13 research outputs found

    Assembly of the outer retina in the absence of GABA synthesis in horizontal cells

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The inhibitory neurotransmitter gamma-amino-butyric acid (GABA) not only modulates excitability in the mature nervous system but also regulates neuronal differentiation and circuit development. Horizontal cells, a subset of interneurons in the outer retina, are transiently GABAergic during the period of cone photoreceptor synaptogenesis. In rodents, both horizontal cells and cone axonal terminals express GABA<sub>A </sub>receptors. To explore the possibility that transient GABA expression in mouse neonatal horizontal cells influences the structural development of synaptic connectivity in the outer retina, we examined a mutant in which expression of GAD67, the major synthesizing enzyme for GABA, is selectively knocked out in the retina.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Immunocytochemistry and electron microscopy revealed that the assembly of triad synapses involving cone axonal pedicles and the dendrites of horizontal and bipolar cells is unaffected in the mutant retina. Moreover, loss of GABA synthesis in the outer retina did not perturb the spatial distributions and cell densities of cones and horizontal cells. However, there were some structural alterations at the cellular level: the average size of horizontal cell dendritic clusters was larger in the mutant, and there was also a small but significant increase in cone photoreceptor pedicle area. Moreover, metabotropic glutamate receptor 6 (mGluR6) receptors on the dendrites of ON bipolar cells occupied a slightly larger proportion of the cone pedicle in the mutant.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Together, our analysis shows that transient GABA synthesis in horizontal cells is not critical for synapse assembly and axonal and dendritic lamination in the outer retina. However, pre- and postsynaptic structures are somewhat enlarged in the absence of GABA in the developing outer retina, providing for a modest increase in potential contact area between cone photoreceptors and their targets. These findings differ from previous results in which pharmacological blockade of GABA<sub>A </sub>receptors in the neonatal rabbit retina caused a reduction in cone numbers and led to a grossly disorganized outer retina.</p

    In vivo development of dendritic orientation in wild-type and mislocalized retinal ganglion cells

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Many neurons in the central nervous system, including retinal ganglion cells (RGCs), possess asymmetric dendritic arbors oriented toward their presynaptic partners. How such dendritic arbors become biased during development <it>in vivo </it>is not well understood. Dendritic arbors may become oriented by directed outgrowth or by reorganization of an initially unbiased arbor. To distinguish between these possibilities, we imaged the dynamic behavior of zebrafish RGC dendrites during development <it>in vivo</it>. We then addressed how cell positioning within the retina, altered in <it>heart-and-soul </it>(<it>has</it>) mutants, affects RGC dendritic orientation.</p> <p>Results</p> <p><it>In vivo </it>multiphoton time-lapse analysis revealed that RGC dendrites initially exhibit exploratory behavior in multiple directions but progressively become apically oriented. The lifetimes of basal and apical dendrites were generally comparable before and during the period when arbors became biased. However, with maturation, the addition and extension rates of basal dendrites were slower than those of the apical dendrites. Oriented dendritic arbors were also found in misplaced RGCs of the <it>has </it>retina but there was no preferred orientation amongst the population. However, <it>has </it>RGCs always projected dendrites toward nearby neuropil where amacrine and bipolar cell neurites also terminated. Chimera analysis showed that the abnormal dendritic organization of RGCs in the mutant was non-cell autonomous.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our observations show that RGC dendritic arbors acquire an apical orientation by selective and gradual restriction of dendrite addition to the apical side of the cell body, rather than by preferential dendrite stabilization or elimination. A biased arbor emerges at a stage when many of the dendritic processes still appear exploratory. The generation of an oriented RGC dendritic arbor is likely to be determined by cell-extrinsic cues. Such cues are unlikely to be localized to the basal lamina of the inner retina, but rather may be provided by cells presynaptic to the RGCs.</p

    Diverse Strategies Engaged in Establishing Stereotypic Wiring Patterns among Neurons Sharing a Common Input at the Visual System's First Synapse

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    Sensory circuits use common strategies, such as convergence and divergence, typically at different synapses, to pool or distribute inputs. Inputs from different presynaptic cell types converge onto a common postsynaptic cell, acting together to shape neuronal output (Klausberger and Somogyi, 2008). Also, individual presynaptic cells contact several postsynaptic cell types, generating divergence of signals. Attaining such complex wiring patterns relies on the orchestration of many events across development, including axonal and dendritic growth and synapse formation and elimination (reviewed by Waites et al., 2005; Sanes and Yamagata, 2009). Recent work has focused on how distinct presynaptic cell types form stereotypic connections with an individual postsynaptic cell (Morgan et al., 2011; Williams et al., 2011), but how a single presynaptic cell type diverges to form distinct wiring patterns with multiple postsynaptic cell types during development remains unexplored. Here we take advantage of the compactness of the visual system's first synapse to observe development of such a circuit in mouse retina. By imaging three types of postsynaptic bipolar cells and their common photoreceptor targets across development, we found that distinct bipolar cell types engage in disparate dendritic growth behaviors, exhibit targeted or exploratory approaches to contact photoreceptors, and adhere differently to the synaptotropic model of establishing synaptic territories. Furthermore each type establishes its final connectivity patterns with the same afferents on separate time scales. We propose that such differences in strategy and timeline could facilitate the division of common inputs among multiple postsynaptic cell types to create parallel circuits with diverse function

