2,973 research outputs found

    Earth-to-orbit transportation for solar power satellites

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    The cargo transport capability and the cost of space transportation operations for transportation of solar power satellites (SPS) to space are addressed. The history of SPS launch vehicle evolution is shown. Alternative vehicle designs developed include: (1) a parallel burn, crossfeed configuration; (2) single stage to orbit airbreathing/rocket runway takeoff vehicle concept; and (3) a smaller HLLV concept. The smaller HLLV was analyzed to compare the nonrecurring cost benefits of a less challenging development with the recurring cost increases expected due to losses in efficiency associated with smaller vehicle size. The vehicle payload bay size was selected to be adequate to accommodate the SPS transmitter subarrays fully assembled. The resulting vehicle design is compared with the shuttle, the Saturn V, and the reference SPS HLLV. A nonrecurring savings of at least five billion dollars was obtained with a recurring cost penalty of 3% per SPS. The environmental benefits of the small vehicle were deemed more important than the slight increase in upper atmosphere propellant deposition. It is recommended that the small HLLV be adopted as the SPS reference launch system

    Solar Power Satellite Microwave Power Transmission System Description Executive Summary

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    The history of the concept of microwave power beaming to Earth is reviewed with emphasis on transmission frequency selection. Constraints on the system power level results from (1) required rejection of waste heat resulting from inefficiencies in the cover conversion of dc electric power to microwave power; (2) the rf power intensity in the ionosphere; and (3) the effect of sidelobe level on aperture illumination factors. Transmitter arrangement, the power distribution system, attitude control, subarrays, waveguides, and alignment are discussed

    Emerging SPS Concepts

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    Four technologies were evaluated to determine their effect on Satellite Power System concepts. Two of these technologies, solid-state power amplifiers and magnetrons, are replacements for the Klystrons used for dc to RF conversion on the satellite. A third technology, laser power transmission, transmits the energy at laser frequencies rather than microwave frequencies. The fourth technology, multibandgap solar cells, has the promise of significantly increased solar to dc conversion efficienty as compared to the reference-concept silicon and gallium arsenide solar cells. The design characteristics of concepts resulting from application of these technologies are summarized

    High voltage systems (tube-type microwave)/low voltage system (solid-state microwave) power distribution

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    SPS satellite power distribution systems are described. The reference Satellite Power System (SPS) concept utilizes high-voltage klystrons to convert the onboard satellite power from dc to RF for transmission to the ground receiving station. The solar array generates this required high voltage and the power is delivered to the klystrons through a power distribution subsystem. An array switching of solar cell submodules is used to maintain bus voltage regulation. Individual klystron dc voltage conversion is performed by centralized converters. The on-board data processing system performs the necessary switching of submodules to maintain voltage regulation. Electrical power output from the solar panels is fed via switch gears into feeder buses and then into main distribution buses to the antenna. Power also is distributed to batteries so that critical functions can be provided through solar eclipses

    Rectenna System Design

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    The fundamental processes involved in the operation of the rectenna system designed for the solar power satellite system are described. The basic design choices are presented based on the desired microwave rf field concentration prior to rectification and based on the ground clearance requirements for the rectenna structure. A nonconcentrating inclined planar panel with a 2 meter minimum clearance configuration is selected as a representative of the typical rectenna

    Modified Reference SPS with Solid State Transmitting Antenna

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    The development of solid state microwave power amplifiers for a solar power satellite transmitting antenna is discussed. State-of-the-art power-added efficiency, gain, and single device power of various microwave solid state devices are compared. The GaAs field effect transistors and the Si-bipolar transistors appear potentially feasible for solar power satellite use. The integration of solid state devices into antenna array elements is examined and issues concerning antenna integration and consequent satellite configurations are examined

    SPS phase control studies

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    To properly point and form the satellite microwave power beam, the outputs of the power amplifiers in the transmitting array must be phased in a specific and coherent fashion. A retrodirective CW phase conjugating system using a spread spectrum uplink signal and a reference phase signal that is distributed via fiber optics, was selected as the control system for SPS. The design details are presented and applications of the system are discussed

    An Initial Concept of a Manned Mars Excursion Vehicle for a Tenuous Mars Atmosphere

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    Manned Mars excursion vehicle for thin Mars atmospher

    Space Operations Center System Analysis: Requirements for a Space Operations Center, revision A

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    The system and program requirements for a space operations center as defined by systems analysis studies are presented as a guide for future study and systems definition. Topics covered include general requirements for safety, maintainability, and reliability, service and habitat modules, the health maintenance facility; logistics modules; the docking tunnel; and subsystem requirements (structures, electrical power, environmental control/life support; extravehicular activity; data management; communications and tracking; docking/berthing; flight control/propulsion; and crew support). Facilities for flight support, construction, satellite and mission servicing, and fluid storage are included as well as general purpose support equipment

    Host Selection of the giant willow aphid (Tuberolachnus salignus)

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    The giant willow aphid [Tuberolachnus salignus (Gmelin)] has recently become noteworthy as a potential pest species due to the increased uptake of willow, its host-plant, for use in growing biomass for energy production. In this paper we describe host selection studies of T. salignus on short rotation coppice (SRC) willow varieties in laboratory bioassays and field experiments. In laboratory olfactometry tests, T. salignus was significantly attracted to certain SRC willow varieties, but not to others. Field trials during 2007 and 2008 showed that T. salignus infestation levels varied significantly on different SRC willow varieties and that levels are highest on the varieties to which they are most strongly attracted in the laboratory bioassays