88 research outputs found

    Characterization of freeze-dried oxidized human red blood cells for pre-transfusion testing by synchrotron FTIR microspectroscopy live-cell analysis

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    Oxidative treatment of human red blood cells (RBCs) prior to freeze-drying appears to stabilize the RBCs to withstand dried storage at room temperature. To better understand the effects of oxidation and freeze-drying/rehydration on RBC lipids and proteins, single-cell measurements were performed by synchrotron-based Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) microspectroscopy ā€˜live-cellā€™ (unfixed) analysis. Lipid and protein spectral data of tert-butyl hydroperoxide (TBHP)-oxidized RBCs (oxRBCs), FDoxRBCs and control (untreated) RBCs were compared using principal component analysis (PCA) and band integration ratios. The oxRBCs and FDoxRBCs samples had similar spectral profiles that were clearly different to control RBCs. Spectral changes in the CH stretching region of oxRBCs and FDoxRBCs indicated the presence of increased saturated and shorter-chain lipids, consistent with lipid peroxidation and stiffening of the RBC membrane compared to control RBCs. The PCA loadings plot for the fingerprint region of control RBCs corresponding to the Ī±-helical structure of hemoglobin, shows that oxRBCs and FDoxRBCs have conformational changes in the protein secondary structure to Ī²-pleated sheets and Ī²-turns. Finally, the freeze-drying process did not appear to compound or induce additional changes. In this context, FDoxRBCs could become a stable source of reagent RBCs for pre-transfusion blood serology testing. The synchrotron FTIR microspectroscopic live-cell protocol provides a powerful analytical tool to characterize and contrast the effects of different treatments on RBC chemical composition at the single cell level.</p

    Characterization of freeze-dried oxidized human red blood cells for pre-transfusion testing by synchrotron FTIR microspectroscopy live-cell analysis

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    Oxidative treatment of human red blood cells (RBCs) prior to freeze-drying appears to stabilize the RBCs to withstand dried storage at room temperature. To better understand the effects of oxidation and freeze-drying/rehydration on RBC lipids and proteins, single-cell measurements were performed by synchrotron-based Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) microspectroscopy ā€˜live-cellā€™ (unfixed) analysis. Lipid and protein spectral data of tert-butyl hydroperoxide (TBHP)-oxidized RBCs (oxRBCs), FDoxRBCs and control (untreated) RBCs were compared using principal component analysis (PCA) and band integration ratios. The oxRBCs and FDoxRBCs samples had similar spectral profiles that were clearly different to control RBCs. Spectral changes in the CH stretching region of oxRBCs and FDoxRBCs indicated the presence of increased saturated and shorter-chain lipids, consistent with lipid peroxidation and stiffening of the RBC membrane compared to control RBCs. The PCA loadings plot for the fingerprint region of control RBCs corresponding to the Ī±-helical structure of hemoglobin, shows that oxRBCs and FDoxRBCs have conformational changes in the protein secondary structure to Ī²-pleated sheets and Ī²-turns. Finally, the freeze-drying process did not appear to compound or induce additional changes. In this context, FDoxRBCs could become a stable source of reagent RBCs for pre-transfusion blood serology testing. The synchrotron FTIR microspectroscopic live-cell protocol provides a powerful analytical tool to characterize and contrast the effects of different treatments on RBC chemical composition at the single cell level.</p

    Spectroscopic studies on photoinduced reactions of the anticancer prodrug, trans,trans,trans-[Pt(N3)2(OH)2(py)2]

