111 research outputs found

    A state of the art review on software project performance management

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    Several domain experts in the field of software development and project management have commented on the high failure rate of software engineering and project management. A lot of money has been wasted on failed software projects. Additionally, software quality is not improving. Thusthe successful management of software projects is critical. It is vital to understand what is important to complete software project on time within budget, and meet user requirements. Many literatures present project failure causes. However, project failure still persists. In this paper we outline softwaredevelopment failure. Then we present two key variables in software project performance management i.e. trust and knowledge sharing

    Supporting agility in software development projects - defining a project ontology

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    The popularity of agile software development methods, and agile software project management has been accompanied by significant successes in the delivery of software of business value and quality to client organizations, but has also given rise to more pressing difficulties especially in the support of remotely located teams, and distributed or multi-team development activities. The question of whether or not agile methods, which imply small, focused teams, can be successful in 'big' projects also arises.This paper discusses the essential elements of agile methods, and agile project management methods, and discusses possible applications of ontology-based project support mechanisms, within the application of the digital ecosystem concept

    State of the art of a multi-agent based recommender system for active software engineering ontology

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    Software engineering ontology was first developed to provide efficient collaboration and coordination among distributed teams working on related software development projects across the sites. It helped to clarify the software engineering concepts and project information as well as enable knowledge sharing. However, a major challenge of the software engineering ontology users is that they need the competence to access and translate what they are looking for into the concepts and relations described in the ontology; otherwise, they may not be able to obtain required information. In this paper, we propose a conceptual framework of a multi-agent based recommender system to provide active support to access and utilize knowledge and project information in the software engineering ontology. Multi-agent system and semantic-based recommendation approach will be integrated to create collaborative working environment to access and manipulate data from the ontology and perform reasoning as well as generate expert recommendation facilities for dispersed software teams across the sites

    Knowledge Representation for Potential Field of Study Recognition

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    Knowledge Representation is a part of Artificial Intelligence that focuses on the formalism design. The knowledge about a specific domain is expressed epistemologically and computationally. One of the main reasons for this is that knowledge must be represented so as to easily identify the structure and characteristics of classes and the relationship among them. This paper will focus on the systematic investigation of ontology's formula that is presented by Description logics. We believe that Description logics be able to sketch, define, integrate and maintain the ontology

    Signifying ontology complexity for knowledge sharing

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    Ontologies are used in widespread application areas particularly to provide a shared semantically domain knowledge in a declarative formalism for intelligent reasoning. Even ontology enables knowledge sharing however complexity of knowledge being conceptualized in the ontology is critical to the success of knowledge sharing efforts. Other factor like trust in the source of knowledge can also affect knowledge transfer. In this paper we propose metrics to measure the complexity of ontology for knowledge sharing. We have chosen Software Engineering Ontology as our case study

    Semantic wiki-based ontology evolution

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    Ontology plays a vital role in sharing conceptualizations and terminology interpretable by machines. There are many tools that provide features for Ontology evolution and Ontology maintenance but those tools have limitation on the social involvement perspectives. As results, only a group of Ontology Engineers point of views has on the Ontology concepts. Thus Semantic Wiki allows people to get involve in maintaining and evolving the Ontology. Semantic wiki has characteristic of Usability, Timeliness, Interoperability, Reuse of Knowledge, Formalization and Express ability. It also supportsthe knowledge models that represent in Resource Description Framework (RDF) schema and Web Ontology Language (OWL)

    Knowledge and trust issues for intellectual capital measurement

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    Trust in intellectual capital has become an increasingly important factor. External trust such as trust between business and customer(B to B and B to C), business and supplier, and trust between customer to customer, also internal trust such as trust between employees vertically and horizontally is seen as crucial to the expansion of intellectual capital in a business. Although there is an interest in measuring and reporting the relationship between intellectual capital and business performance and some measurement models have been proposed, in most of these models such as BSC, Skandia, IC audit, Intangible asset monitor, MVA and EVA, Knowledge and an asset produced by the knowledge are assumed as the fundamental sources of wealth and the role of trust has not been investigated. The concept of trust indicates business component faith to the shared knowledge between them. The key to success in business is obtaining and maintaining the trust (internal and external) of the participants in the markets. Trust also affects on knowledge sharing and in order to increase knowledge sharing, the participants must have good faith to the shared knowledge resources. Otherwise, participants are more likely to share knowledge with the business competitors. In this paper, we extend the value of intellectual capital from the knowledge to ?knowledge and trust? as the two important variables in intellectual capital. Sustainable business performance will be discussed and demonstrated the platform of this sustainability can be created by the knowledge and trust.Additionally, most current intellectual capital measurement models are assessing the business performance in static environment. However, the intellectual assets consist mainly of dynamic elements. Knowledge and trust are dynamic elements and we should discuss them in a dynamic environment and in a specific time slot. Therefore, in this paper variables are analysed in dynamic modelling systems. Also, in current business performance models most of the data resources are internal where external data resources are also important. We point out in this paper that improving external variables such as trust within customers can affect on business performance

    Medical health knowledge management using wireless network: Moroccan hospitals case study

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    Hospitals and medical health services are large business that we have to make them successful for their earned profits and incomes. Unifying the communication in hospitals can approve the environments and avoid the problems faced. Wireless networks are very useful in large crowded places like hospitals. Wireless technology has empowered the medical health systems by reducing the paperwork that nurses or doctors have to deal with them whole day. Its primary purpose is to ensure effective care of patients by increasing the accuracy and speed of health care. This paper highlights patients' knowledge management in hospitals using the wireless communication since the rate of medical errors has increased lately. The intention of this paper is to utilize an advanced technology to help hospitals raise the rate of care of patients throughout the use of mobile data collection device that transmits data to a centralized database to raise the visibility of data to the receivers

    Development of patient-practitioner assistive communications (PPAC) ontology for type 2 diabetes management

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    Communication in primary care is a key area of healthcare slow to adopt new technology to improve understanding between the patient and healthcare practitioner. Patients whose cultural background and regular form of dialectal communication are far removed from that of mainstream society are particularly disadvantaged by this during the patient-practitioner interview encounter (PPIE). In this paper, we present an assistive communications technology (ACT) framework for PPIE developed using a Type-2 Diabetes Management Patient-Practitioner Assistive Communications (T2DMPPAC) ontology in order to help both Aboriginal patient and non-Aboriginal practitioner optimise their pre-encounter, during-encounter and post-encounter communication. The T2DMPPAC architecture provides knowledge and presents it in a manner that is easily accessible and understood by the user (patients and practitioners) as well as accompanying carers, and as appropriate, interpreters. An example of bi-directional mapping of concepts to language during a PPIE session is shown using the ontology

    Information engineering of a software engineering ontology

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    In this paper, we describe the preliminary result of the development and implementation of a Java-based system for information gathering, knowledge extraction and maintenance of software engineering ontology. The system is capable of manipulative ontology instances from the information repositories and information sources. Design of Software Engineering Ontology through the use of the body of software engineering knowledge together with Prof Ian Sommerville's book, as well as project management experiences, has not been a difficult task. However, the maintenance of the software development ontology and security of the Ontology are issues
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