21 research outputs found

    Green products purchase intention: a study of Sibu Sarawak

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    Of late, members of the public have become very concerned with both environmental issues and the role of the individual and their mindset towards keeping a healthy environment. The reason for this is because it has been identified that some of the main causes of environmental deterioration is due to the current rapid growth in technology and consumers’ consumption. The objective of this research is to identify the significant driver of green products purchase intention among residents of Sibu. Using the Theory of Reasoned Action as the underpinning basis, the study utilized a survey approach, with self-administered questionnaires. A total of 384 usable questionnaires were used for the purpose of analysis. The purposive sampling technique was used to distribute adapted questionnaires amongst the designated sample size. The results revealed that attitudes towards green purchase, health consciousness, attitudes towards the environment, and social influence led to consumers’ green products purchase intention

    Perceived technology trust among business owners : a study of e-business adoption in Sarawak’s SMES

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    E-Business platform is a strategic tool that provides many SMEs a platform turn their business from traditional into the advance business model. Due to the rapid growth of the Internet, it has led to increasing interest in how to inspire the owner or manager of SMEs in Sarawak. This paper examines the influence of privacy and security factors on attitude towards adoption which directly predicts e-business adoption in Sarawak’s SMEs. The motive of this study was the limited studies related to e-business adoption by SMEs, especially in Sarawak. Furthermore, most e-business studies focused on the acceptance level of the e-business adoption instead of the owner’s or manager’s attitude towards the adoption. Thus, this limits the understanding about e-business adoption by SMEs in Sarawak, as well as the privacy and security factors that influenced the attitude towards the rate of the e-business adoption in Sarawak’s SMEs. SPSS and SmartPLS 3.0 are used as the main analytical tool. Data were collected from 163 Sarawak’s SMEs and purposive sampling method was used for the research. The findings revealed that privacy and security factor is significant to the adoption attitude of Sarawak’s SMEs in the adoption of e-business platform. The findings extended the current understanding of e-business adoption by Sarawak’s SMEs. The results will be useful to SMEs, government, and policymakers devising e-business security and privacy policies. Several implications, limitations of the study, and the conclusion are outlined

    Antecedents of Customer E-loyalty With the Effect of Trustworthiness in Malaysia Context

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    The rapid growth of online shopping has led to inspire customer e-loyalty among Malaysians, especially living in this digital environment. Commitment-trust theory is applied as the theoretical base to explain the factors influencing customer e-loyalty. The primary objective of this study is to investigate the direct impact of customer interface quality, service quality (SERVQUAL), website quality, technology acceptance factors, and technology trust on customer e-loyalty. This study also aims to examine the indirect effect of independence variables on customer e-loyalty through the effects of trustworthiness. SmartPLS 2.0 (M3) is applied as analytical tool to study the impact. A survey is conducted with 395 respondents who had online purchase experience. The findings indicated that customer interface quality, SERVQUAL, website quality, technology acceptance factors, and technology trust have positive impact on customer e-loyalty. Additionally, trustworthiness is used as mediator exclusive of SERVQUAL. Several implications of the findings, limitations of the study, and recommendations for future research are highlighted

    The Implementation of Green Marketing Tools in Rural Tourism: The Readiness of Tourists?

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    Environmental sustainability is the key factor for the future development of the tourism industry, particularly in sensitive rural tourism destinations. Green tourism and green marketing are alternative practices that ensure the environmental sustainability of tourism destinations. However, green marketing has received little attention in the context of rural destinations. This is the first known study undertaken with the purpose of understanding the relationship between green marketing tools (eco-brand, eco-label, and environmental advertisement) and green purchasing behavior in rural tourism destinations from the perception of tourists. A sample of 252 respondents was selected to complete the questionnaires. To assess the developed model, SmartPLS (version 3.2.6) was applied based on path modeling, followed by bootstrapping. The results revealed that the three-dimensional constructs of green marketing tools were significantly and positively correlated with green purchasing behavior of rural tourism destinations from tourists’ perspectives. Several implications, limitations, and directions for future research were further discussed. © 2017 Taylor & Francis Group, LL

    The Implementation of Green Marketing Tools in Rural Tourism: The Readiness of Tourists?

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    Environmental sustainability is the key factor for the future development of the tourism industry, particularly in sensitive rural tourism destinations. Green tourism and green marketing are alternative practices that ensure the environmental sustainability of tourism destinations. However, green marketing has received little attention in the context of rural destinations. This is the first known study undertaken with the purpose of understanding the relationship between green marketing tools (eco-brand, eco-label, and environmental advertisement) and green purchasing behavior in rural tourism destinations from the perception of tourists. A sample of 252 respondents was selected to complete the questionnaires. To assess the developed model, SmartPLS (version 3.2.6) was applied based on path modeling, followed by bootstrapping. The results revealed that the three-dimensional constructs of green marketing tools were significantly and positively correlated with green purchasing behavior of rural tourism destinations from tourists’ perspectives. Several implications, limitations, and directions for future research were further discussed. © 2017 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