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    The photodecomposition mechanism of trans,trans,trans-[Pt(N3)2(OH)2(py)2] (1, py = pyridine), an anticancer prodrug candidate, was probed using complementary Attenuated Total Reflection Fourier Transform Infrared (ATR-FTIR), transient electronic absorption and UV-Vis spectroscopy. Data fitting using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and multi-curve resolution alternating least squares, suggests the formation of a trans-[Pt(N3)(py)2(OH/H2O)] intermediate and trans [Pt(py)2(OH/H2O)2] as the final product upon 420 nm irradiation of 1 in water. Rapid disappearance of the hydroxido ligand stretching vibration upon irradiation is correlated with a -10 cm-1 shift to the anti-symmetric azido vibration, suggesting a possible second intermediate. Experimental proof of subsequent dissociation of azido ligands from platinum is presented, where at least one hydroxyl radical is formed in the reduction of Pt(IV) to Pt(II). Additionally, the photoinduced reaction of 1 with 5'-guanosine monophosphate was studied, and the identity of key photoproducts was assigned with the help of ATR FTIR spectroscopy, mass spectrometry and DFT calculations. The identification of marker bands for photoproducts, e.g. trans-[Pt(N3)(py)2(5'-GMP)] and trans-[Pt(py)2(5'-GMP)2], will aid elucidation of the chemical and biological mechanism of anticancer action of 1. In general, these studies demonstrate the potential of vibrational spectroscopic techniques as promising tools for studying such metal complexes

    Near-infrared autofluorescence induced by intraplaque hemorrhage and heme degradation as marker for high-risk atherosclerotic plaques

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    Atherosclerosis is a major cause of mortality and morbidity, which is mainly driven by complications such as myocardial infarction and stroke. These complications are caused by thrombotic arterial occlusion localized at the site of high-risk atherosclerotic plaques, of which early detection and therapeutic stabilization are urgently needed. Here we show that near-infrared autofluorescence is associated with the presence of intraplaque hemorrhage and heme degradation products, particularly bilirubin by using our recently created mouse model, which uniquely reflects plaque instability as seen in humans, and human carotid endarterectomy samples. Fluorescence emission computed tomography detecting near-infrared autofluorescence allows in vivo monitoring of intraplaque hemorrhage, establishing a preclinical technology to assess and monitor plaque instability and thereby test potential plaque-stabilizing drugs. We suggest that near-infrared autofluorescence imaging is a novel technology that allows identification of atherosclerotic plaques with intraplaque hemorrhage and ultimately holds promise for detection of high-risk plaques in patients

    Trends in biomedical analysis of red blood cells ā€“ Raman spectroscopy against other spectroscopic, microscopic and classical techniques

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    Application of modern and innovative spectroscopic and microscopic approaches to biomedical analysis opens new horizons and sheds new light on many unexplored scientific territories. In this review, we critically summarize up-to-date Raman-based methodologies for red blood cells (RBCs) analysis used in biology and medicine, and compare them with both classical, as well as other spectroscopic and microscopic approaches. The main emphasis is placed on the advantages, disadvantages and capabilities of each technique for detection of RBC deteriorations and RBC-related diseases. Although currently used classical techniques of medical analysts serve as a gold standard for clinicians in diagnosis of erythropathies, they provide insufficient insight into RBC alterations at the molecular level. In addition, there is a demand for non-destructive and label-free analytical techniques for rapid detection and diagnosis of erythropathies. Their recognition often requires multimodal methodology comprising application of methods including sophisticated spectroscopy-based techniques, where Raman-based approaches play an important role

    Infrared based saliva screening test for COVID-19

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    Abstract: Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 has resulted in an unprecedented need for diagnostic testing that is critical in controlling the spread of COVID-19. We propose a portable infrared spectrometer with purpose-built transflection accessory for rapid point-of-care detection of COVID-19 markers in saliva. Initially, purified virion particles were characterized with Raman spectroscopy, synchrotron infrared (IR) and AFM-IR. A data set comprising 171 transflection infrared spectra from 29 patients testing positive for SARS-CoV-2 by RT-qPCR and 28 testing negative, was modeled using Monte Carlo Double Cross Validation with 50 randomized test and model sets. The testing sensitivity was 93 % (27/29) with a specificity of 82 % (23/28) that included positive samples on the limit of detection for RT-qPCR. Here, we demonstrate a proof-of-concept high throughput infrared COVID-19 test that is rapid, inexpensive, portable and utilizes sample self-collection thus minimizing the risk to healthcare workers and ideally suited to mass screening

