4,475 research outputs found

    POWER LESSONS: Women's Advocacy and the 2030 Agenda

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    In September 2015, the 193 member states of the United Nations General Assembly adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Comprised of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 related targets, the "2030 Agenda" tackles a range of global challenges, including eradicating poverty, reducing inequalities, addressing climate change and promoting peace. If implemented successfully, this new agenda could transform the lives of women and girls all over the world

    Artemis Exploration Company v. Ruby Lake Estates Homeowner’s Association, 135 Nev. Adv. Op. 48

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    The Court determined that (1) implied payment obligations for common elements, contained in the property declaration, can provide adequate notice and create a common-interest community; and (2) NRS 116.3101(1) does not apply to common-interest communities formed before 1992, therefore the unit-owners’ association does not need to be organized before or at the time the first unit is conveyed

    The Influence of Gender on Personal Grooming Behaviors among ERAU Students

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    Preening behaviors are a type of self-grooming behavior that people engage in to maintain their desired appearance. It is well-established that preening behaviors are prevalent among both men and women, with research suggesting that women engage in more preening behaviors than men (Daly, 1983, p. 183). This observational study investigates whether the reported gender difference in preening behaviors persists among contemporary college students. A total of 200 observations were conducted for 30-minute intervals at randomized times for two weeks. The results suggest that there is no significant difference in the number of preening behaviors performed by each gender, supported by a p-value greater than 0.05. However, both genders exhibited a significant display of hair adjustments, with an average of 1.80 adjustments per student, significantly exceeding the composite average of 1.29 preening behaviors per student. While this study provides an initial look at preening behaviors among ERAU students, further research is needed to fully understand the factors that influence these behaviors

    (SNP006) Louise Wood Austin interviewed by John D. Dooms

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    Records the reminiscences of Louise Wood Austin, who grew up in Sugar Hollow, Virginia, prior to the establishment of Shenandoah National Park in 1934. Mrs. Austin and her interviewer, John Dooms, returned to the section of Shenandoah National Park where her family home stood until 1941. Describes her home life and family history, including members of her extended family who represent a cross section of local family names. Among the topics discussed are the growing, harvesting and preserving of food, raising livestock, home remedies and folk medicine. Recalls cattle drives from Ivy, Va., to summer pastures in Jarman Gap, itinerant Syrian peddlers, midwives and square dances. Discusses several small businesses operated by her father and uncles, including a blacksmith shop, distillery and coffin making shop.https://commons.lib.jmu.edu/snp/1119/thumbnail.jp

    Pockets of open cells and drizzle in marine stratocumulus

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    Marine stratocumulus aerosol-cloud relationships in the MASE-II experiment: Precipitation susceptibility in eastern Pacific marine stratocumulus

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    Observational data on aerosol-cloud-drizzle relationships in marine stratocumulus are presented from the second Marine Stratus/Stratocumulus Experiment (MASE-II) carried out in July 2007 over the eastern Pacific near Monterey, California. Observations, carried out in regions of essentially uniform meteorology with localized aerosol enhancements due to ship exhaust (“ship tracks”), demonstrate, in accord with those from numerous other field campaigns, that increased cloud drop number concentration Nc and decreased cloud top effective radius r_e are associated with increased subcloud aerosol concentration. Modulation of drizzle by variations in aerosol levels is levels is clearly evident. Variations of cloud base drizzle rate R_(cb) are found to be consistent with the proportionality, R_(cb) / H^3/N_c, where H is cloud depth. Simultaneous aircraft and A-Train satellite observations are used to quantify the precipitation susceptibility of clouds to aerosol perturbations in the eastern Pacific region

    Effect of high flow oxygen on mortality in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients in prehospital setting: randomised controlled trial

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    Objectives To compare standard high flow oxygen treatment with titrated oxygen treatment for patients with an acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in the prehospital setting

    Measurement of sulfur L2,3 and carbon K edge XANES in a polythiophene film using a high harmonic supercontinuum

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    We use a high harmonic generated supercontinuum in the soft X-ray region to measure X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) spectra in polythiophene (poly(3-hexylthiophene)) films at multiple absorption edges. A few-cycle carrier-envelope phase-stable laser pulse centered at 1800 nm was used to generate a stable soft X-ray supercontinuum, with amplitude gating limiting the generated pulse duration to a single optical half-cycle. We report a quantitative transmission measurement of the sulfur L2,3 edge over the range 160-200 eV and the carbon K edge from 280 to 330 eV. These spectra show all the features previously reported in the XANES spectra of polythiophene, but for the first time they are measured with a source that has an approximately 1 fs pulse duration. This study opens the door to measurements that can fully time-resolve the photoexcited electronic dynamics in these systems
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