23 research outputs found

    Estimating mangrove above-ground biomass in Sabah, Malaysia using field measurements, shuttle radar topography mission and landsat data

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    Mangroves are one of the most productive forest ecosystems and play an important role in carbon storage. We examined the use of Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) data to estimate mangrove Above-ground Biomass (AGB) in Sabah, Malaysia. SRTM-DEM can be considered as Canopy Height Model (CHM) because of the flat coastal topography. Nevertheless, we also introduced ground elevation correction using a Digital Terrain Model (DTM) generated with GIS and coastal profile data. We mapped the mangrove forest cover using Landsat imagery acquired in 2015 with the supervised classification method (Kappa coefficient of 0.81). Regression analyses of field AGB and the CHMs resulted in an estimation model with the corrected CHM as the best predictor (R2: 0.73) and cross-validated Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) was 19.70 Mg ha-1 (RMSE%: 11.60). Our study showed Sabah has a mangrove cover of 268,631.91 ha with a total AGB of 44,163,207.07 Mg in 2015. This substantial amount of carbon storage should be monitored over time and managed as part of the climate change mitigation strategy

    Comparison of Vancomycin Pharmacokinetics in Cystic Fibrosis Patients Pre and Post-lung Transplant:

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    Background: Vancomycin is commonly used to treat acute cystic fibrosis (CF) exacerbations associated with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). Multiple studies have demonstrated pharmacokinetic differences of antimicrobials in the CF population. Very little data exist regarding pharmacokinetics postlung transplant, but 2 studies have noted changes in tobramycin pharmacokinetics. No such studies exist evaluating vancomycin in CF patients postlung transplant. Methods: A retrospective cohort review of CF patients who underwent lung transplantation and received vancomycin pre- and posttransplant was conducted. CF patients who underwent transplant between 2007 and 2016 at 4 medical centers throughout the United States were included. The primary endpoint was the change in elimination rate constant. The secondary endpoints were subgroup analyses of patients grouped by age, time posttransplant, and number of nephrotoxic medications. Results: A total of 25 patients were included, of which just under half were pediatric. Patients were significantly older and heavier posttransplant and had higher serum creatinine and number of nephrotoxic medications. The change in elimination rate constant from pre- to posttransplant was −0.50 hr−1 which was statistically significant (P < .001). This significant decrease was consistent among all subgroups of patients evaluated with the exception of pediatric patients. Conclusion: Vancomycin pharmacokinetics are significantly altered in CF patients in the posttransplant setting as evidenced by a decrease in elimination rate constant. This decrease may be related to a decrease in renal clearance and higher numbers of nephrotoxic medications posttransplant. Regardless, pretransplant vancomycin regimens may not predict appropriate posttransplant regimens

    Zephyr: The Third Issue

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    This is the third issue of Zephyr, the University of New England\u27s journal of creative expression. Since 2000, Zephyr has published original drawings, paintings, photography, prose, and verse created by current and former members of the University community. Zephyr\u27s Editorial Board is made up exclusively of matriculating students.https://dune.une.edu/zephyr/1002/thumbnail.jp

    Estimating Mangrove Above-Ground Biomass Loss Due to Deforestation in Malaysian Northern Borneo between 2000 and 2015 Using SRTM and Landsat Images

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    Mangrove forests are highly productive ecosystems and play an important role in the global carbon cycle. We used Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) elevation data to estimate mangrove above-ground biomass (AGB) in Sabah, Malaysian northern Borneo. We developed a tree-level approach to deal with the substantial temporal discrepancy between the SRTM data and the mangrove’s field measurements. We predicted the annual growth of diameter at breast height and adjusted the field measurements to the SRTM data acquisition year to estimate the field AGB. A canopy height model (CHM) was derived by correcting the SRTM data with ground elevation. Regression analyses between the estimated AGB and SRTM CHM produced an estimation model (R2 : 0.61) with a root mean square error (RMSE) of 8.24 Mg ha−1 (RMSE%: 5.47). We then quantified the mangrove forest loss based on supervised classification of multitemporal Landsat images. More than 25,000 ha of mangrove forest had disappeared between 2000 and 2015. This has resulted in a significant decrease of about 3.96 million Mg of mangrove AGB in Sabah during the study period. As SRTM elevation data has a near-global coverage, this approach can be used to map the historical AGB of mangroves, especially in Southeast Asia, to promote mangrove carbon stock conservation

    Zephyr: The Fourth Issue

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    This is the fourth issue of Zephyr, the University of New England\u27s journal of creative expression. Since 2000, Zephyr has published original drawings, paintings, photography, prose, and verse created by current and former members of the University community. Zephyr\u27s Editorial Board is made up exclusively of matriculating students.https://dune.une.edu/zephyr/1003/thumbnail.jp

    Prix de conférence Helene Hudson 2009 : Soutenir la pratique des soins infirmiers en oncologie : survivre et croître