    Developmental patterning of glutamatergic synapses onto retinal ganglion cells

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Neurons receive excitatory synaptic inputs that are distributed across their dendritic arbors at densities and with spatial patterns that influence their output. How specific synaptic distributions are attained during development is not well understood. The distribution of glutamatergic inputs across the dendritic arbors of mammalian retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) has long been correlated to the spatial receptive field profiles of these neurons. Thus, determining how glutamatergic inputs are patterned onto RGC dendritic arbors during development could provide insight into the cellular mechanisms that shape their functional receptive fields.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We transfected developing and mature mouse RGCs with plasmids encoding fluorescent proteins that label their dendrites and glutamatergic postsynaptic sites. We found that as dendritic density (dendritic length per unit area of dendritic field) decreases with maturation, the density of synapses along the dendrites increases. These changes appear coordinated such that RGCs attain the mature average density of postsynaptic sites per unit area (areal density) by the time synaptic function emerges. Furthermore, stereotypic centro-peripheral gradients in the areal density of synapses across the arbor of RGCs are established at an early developmental stage.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The spatial pattern of glutamatergic inputs onto RGCs arises early in synaptogenesis despite ensuing reorganization of dendritic structure. We raise the possibility that these early patterns of synaptic distributions may arise from constraints placed on the number of contacts presynaptic neurons are able to make with the RGCs.</p

    Sensory Experience Shapes the Development of the Visual System’s First Synapse

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    Specific connectivity patterns among neurons create the basic architecture underlying parallel processing in our nervous system. Here we focus on the visual system's first synapse to examine the structural and functional consequences of sensory deprivation on the establishment of parallel circuits. Dark rearing reduces synaptic strength between cones and cone bipolar cells, a previously unappreciated effect of sensory deprivation. In contrast, rod bipolar cells, which utilize the same glutamate receptor to contact rods, are unaffected by dark rearing. Underlying the physiological changes, we find the localization of metabotropic glutamate receptors within cone bipolar, but not rod bipolar, cell dendrites is a light-dependent process. Furthermore, although cone bipolar cells share common cone partners, each bipolar cell type that we examined depends differentially on sensory input to achieve mature connectivity. Thus, visual experience differentially affects maturation of rod versus cone pathways and of cell types within the cone pathway

    Spatial maps of dendritic and postsynaptic densities of RGCs across development

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    Dendritic territories are determined by convolving a 10 μm diameter disk centered at every pixel of the image, with the dendritic skeleton (see Materials and methods). Within the dendritic territory of each cell, dendritic length (μm) per 100 μm(D/A), puncta per 100 μm(P/A), and puncta per micrometer of dendrite (P/D) were obtained. Maps of local values of D/A, P/D, and P/A of OFF monostratified RGCs at different ages. Local densities were determined by counting puncta number and measuring dendritic (Dend) length within a sliding window with a diameter of 20 μm centered at each pixel of the image (see Materials and methods).<p><b>Copyright information:</b></p><p>Taken from "Developmental patterning of glutamatergic synapses onto retinal ganglion cells"</p><p>http://www.neuraldevelopment.com/content/3/1/8</p><p>Neural Development 2008;3():8-8.</p><p>Published online 26 Mar 2008</p><p>PMCID:PMC2311295.</p><p></p

    Comparison of ON and OFF arbors of bistratified cells across development

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    Global dendritic and puncta densities for bistratified and P5 RGCs. ON arbors are shown in green. OFF arbors are shown in red. Error bars = standard error of mean. Ratio of dendritic and puncta densities of the inner half of the dendritic arbor divided by the outer half. Scatter plot comparing areal density of puncta between ON and OFF arbors of individual cells for all ages recorded. Scatter plots showing the relationship of differences in P/A and D/A between the ON and OFF arbors. ΔP/A = [P/A- P/A]/[P/A+ P/A]. Similar calculations were obtained for D/A (ΔD/A). R = correlation of coefficient. -values indicate the probability of producing the given R-value from a random pairing of the data.<p><b>Copyright information:</b></p><p>Taken from "Developmental patterning of glutamatergic synapses onto retinal ganglion cells"</p><p>http://www.neuraldevelopment.com/content/3/1/8</p><p>Neural Development 2008;3():8-8.</p><p>Published online 26 Mar 2008</p><p>PMCID:PMC2311295.</p><p></p