    Intention to Use Islamic Banking Products and Its Determinants

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    As there is an increasing trend of Muslims and non-Muslims accepting Islamic banking, it is crucial to reconnoitre customers' intention to use Islamic banking products. Such rationale is based on theoretical foundation and empirical evidence that customers' perception towards a particular product would lead to their intention to choose that product. The purpose of this study is to examine the determinants of intention to use Islamic banking products in an emerging and vibrant market. 200 copies of questionnaires were distributed, 131 usable copies were subsequently collected. The data were then analysed using PLS-SEM. The findings show that attitude, government support, and social influence possess explanatory and predictive capacity to envisage customers' intention to use Islamic banking products. As banking service is localized to better serve the customers, this study extends the literature by providing insights into the subject matter in emerging markets. Keywords: Islamic bank; intention; attitude; social influence; government support; product pricing; religious obligation; PLS-SEM JEL Classifications: G2, Z

    Beliefs about the Use of Instagram: An Exploratory Study

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    Given the rapid technological advancement, social media and communication devices continue to grow exponentially. Hence, social networking has become a major communication method in contemporary society. As a mobile application, Instagram has been widely used for personal reasons as well as business activities. Due to the lack of literature in understanding why people use Instagram in emerging markets, the present study serves as groundwork to explore the subject matter in Malaysia. The theory of reasoned action (TRA) was adapted so as to provide theoretical base to explain specific beliefs about Instagram. This provides better understanding of attitude and usage behavior towards Instagram. Qualitative method was adopted by means of personal interview in order to elicit belief factors about Instagram. Thirty-four interviews were conducted on the basis of data replicability, and all transcriptions were subsequently analyzed using content analysis. Results indicate that behavioral beliefs about Instagram are composed of five factors, and they are labeled as personal gratification, features usefulness, socializing role, product information and entertainment. Normative beliefs, in turn, are made up by six factors, and they are labeled as siblings, relatives, close friends/peers, friends in general, Facebook friends, and application reviewers. This exploratory study contributes a fundamental knowledge about Instagram and social networking communication with a theoretical stance. From managerial standpoint, it also elucidates the effect of communication manner and people from the same age-group on adopting the product


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    The industry of tourism in Malaysia is highly recognized for its contribution to the national economy and employment opportunities. However, following the strike of global epidemic due to COVID-19, the number of visitations by tourists has plunged and Malaysia is currently in its stage of revitalizing the industry post-COVID-19. To rejuvenate the tourism industry of Sarawak, Malaysia, the understanding of motivators to boost favourable tourists’ behaviours is crucial, given the ever-changing situation in the tourism market. This study explored the relationship between dimensions of Stimulus-Organism-Response (S-OR) model, particularly in tourism destinations of Sarawak with the adoption of Virtual Reality (VR) technology. The survey was participated by 250 tourists and the proposed model was evaluated using WarpPLS 8.0. The statistical findings revealed the significant positive relationships between all tested constructs (i.e., media richness, presence, utilitarian and hedonic value, behavioural and visit intention). The implications of these findings are further discussed

    An Investiogation on the antecedents influencing customer e-loyality and e-satisfaction among Malaysians with the effects of trustworthiness

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    The rapid growth of online shopping has led to increasing interest in how to inspire customer e-loyalty and e-satisfaction in Malaysia context. The general objective of this study is to explore and examine the perceptions of Malaysian Internet users that contribute to customer e-loyalty and e-satisfaction. Specifically, the purpose of this study is to (a) identify the most significant determinants of customer e-loyalty and e-satisfaction; (b) investigate the strength of relationships between customer interface quality, website quality, service quality, technology acceptance factors, and technology trust and customer e-loyalty and e-satisfaction; (c) examine the effect of trustworthiness on customer e-loyalty and e-satisfaction; and lastly (d) investigate the effect of trustworthiness on customer interface quality, website quality, service quality, technology acceptance factors, and technology trust and customer e-loyalty and e-satisfaction. The current research differs from previous studies by investigating various dimensions of customer interface quality, service quality, website quality, technology acceptance factors, and technology trust with the outcome of behavioral intentions, namely customer e-loyalty (measured by word-of-mouth, future purchase intentions, and complaining behavior) and e-satisfaction (measured by repurchase intention and revisit intention). This study also examines the indirect effect of customer interface quality, website quality, service quality, technology acceptance factors, and technology trust on customer e-loyalty and e-satisfaction through trustworthiness. Specifically, this study is perhaps the first to test trustworthiness as the mediator to measure the Malaysian Internet users’ behavioral intentions. A quantitative survey was conducted among Malaysian Internet users who have experience in accessing the Internet and Internet shopping. To participate, they had to have carried out at least one online transaction and made an e-purchase in the previous three months. The theoretical framework for the current study was developed from previous research. SPSS statistical software and SmartPLS 2.0 (M3) were used as the main analytical tools to establish the results in order to address the research objectives. A total of 395 respondents participated in this study. This study is perhaps the first to propose and validate a new model set of variables for customer e-loyalty and e-satisfaction among Malaysians in the Internet environment. The current findings of the study may be informative, and act as a basis for future researchers who are interested in an online study in Malaysia. Practically, the findings may also assist Malaysian e-retailers in understanding the key factors of business-to-consumer interactions and how to capture more online shoppers. In particular, this research details the area of trustworthiness in the online context. Some of the implications, limitations of the study, and recommendations for future research are outlined in the current study