that moderately accurate prediction of individual behaviour is possible.The theory of behaviour is developed from a series of parallel themes which span the fields of consumer economics, cognitive psychology, attitude theory and statistical decision theory. These are then drawn together, first in the form of a descriptive model of a behavioural system, and then as a general mathematical model which uses the causal structure postulated in the descriptive system. Finally, an approach to the simulation of the structure of the psychological environment is outlined and the special case of the migration decision is examined in the context of the general theory

    Mantle heterogeneity during the formation of the North Atlantic Igneous Province: Constraints from trace element and Sr-Nd-Os-O isotope systematics of Baffin Island picrites

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    Sr-Nd-Os-O isotope and major and trace element data from ~62 Ma picrites from Baffin Island constrain the composition of mantle sources sampled at the inception of North Atlantic Igneous Province (NAIP) magmatism. We recognize two compositional types. Depleted (N-type) lavas have low 87Sr/86Sri (0.702990–0.703060) and 187Os/188Osi (0.1220–0.1247) and high 143Nd/144Ndi (0.512989–0.512999) and are depleted in incompatible elements relative to primitive mantle. Enriched (E-type) lavas have higher 87Sr/86Sri (0.703306–0.703851) and 187Os/188Osi (0.1261–0.1303), lower 143Nd/144Ndi (0.512825–0.512906), and incompatible element concentrations similar to, or more enriched than, primitive mantle. There is also a subtle difference in oxygen isotope composition; E-type lavas are marginally lower in δ18Oolivine value (5.16–4.84‰) than N-type lavas (5.15–5.22‰). Chemical and isotopic variations between E- and N-type lavas are inconsistent with assimilation of crust and/or subcontinental lithospheric mantle and appear to instead reflect mixing between melts derived from two distinct mantle sources. Strontium-Nd-O isotope compositions and incompatible trace element abundances of N-type lavas suggest these are largely derived from the depleted upper mantle. The 187Os/188Osi ratios of N-type lavas can also be explained by such a model but require that the depleted upper mantle had γOs of approximately −5 to −7 at 62 Ma. This range overlaps the lowest γOs values measured in abyssal peridotites. Baffin Island lava compositions are also permissive of a model involving recharging of depleted upper mantle with 3He-rich material from the lower mantle (Stuart et al., Nature, 424, 57–59, 2003), with the proviso that recharge had no recognizable effect on the lithophile trace element and Sr-Nd-Os-O isotope composition. The origin of the enriched mantle component sampled by Baffin Island lavas is less clear but may be metasomatized and high-temperature-altered recycled oceanic lithosphere transported within the proto Iceland plume. Differences between Baffin Island lavas and modern Icelandic basalts suggest that a range of enriched and depleted mantle sources have been tapped since the inception of magmatism in the province. Similarities between Baffin Island lavas erupted and those of similar age from East and West Greenland also suggest that the enriched component in Baffin Island lavas may have been sampled by lavas erupted over a wide geographic range

    An Investigation of Twenty/20 Vision in Reading

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    One functional anatomical model of reading, drawing on human neuropsychological and neuroimaging data, proposes that a region in left ventral occipitotemporal cortex (vOT) becomes, through experience, specialized for written word perception. We tested this hypothesis by presenting numbers in orthographical and digital form with two task demands, phonological and numerical. We observed a main effect of task on left vOT activity but not stimulus type, with increased activity during the phonological task that was also associated with increased activity in the left inferior frontal gyrus, a region implicated in speech production. Region-of-interest analysis confirmed that there was equal activity for orthographical and digital written forms in the left vOT during the phonological task, despite greater visual complexity of the orthographical forms. This evidence is incompatible with a predominantly feedforward model of written word recognition that proposes that the left vOT is a specialized cortical module for word recognition in literate subjects. Rather, the physiological data presented here fits better with interactive computational models of reading that propose that written word recognition emerges from bidirectional interactions between three processes: visual, phonological, and semantic. Further, the present study is in accord with others that indicate that the left vOT is a route through which nonlinguistic stimuli, perhaps high contrast two-dimensional objects in particular, gain access to a predominantly left-lateralized language and semantic system

    The visual word form system in context

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    According to the “modular” hypothesis, reading is a serial feedforward process, with part of left ventral occipitotemporal cortex the earliest component tuned to familiar orthographic stimuli. Beyond this region, the model predicts no response to arrays of false font in reading-related neural pathways. An alternative “connectionist” hypothesis proposes that reading depends on interactions between feedforward projections from visual cortex and feedback projections from phonological and semantic systems, with no visual component exclusive to orthographic stimuli. This is compatible with automatic processing of false font throughout visual and heteromodal sensory pathways that support reading, in which responses to words may be greater than, but not exclusive of, responses to false font. This functional imaging study investigated these alternative hypotheses by using narrative texts and equivalent arrays of false font and varying the hemifield of presentation using rapid serial visual presentation. The “null” baseline comprised a decision on visually presented numbers. Preferential activity for narratives relative to false font, insensitive to hemifield of presentation, was distributed along the ventral left temporal lobe and along the extent of both superior temporal sulci. Throughout this system, activity during the false font conditions was significantly greater than during the number task, with activity specific to the number task confined to the intraparietal sulci. Therefore, both words and false font are extensively processed along the same temporal neocortical pathways, separate from the more dorsal pathways that process numbers. These results are incompatible with a serial, feedforward model of reading

