97,504 research outputs found

    Book Review - The Soft Power of Construction Contracting Organisations

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    Cheung, S. O.,  Wong, P. S. P. and Wing Yiu, T. W. eds., 2015. The Soft Power of Construction Contracting Organisations. London: Routledge. 226 pages. ISBN – 9781138805286

    Comment on `Glueball spectrum from a potential model'

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    In a recent article, W.-S. Hou and G.-G. Wong [Phys. Rev. D {\bf 67}, 034003 (2003)] have investigated the spectrum of two-gluon glueballs below 3 GeV in a potential model with a dynamical gluon mass. We point out that, among the 18 states calculated by the authors, only three are physical. The other states either are spurious or possess a finite mass only due to an arbitrary restriction of the variational parameter.Comment: Comment on pape

    A novel approach to circuit-field-torque coupled time stepping finite element modeling of electric machines

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    Author name used in this publication: S. L. HoAuthor name used in this publication: W. N. FuAuthor name used in this publication: H. C. WongH.C. Wong, Industrial Centre2000-2001 > Academic research: refereed > Publication in refereed journalVersion of RecordPublishe

    Use of Emoji in Pain Level Assessment in Pediatric Dental Patients

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    USE OF EMOJI IN PAIN LEVEL ASSESSMENT IN PEDIATRIC DENTAL PATIENTS Purpose: The purpose of this study is to determine the efficacy of a pain scale with Emoji images in comparison to the commonly used Wong-Baker FACES¼ pain scale. Methods: Healthy, English-speaking patients aged 4-17 presenting to the VCU Pediatric Dental clinic and the operating room and presenting to the MCV Pediatric Emergency Room were asked to rate their pain using the Wong-Baker FACES¼ and Emoji scales. These patients were then asked to select which pain scale they preferred. Results: A total of 151 children were enrolled in the study. The proposed Emoji scale was preferred by 86% of enrolled children (n=151). Children rated their pain the same on the two scales 78% of the time indicating a weak overall agreement between the two scales as defined by Cohen’s Kappa (k=0.5863, 95% CI: 0.47-0.70). In the instances of disagreement, 82% were within one image on the pain scale. There was a roughly even split between which scale corresponded to the higher pain level (56% Wong-Baker was higher and 44% Emoji was rated higher). Conclusions: A majority of the patients surveyed presented with no pain. The Emoji scale showed moderate agreement with the Wong-Baker FACES scale. A majority of the patients preferred the Emoji scale demonstrating the strong communicative utility of Emoji


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    Panliten iki njlentrehake wujud kapribaden neurotis-e paraga Hermanto lan Sawitri anggone ngrampungi masalah-masalah sajrone lelakonn uripe kang sesambungan karo rasa sumengit lan rasa sumelang saengga nuwuhake cara-cara tartamtu. Cara-cara tartamtu kang ditindakake kaloro paraga kasebut mujudake gegambaran saka kapribadene neurotis-e kaloro paraga kasebut. Lelandhesan tintingan psikoanalisis Karen Horney, cara-cara tartamu kanggo ngrampungi rasa sumengit lan sumelang bisa ditindakake kanthi telung cara sing onjo minangka ancase panliten sajrone panliten iki, yaiku: (1) wujud kapribaden neurotis-w paraga kanthi cara nyedhaki wong liya, (2) wujud kapribaden neurotis-e paraga kanthi cara nglawan wong liya, (3) wujud kapribaden neurotis-e paraga kanthi cara ngedohi wong liya. Pamarekan sing digunakake sajrone panliten iki yaiku pamarekan psikologi sastra. Panliten iki kalebu wujud panliten dheskriptif kualitatif. Teknik pangumpulaning dhata sajrone panliten iki nggunakake teknik maca lan cathet, kanthi cara maca sumber dhata lan nyathet tembung-tembung utawa ukara sing laras lan trep karo underaning panliten. Sumber panliten kang digunakake yaiku cerbung Wanita Buron . Asiling panliten yaiku: (1) kecenderungan neurotik kanthi cara nyedhaki wong liya ditindakake paraga Hermanto lan Sawitri minangka cara ngrampungi rasa sumelang awujud nggayuh kabutuhan tumrap rasa sih tresna lan tinarima liya, mitra utawa kanca sing bisa menehi pangaribawa sing gedhe, lan urip narima ing pandum, (2) kecenderungan neurotik kanthi cara nglawan wong liya ditindakake paraga Hermanto lan Sawitri minangka cara ngrampungi rasa sumelang awujud nggayuh kabutuhan tumrap kewenangan, nggunakake wong liya, rasa panghargyan sosial utawa gengsi, rasa nggumun utawa bombong marang awake dhewe, lan ambisi utawa gegayuhan pribadi, lan (3) kecenderungan neurotik kanthi cara ngedohi wong liya ditindakake paraga Hermanto lan Sawitri minangka cara ngrampungi rasa sumelang awujud nggayuh kabutuhan tumrap urip mandhiri lan bebas, lan kasampurnan utawa rasa ora mungkin salah. Tembung-tembung wigati : Neurotis, Psikoanalisis Sosial, lan kapribaden neurotis (Kecenderungan Neurotik)

    Wong-Rosay Theorem in almost complex manifolds

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    We study the compactness of sequences of diffeomorphisms in almost complex manifolds in terms of the direct images of the standard integrable structure.Comment: date de redaction: 2003-6-1
