3,032 research outputs found

    Light Nuclei as Quantized Skyrmions

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    We consider the rigid body quantization of Skyrmions with topological charges 1 to 8, as approximated by the rational map ansatz. Novel, general expressions for the elements of the inertia tensors, in terms of the approximating rational map, are presented and are used to determine the kinetic energy contribution to the total energy of the ground and excited states of the quantized Skyrmions. Our results are compared to the experimentally determined energy levels of the corresponding nuclei, and the energies and spins of a few as yet unobserved states are predicted.Comment: 33 pages, 16 figures, Section 13 replace

    Reparametrising the Skyrme Model using the Lithium-6 Nucleus

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    The minimal energy B=6 solution of the Skyrme model is a static soliton with D4dD_{4d} symmetry. The symmetries of the solution imply that the quantum numbers of the ground state are the same as those of the Lithium-6 nucleus. This identification is considered further by obtaining expressions for the mean charge radius and quadrupole moment, dependent only on the Skyrme model parameters ee (a dimensionless constant) and FπF_\pi (the pion decay constant). The optimal values of these parameters have often been deliberated upon, and we propose, for B>2B>2, changing them from those which are most commonly accepted. We obtain specific values for these parameters for B=6, by matching with properties of the Lithium-6 nucleus. We find further support for the new values by reconsidering the α\alpha-particle and deuteron as quantized B=4 and B=2 Skyrmions.Comment: 18 page

    Long-term tropospheric formaldehyde concentrations deduced from ground-based fourier transform solar infrared measurements

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    We report a 13-year (1992–2005) dataset of total column measurements of formaldehyde (HCHO) over Lauder, New Zealand, inferred from solar infrared spectra measured using a high-resolution Fourier Transform Spectrometer (FTS). Ambient HCHO concentrations at this rural location are often close to levels typical of remote marine environments (\u3c250 ppt), which are close to the detection limit using standard techniques. Consequently we develop a new method that successfully produces HCHO columns with sufficient sensitivity throughout the whole season. HCHO columns over Lauder have a strong seasonal cycle (±50%), with a mean column of 4.9×1015 molecules cm−2, peaking during summer months. A simple box model of CH4 oxidation reproduces the observed broad-scale seasonal cycle, but significantly underestimates the seasonal peak HCHO ground concentrations during summer. This suggests the existence of an additional significant source of HCHO, possibly isoprene that cannot be explained by oxidation of CH4 alone. The ground-based FTS column data compare well with collocated HCHO column measurements from the Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment (GOME) satellite instrument during the operational period of GOME (1996–2001, r2=0.65, mean bias=10%, n=48)

    The role of body fat in multiple sclerosis susceptibility and severity: A Mendelian randomisation study

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    Objective: The objective of this study was to explore the potential causal associations of body mass index, height, weight, fat mass, fat percentage and non-fat mass in the whole body, arms, legs and trunk (henceforth, ‘anthropometric measures’) with multiple sclerosis (MS) risk and severity. We also investigated the potential for reverse causation between anthropometric measures and MS risk. Methods: We conducted a two-sample univariable, multivariable and bidirectional Mendelian randomisation (MR) analysis. Results: A range of features linked to obesity (body mass index, weight, fat mass and fat percentage) were risk factors for MS development and worsened the disease’s severity in MS patients. Interestingly, we were able to demonstrate that height and non-fat mass have no association with MS risk or MS severity. We demonstrated that the association between anthropometric measures and MS is not subject to bias from reverse causation. Conclusions: Our findings provide evidence from human genetics that a range of features linked to obesity is an important contributor to MS development and MS severity, but height and non-fat mass are not. Importantly, these findings also identify a potentially modifiable factor that may reduce the accumulation of further disability and ameliorate MS severity

    Alpha-Synuclein Oligomers Interact with Metal Ions to Induce Oxidative Stress and Neuronal Death in Parkinson's Disease

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    Protein aggregation and oxidative stress are both key pathogenic processes in Parkinson's disease, although the mechanism by which misfolded proteins induce oxidative stress and neuronal death remains unknown. In this study, we describe how aggregation of alpha-synuclein (α-S) from its monomeric form to its soluble oligomeric state results in aberrant free radical production and neuronal toxicity

