22 research outputs found

    Modelling the Milky Way's globular cluster system

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    We construct a model for the Galactic globular cluster system based on a realistic gravitational potential and a distribution function (DF) analytic in the action integrals. The DF comprises disc and halo components whose functional forms resemble those recently used to describe the stellar discs and stellar halo. We determine the posterior distribution of our model parameters using a Bayesian approach. This gives us an understanding of how well the globular cluster data constrain our model. The favoured parameter values of the disc and halo DFs are similar to values previously obtained from fits to the stellar disc and halo, although the cluster halo system shows clearer rotation than does the stellar halo. Our model reproduces the generic features of the globular cluster system, namely the density profile, the mean rotation velocity. The fraction of disc clusters coincides with the observed fraction of metal-rich clusters. However, the data indicate either incompatibility between catalogued cluster distances and current estimates of distance to the Galactic Centre, or failure to identify clusters behind the bulge. As the data for our Galaxy's components increase in volume and precision over the next few years, it will be rewarding to revisit the present analysis.Comment: 13 pages accepted by MNRA

    Gravitational bremsstrahlung from spinning binaries in the post-Minkowskian expansion

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    We present a novel calculation of the four-momentum that is radiated into gravitational waves during the scattering of two arbitrarily spinning bodies. Our result, which is accurate to leading order in GG, to quadratic order in the spins, and to all orders in the velocity, is derived by using a Routhian-based worldline effective field theory formalism in concert with a battery of analytic techniques for evaluating loop integrals. While nonspinning binaries radiate momentum only along the direction of their relative velocity, we show that the inclusion of spins generically allows for momentum loss in all three spatial directions. We also verify that our expression for the radiated energy agrees with the overlapping terms from state-of-the-art calculations in post-Newtonian theory.Comment: Version accepted for publication. 5 pages, 2 figures, 1 table + supplemental material. Some minor typos corrected and a few references added relative to v

    Constraining spontaneous black hole scalarization in scalar-tensor-Gauss-Bonnet theories with current gravitational-wave data

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    We examine the constraining power of current gravitational-wave data on scalar-tensor-Gauss-Bonnet theories that allow for the spontaneous scalarization of black holes. In the fiducial model that we consider, a slowly rotating black hole must scalarize if its size is comparable to the new length scale λ\lambda that the theory introduces, although rapidly rotating black holes of any mass are effectively indistinguishable from their counterparts in general relativity. With this in mind, we use the gravitational-wave event GW190814\,\unicode{x2014}\,whose primary black hole has a spin that is bounded to be small, and whose signal shows no evidence of a scalarized primary\,\unicode{x2014}\,to rule out a narrow region of the parameter space. In particular, we find that values of λ∈[56,96] M⊙{\lambda \in [56, 96]~M_\odot} are strongly disfavored with a Bayes factor of 0.10.1 or less. We also include a second event, GW151226, in our analysis to illustrate what information can be extracted when the spins of both components are poorly measured.Comment: 8 pages + references, 4 figure

    Gravitational waves from binary black holes in a self-interacting scalar dark matter cloud

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    We investigate the imprints of accretion and dynamical friction on the gravitational-wave signals emitted by binary black holes embedded in a scalar dark matter cloud. As a key feature in this work, we focus on scalar fields with a repulsive self-interaction that balances against the self-gravity of the cloud. To a first approximation, the phase of the gravitational-wave signal receives extra correction terms at −4-4PN and −5.5-5.5PN orders, relative to the prediction of vacuum general relativity, due to accretion and dynamical friction, respectively. Future observations by LISA and B-DECIGO have the potential to detect these effects for a large range of scalar masses~mDMm_\mathrm{DM} and self-interaction couplings~λ4\lambda_4; observations by ET and Advanced~LIGO could also detect these effects, albeit in a more limited region of parameter space. Crucially, we find that even if a dark matter cloud has a bulk density~ρ0\rho_0 that is too dilute to be detected via the effects of dynamical friction, the imprints of accretion could still be observable because it is controlled by the independent scale ρa=4mDM4c3/(3λ4ℏ3)\rho_a = 4 m_{\rm DM}^4 c^3/(3 \lambda_4 \hbar^3). In the models we consider, the infalling dark matter increases in density up to this characteristic scale ρa\rho_a near the Schwarzschild radius, which sets the accretion rate and its associated impact on the gravitational~waveform.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figures, 5 table

    Spin-orbit effects for compact binaries in scalar-tensor gravity

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    Abstract: Gravitational waves provide us with a new window into our Universe, and have already been used to place strong constrains on the existence of light scalar fields, which are a common feature in many alternative theories of gravity. However, spin effects are still relatively unexplored in this context. In this work, we construct an effective point-particle action for a generic spinning body that can couple both conformally and disformally to a real scalar field, and we show that requiring the existence of a self-consistent solution automatically implies that if a scalar couples to the mass of a body, then it must also couple to its spin. We then use well-established effective field theory techniques to conduct a comprehensive study of spin-orbit effects in binary systems to leading order in the post-Newtonian (PN) expansion. Focusing on quasicircular nonprecessing binaries for simplicity, we systematically compute all key quantities, including the conservative potential, the orbital binding energy, the radiated power, and the gravitational-wave phase. We show that depending on how strongly each member of the binary couples to the scalar, the spin-orbit effects that are due to a conformal coupling first enter into the phase at either 0.5 PN or 1.5 PN order, while those that arise from a disformal coupling start at either 3.5 PN or 4.5 PN order. This suppression by additional PN orders notwithstanding, we find that the disformal spin-orbit terms can actually dominate over their conformal counterparts due to an enhancement by a large prefactor. Accordingly, our results suggest that upcoming gravitational-wave detectors could be sensitive to disformal spin-orbit effects in double neutron star binaries if at least one of the two bodies is sufficiently scalarised

    Modelling the Milky Way’s globular cluster system

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    Gravitational bremsstrahlung from spinning binaries in the post-Minkowskian expansion

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    International audienceWe present a novel calculation of the four-momentum that is radiated into gravitational waves during the scattering of two arbitrarily spinning bodies. Our result, which is accurate to leading order in G, to quadratic order in the spins, and to all orders in the velocity, is derived by using a Routhian-based worldline effective field theory formalism in concert with a battery of analytic techniques for evaluating loop integrals. While nonspinning binaries radiate momentum only along the direction of their relative velocity, we show that the inclusion of spins generically allows for momentum loss in all three spatial directions. We also verify that our expression for the radiated energy agrees with the overlapping terms from state-of-the-art calculations in post-Newtonian theory