1,294 research outputs found

    New high-pressure phases of ammonia dihydrate

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    Thermoelastic properties of magnesiowustite, (Mg1-xFex)O: determination of the Anderson-Gruneisen parameter by time-of-flight neutron powder diffraction at simultaneous high pressures and temperatures

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    The ability to perform neutron diffraction studies at simultaneous high pressures and high temperatures is a relatively recent development. The suitability of this technique for determining P-V-T equations of state has been investigated by measuring the lattice parameters of Mg1-xFexO ( x = 0.2, 0.3, 0.4), in the range P < 10.3 GPa and 300 < T < 986 K, by time-of-flight neutron powder diffraction. Pressures were determined using metallic Fe as a marker and temperatures were measured by neutron absorption resonance radiography. Within the resolution of the experiment, no evidence was found for any change in the temperature derivative of the isothermal incompressibility, partial derivative K-T/partial derivative T, with composition. By assuming that the equation-of-state parameters either varied linearly or were invariant with composition, the 60 measured state points were fitted simultaneously to a P-V-T-x equation of state, leading to values of partial derivative K-T/partial derivative T = -0.024 (9) GPa K-1 and of the isothermal Anderson-Gruneisen parameter delta(T) = 4.0 (16) at 300 K. Two designs of simultaneous high-P/T cell were employed during this study. It appears that, by virtue of its extended pressure range, a design using toroidal gaskets is more suitable for equation-of-state studies than is the system described by Le Godec, Dove, Francis, Kohn, Marshall, Pawley, Price, Redfern, Rhodes, Ross, Schofield, Schooneveld, Syfosse, Tucker & Welch [Mineral. Mag. (2001), 65, 737-748]. (c) 2008 International Union of Crystallography Printed in Singapore - all rights reserved

    Assessment of higher order cognitive skills in undergraduate education: modified essay or multiple choice questions? Research paper

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    Background: Reliable and valid written tests of higher cognitive function are difficult to produce, particularly for the assessment of clinical problem solving. Modified Essay Questions (MEQs) are often used to assess these higher order abilities in preference to other forms of assessment, including multiple-choice questions (MCQs). MEQs often form a vital component of end-of-course assessments in higher education. It is not clear how effectively these questions assess higher order cognitive skills. This study was designed to assess the effectiveness of the MEQ to measure higher-order cognitive skills in an undergraduate institution. Methods: An analysis of multiple-choice questions and modified essay questions (MEQs) used for summative assessment in a clinical undergraduate curriculum was undertaken. A total of 50 MCQs and 139 stages of MEQs were examined, which came from three exams run over two years. The effectiveness of the questions was determined by two assessors and was defined by the questions ability to measure higher cognitive skills, as determined by a modification of Bloom's taxonomy, and its quality as determined by the presence of item writing flaws. Results: Over 50% of all of the MEQs tested factual recall. This was similar to the percentage of MCQs testing factual recall. The modified essay question failed in its role of consistently assessing higher cognitive skills whereas the MCQ frequently tested more than mere recall of knowledge. Conclusion: Construction of MEQs, which will assess higher order cognitive skills cannot be assumed to be a simple task. Well-constructed MCQs should be considered a satisfactory replacement for MEQs if the MEQs cannot be designed to adequately test higher order skills. Such MCQs are capable of withstanding the intellectual and statistical scrutiny imposed by a high stakes exit examination.Edward J Palmer, Peter G Devit

    Automated pattern-guided principal component analysis vs expert-based immunophenotypic classification of B-cell chronic lymphoproliferative disorders: a step forward in the standardization of clinical immunophenotyping

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    Immunophenotypic characterization of B-cell chronic lymphoproliferative disorders (B-CLPD) is becoming increasingly complex due to usage of progressively larger panels of reagents and a high number of World Health Organization (WHO) entities. Typically, data analysis is performed separately for each stained aliquot of a sample; subsequently, an expert interprets the overall immunophenotypic profile (IP) of neoplastic B-cells and assigns it to specific diagnostic categories. We constructed a principal component analysis (PCA)-based tool to guide immunophenotypic classification of B-CLPD. Three reference groups of immunophenotypic data files—B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemias (B-CLL; n=10), mantle cell (MCL; n=10) and follicular lymphomas (FL; n=10)—were built. Subsequently, each of the 175 cases studied was evaluated and assigned to either one of the three reference groups or to none of them (other B-CLPD). Most cases (89%) were correctly assigned to their corresponding WHO diagnostic group with overall positive and negative predictive values of 89 and 96%, respectively. The efficiency of the PCA-based approach was particularly high among typical B-CLL, MCL and FL vs other B-CLPD cases. In summary, PCA-guided immunophenotypic classification of B-CLPD is a promising tool for standardized interpretation of tumor IP, their classification into well-defined entities and comprehensive evaluation of antibody panels

    Facilitation of Male Sexual Behavior in Syrian Hamsters by the Combined Action of Dihydrotestosterone and Testosterone

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    Testosterone (T) controls male Syrian hamster sexual behavior, however, neither of T's primary metabolites, dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and estradiol (E(2)), even in highly supraphysiological doses, fully restores sexual behavior in castrated hamsters. DHT and T apparently interact with androgen receptors differentially to control male sexual behavior (MSB), but whether these two hormones act synergistically or antagonistically to control MSB has received scant experimental attention and is addressed in the present study.Sexually experienced male Syrian hamsters were gonadectomized and monitored 5 weeks later to confirm elimination of the ejaculatory reflex (week 0), at which time they received subcutaneous DHT-filled or empty capsules that remained in situ for the duration of the experiment. Daily injections of a physiological dose of 25 ”g T or vehicle commenced two weeks after capsule implantation. MSB was tested 2, 4 and 5 weeks after T treatment began. DHT capsules were no more effective than control treatment for long-term restoration of ejaculation. Combined DHT + T treatment, however, restored the ejaculatory reflex more effectively than T alone, as evidenced by more rapid recovery of ejaculatory behavior, shorter ejaculation latencies, and a greater number of ejaculations in 30 minute tests.DHT and T administered together restored sexual behavior to pre-castration levels more rapidly than did T alone, whereas DHT and vehicle were largely ineffective. The additive actions of DHT and T on MSB are discussed in relation to different effects of these androgens on androgen receptors in the male hamster brain mating circuit

    Regulatory domain selectivity in the cell-type specific PKN-dependence of cell migration

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    The mammalian protein kinase N (PKN) family of Serine/Threonine kinases comprises three isoforms, which are targets for Rho family GTPases. Small GTPases are major regulators of the cellular cytoskeleton, generating interest in the role(s) of specific PKN isoforms in processes such as cell migration and invasion. It has been reported that PKN3 is required for prostate tumour cell invasion but not PKN1 or 2. Here we employ a cell model, the 5637 bladder tumour cell line where PKN2 is relatively highly expressed, to assess the potential redundancy of these isoforms in migratory responses. It is established that PKN2 has a critical role in the migration and invasion of these cells. Furthermore, using a PKN wild-type and chimera rescue strategy, it is shown that PKN isoforms are not simply redundant in supporting migration, but appear to be linked through isoform specific regulatory domain properties to selective upstream signals. It is concluded that intervention in PKNs may need to be directed at multiple isoforms to be effective in different cell types