    Lightcurves of Type Ia Supernovae from Near the Time of Explosion

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    We present a set of 11 type Ia supernova (SN Ia) lightcurves with dense, pre-maximum sampling. These supernovae (SNe), in galaxies behind the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), were discovered by the SuperMACHO survey. The SNe span a redshift range of z = 0.11 - 0.35. Our lightcurves contain some of the earliest pre-maximum observations of SNe Ia to date. We also give a functional model that describes the SN Ia lightcurve shape (in our VR-band). Our function uses the "expanding fireball" model of Goldhaber et al. (1998) to describe the rising lightcurve immediately after explosion but constrains it to smoothly join the remainder of the lightcurve. We fit this model to a composite observed VR-band lightcurve of three SNe between redshifts of 0.135 to 0.165. These SNe have not been K-corrected or adjusted to account for reddening. In this redshift range, the observed VR-band most closely matches the rest frame V-band. Using the best fit to our functional description of the lightcurve, we find the time between explosion and observed VR-band maximum to be 17.6+-1.3(stat)+-0.07(sys) rest-frame days for a SN Ia with a VR-band Delta m_{-10} of 0.52mag. For the redshifts sampled, the observed VR-band time-of-maximum brightness should be the same as the rest-frame V-band maximum to within 1.1 rest-frame days.Comment: 35 pages, 18 figures, 15 tables; Higher quality PDF available at http://ctiokw.ctio.noao.edu/~sm/sm/SNrise/index.html; AJ accepte

    Age-related telomere attrition in the human putamen

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    Age is a major risk factor for neurodegenerative diseases. Shortening of leucocyte telomeres with advancing age, arguably a measure of "biological" age, is a known phenomenon and epidemiologically correlated with age-related disease. The main mechanism of telomere shortening is cell division, rendering telomere length in post-mitotic cells presumably stable. Longitudinal measurement of human brain telomere length is not feasible, and cross-sectional cortical brain samples so far indicated no attrition with age. Hence, age-related changes in telomere length in the brain and the association between telomere length and neurodegenerative diseases remain unknown. Here, we demonstrate that mean telomere length in the putamen, a part of the basal ganglia, physiologically shortens with age, like leukocyte telomeres. This was achieved by using matched brain and leukocyte-rich spleen samples from 98 post-mortem healthy human donors. Using spleen telomeres as a reference, we further found that mean telomere length was brain region-specific, as telomeres in the putamen were significantly shorter than in the cerebellum. Expression analyses of genes involved in telomere length regulation and oxidative phosphorylation revealed that both region- and age-dependent expression pattern corresponded with region-dependent telomere length dynamics. Collectively, our results indicate that mean telomere length in the human putamen physiologically shortens with advancing age and that both local and temporal gene expression dynamics correlate with this, pointing at a potential mechanism for the selective, age-related vulnerability of the nigro-striatal network

    Understanding reticence to occupy free, novel-design homes: A qualitative study in Mtwara, Southeast Tanzania.

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    IntroductionThe population of Africa set to reach 2 billion by 2050. There is therefore great demand for housing across the continent. Research on modified novel designs for housing is a priority to ensure that these homes are not sites of infection for diseases transmission such as malaria. One trial to assess the protection afforded by novel design houses is underway in Mtwara Region, southeastern Tanzania. After constructing 110 of such homes across 60 villages, project staff encountered a certain reticence of the target population to occupy the homes and were faced with accusations of having nefarious intentions. This article explores these accusations, their impacts on home occupancy and lessons for future housing studies.MethodsThis qualitative study drew on in-depth interviews and focus group discussions with ten occupants of the intervention homes, six community leaders and a further 24 community members. Interviews were recorded, transcribed verbatim and translated to English for qualitative content analysis.ResultsIn communities around the Star Homes, during construction and handover, project staff were widely associated with 'Freemasons', a term used to practices, secrecy, and other conspiracy theories in rural Tanzania. These connections were attributed to other community members and explained in terms of knowledge deficit or envy, with others hoping to be allocated the home. The stories were embedded in assumptions of reciprocity and suspicions about study motives, linked to limited experience of research. The relationship between the accusations of freemasonry and reticence to occupy the houses was not straightforward, with project staff or relatives playing a role in decisions. The stakes were high, because the recipients of Star Homes were the poorest families in targeted communities.ConclusionThe results indicate the need for long-term and proactive community engagement, which focuses on building relationships and providing information through recognizable voices and formats. Given the stakes at play in housing interventions, research teams should be prepared for the social upheaval the provision of free new housing can cause