    Experience Disclosing Mental Health Conditions Among College Students from Different Ethnic Backgrounds

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    Aim: The current study compared disclosure of mental health problems to staff, faculty, and peers among college students from different ethnic backgrounds. Background: Although there are differences in mental health stigma between college students from different ethnic backgrounds, there is limited research on whether these differences are associated with negative experiences disclosing mental health conditions on campus. Methods: The sample (N = 66) was 71% female; average age was 19.03 years (SD = 1.14). Participants identified as Latino/a (35.4%), Asian American (33.8%), Caucasian (13.8%), or other/mixed ethnicity (16.9%). Results: For disclosure to staff, there was a main effect of ethnicity. Post-hoc analyses found that Latino/a students were significantly more comfortable disclosing mental health problems to staff than Asian American students. There were no significant effects for disclosure to faculty or peers. Conclusions: This preliminary study suggests that universities must optimize outreach and mental health services for different ethnic groups to improve campus experience around mental health conditions

    Evolution of precipitates, in particular cruciform and cuboid particles, during simulated direct charging of thin slab cast vanadium microalloyed steels

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    A study has been undertaken of four vanadium based steels which have been processed by a simulated direct charging route using processing parameters typical of thin slab casting, where the cast product has a thickness of 50 to 80mm ( in this study 50 mm) and is fed directly to a furnace to equalise the microstructure prior to rolling. In the direct charging process, cooling rates are faster, equalisation times shorter and the amount of deformation introduced during rolling less than in conventional practice. Samples in this study were quenched after casting, after equalisation, after 4th rolling pass and after coiling, to follow the evolution of microstructure. The mechanical and toughness properties and the microstructural features might be expected to differ from equivalent steels, which have undergone conventional processing. The four low carbon steels (~0.06wt%) which were studied contained 0.1wt%V (V-N), 0.1wt%V and 0.010wt%Ti (V-Ti), 0.1wt%V and 0.03wt%Nb (V-Nb), and 0.1wt%V, 0.03wt%Nb and 0.007wt%Ti (V-Nb-Ti). Steels V-N and V-Ti contained around 0.02wt% N, while the other two contained about 0.01wt%N. The as-cast steels were heated at three equalising temperatures of 1050C, 1100C or 1200C and held for 30-60 minutes prior to rolling. Optical microscopy and analytical electron microscopy, including parallel electron energy loss spectroscopy (PEELS), were used to characterise the precipitates. In the as-cast condition, dendrites and plates were found. Cuboid particles were seen at this stage in Steel V-Ti, but they appeared only in the other steels after equalization. In addition, in the final product of all the steels, fine particles were seen, but it was only in the two titanium steels that cruciform precipitates were present. PEELS analysis showed that the dendrites, plates, cuboids, cruciforms and fine precipitates were essentially nitrides. The two Ti steels had better toughness than the other steels but inferior lower yield stress values. This was thought to be, in part, due to the formation of cruciform precipitates in austenite, thereby removing nitrogen and the microalloying elements which would have been expected to precipitate in ferrite as dispersion hardening particles

    International Evidence on the Impact of Health-Justice Partnerships: A Systematic Scoping Review

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    BACKGROUND: Health-justice partnerships (HJPs) are collaborations between healthcare and legal services which support patients with social welfare issues such as welfare benefits, debt, housing, education and employment. HJPs exist across the world in a variety of forms and with diverse objectives. This review synthesizes the international evidence on the impacts of HJPs. METHODS: A systematic scoping review of international literature was undertaken. A wide-ranging search was conducted across academic databases and grey literature sources, covering OECD countries from January 1995 to December 2018. Data from included publications were extracted and research quality was assessed. A narrative synthesis approach was used to analyze and present the results. RESULTS: Reported objectives of HJPs related to: prevention of health and legal problems; access to legal assistance; health improvement; resolution of legal problems; improvement of patient care; support for healthcare services; addressing inequalities; and catalyzing systemic change. There is strong evidence that HJPs: improve access to legal assistance for people at risk of social and health disadvantage; positively influence material and social circumstances through resolution of legal problems; and improve mental wellbeing. A wide range of other positive impacts were identified for individuals, services and communities; the strength of evidence for each is summarized and discussed. CONCLUSION: HJPs are effective in tackling social welfare issues that affect the health of disadvantaged groups in society and can therefore form a key part of public health strategies to address inequalities