    Comprehensive vibrational spectroscopic investigation of trans,trans,trans-[Pt(N3)2(OH)2(py)2], a Pt(IV) diazido anticancer prodrug candidate

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    We report a detailed study of a promising photoactivatable metal-based anticancer prodrug candidate, trans,trans,trans-[Pt(N3)2(OH)2(py)2] (C1; py = pyridine), using vibrational spectroscopic techniques. Attenuated total reflection Fourier transform infrared (ATR-FTIR), Raman, and synchrotron radiation far-IR (SR-FIR) spectroscopies were applied to obtain highly resolved ligand and Pt-ligand vibrations for C1 and its precursors (trans-[Pt(N3)2(py)2] (C2) and trans-[PtCl2(py)2] (C3)). Distinct IR- and Raman-active vibrational modes were assigned with the aid of density functional theory calculations, and trends in the frequency shifts as a function of changing Pt coordination environment were determined and detailed for the first time. The data provide the ligand and Pt-ligand (azide, hydroxide, pyridine) vibrational signatures for C1 in the mid- and far-IR region, which will provide a basis for the better understanding of the interaction of C1 with biomolecules

    Monitoring the reversible B to A-like transition of DNA in eukaryotic cells using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy

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    The ability to detect DNA conformation in eukaryotic cells is of paramount importance in understanding how some cells retain functionality in response to environmental stress. It is anticipated that the B to A transition might play a role in resistance to DNA damage such as heat, desiccation and toxic damage. To this end, conformational detail about the molecular structure of DNA has been derived primarily from in vitro experiments on extracted or synthetic DNA. Here, we report that a B- to A-like DNA conformational change can occur in the nuclei of intact cells in response to dehydration. This transition is reversible upon rehydration in air-dried cells. By systematically monitoring the dehydration and rehydration of single and double-stranded DNA, RNA, extracted nuclei and three types of eukaryotic cells including chicken erythrocytes, mammalian lymphocytes and cancerous rodent fibroblasts using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, we unequivocally assign the important DNA conformation marker bands within these cells. We also demonstrate that by applying FTIR spectroscopy to hydrated samples, the DNA bands become sharper and more intense. This is anticipated to provide a methodology enabling differentiation of cancerous from non-cancerous cells based on the increased DNA content inherent to dysplastic and neoplastic tissue

    A Combined Near-Infrared and Mid-Infrared Spectroscopic Approach for the Detection and Quantification of Glycine in Human Serum

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    Serum is an important candidate in proteomics analysis as it potentially carries key markers on health status and disease progression. However, several important diagnostic markers found in the circulatory proteome and the low-molecular-weight (LMW) peptidome have become analytically challenging due to the high dynamic concentration range of the constituent protein/peptide species in serum. Herein, we propose a novel approach to improve the limit of detection (LoD) of LMW amino acids by combining mid-IR (MIR) and near-IR spectroscopic data using glycine as a model LMW analyte. This is the first example of near-IR spectroscopy applied to elucidate the detection limit of LMW components in serum; moreover, it is the first study of its kind to combine mid-infrared (25&ndash;2.5 &mu;m) and near-infrared (2500&ndash;800 nm) to detect an analyte in serum. First, we evaluated the prediction model performance individually with MIR (ATR-FTIR) and NIR spectroscopic methods using partial least squares regression (PLS-R) analysis. The LoD was found to be 0.26 mg/mL with ATR spectroscopy and 0.22 mg/mL with NIR spectroscopy. Secondly, we examined the ability of combined spectral regions to enhance the detection limit of serum-based LMW amino acids. Supervised extended wavelength PLS-R resulted in a root mean square error of prediction (RMSEP) value of 0.303 mg/mL and R2 value of 0.999 over a concentration range of 0&ndash;50 mg/mL for glycine spiked in whole serum. The LoD improved to 0.17 mg/mL from 0.26 mg/mL. Thus, the combination of NIR and mid-IR spectroscopy can improve the limit of detection for an LMW compound in a complex serum matrix
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