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    Il existe un corpus de plus en plus considérable de données indiquant que la spécialisation infirmière se traduit par de meilleurs résultats pour les patients, notamment une meilleure qualité de vie, une meilleure gestion des symptômes et un moindre nombre d’admissions à l’hôpital. Les infirmières en oncologie doivent relever plusieurs défis lorsqu’elles souhaitent se spécialiser, du fait d’enjeux liés à leur personne et au système comme un manque de temps et de ressources. Pour surmonter ces défis, le de Souza Institute a lancé un groupe d’étude d’envergure provinciale à l’intention des infirmières de l’Ontario qui projetaient de se présenter à l’examen de certification en oncologie de l’Association des infirmières et infirmiers du Canada (AIIC). Le groupe d’étude était dirigé par des éducatrices du de Souza Institute et de l’Hôpital Princess Margaret et faisait appel à l’expertise de chefs de file des soins infirmiers des quatre coins de l’Ontario qui avaient tous une vision commune de l’excellence infirmière en oncologie. Le groupe d’étude a fait preuve d’innovation en dispensant la formation par le biais de la télémédecine et des technologies liées au Web, ce qui a grandement accru la flexibilité au vu des horaires des infirmières, de leurs styles d’apprentissage, de leurs lieux de résidence et de leur expérience pratique. Le groupe d’étude a utilisé plusieurs perspectives et cadres théoriques dans l’orientation du programme d’études : théories d’apprentissage des adultes, apprentissage coopératif, styles d’apprentissage intergénérationnel, normes de pratique de l’ACIO ainsi que les compétences visées par l’examen de l’AIIC. Cette approche a permis à 107 infirmières en oncologie d’un peu partout dans la province et réparties dans 17 sites différents de former un groupe, d’étudier de manière interactive et de s’impliquer à fond dans leur apprentissage. Une méthode d’évaluation détaillée a été employée afin de déterminer les connaissances de base, les besoins en matière d’apprentissage, le processus coopératif, les taux de réussite à l’examen et de documenter les résultats inattendus. Quatre-vingt-quatorze pour cent des participants ont réussi l’examen de spécialisation en oncologie de l’AIIC. Les leçons tirées et les implications futures sont examinées. Nous restons fidèles à notre engagement envers la réussite et le perfectionnement en créant de nouvelles opportunités, en bâtissant des communautés d’expertise, en faisant du mentorat auprès du personnel infirmier et en promouvant l’excellence dans la pratique infirmière en oncologie

    A systems study on the quality service department of ABC Company

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    This study conducted on the relationship management aspects of ABC Company\u27s Quality Service Department. Analysis of the system revealed that the CSC is unable to maintain a system performance target which is handling at least 90% of total transactions within set response time standards. Inability to provide service to customers within committed times could lead to dissatisfied customers. Dissatisfied customer could lead to lost future dealings with the customer. Estimated lost sales totals Php369,707.50 from potential lost customers%. Analysis was done to the operations of the CSC to identify the probable causes leading to CSC\u27s inability to provide feedback within standards. From identifying non-compliance causes from CSC transactions recorded from actual CSC observation period, two major causes to the problem were identified. Using Pareto rule of 80%, identified major causes was trimmed down to inability to send out e-mail feedback to customers due to unavailability of QSDUH and long time needed to prepare the feedback due to the long processing of other departments for the transaction. Probable solutions to correct the major causes of the problem were identified. Using KTDA, the solutions to be undertaken for the system were selected. To prevent e-mail feedback delays, officers that will process e-mail feedback whenever QSDUH is unavailable to prevent feedback delay were identified. They are the IMC Head and QSDUH. The problem of long processing at other departments is mainly external and there were no identified ways to simplify the process based on the proponent\u27s time study done during immersion to the CSC transactions processing activities. Proposed step that CSC should undertake is to adjust time standards to system transactions handling capacity. It was also proposed that recording of transaction information should be done electronically to automate and simplify transactions handling activities of the CSCA. This would free up time previously used by CSCA for recording of CSC transaction information

    Évaluation de l’efficacité des procédés mnémotechniques employés pour aider le personnel à éduquer les patients ayant reçu une greffe autologue de cellules souches hématopoïétiques

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    Éduquer efficacement le patient peut réduire les coûts et améliorer la santé de celui-ci (Action Cancer Ontario/Cancer Care Ontario, 2006). Le personnel infirmier éduque les patients et leurs familles en évaluant les besoins d’apprentissage, en utilisant la reformulation pédagogique pour évaluer la compréhension et en documentant les soins prodigués. Pour cette étude pilote, une intervention éducative a été mise en place en y intégrant un moyen mnémotechnique pour intégrer une approche structurée et efficace d’enseignement aux patients. Sur quarante-cinq infirmières spécialisées en hématologie de Centre des sciences de la santé d’Hamilton qui ont participé à l’étude, trente-six ont rempli les évaluations de suivi. Inventé pour l’étude, le truc mnémotechnique « CARE » aidait les infirmières à se rappeler les étapes à enchaîner dans l’éducation du patient. L’amélioration des connaissances et le recours à ce truc se sont maintenus pendant une période de suivi de trois à six semaines. Bien que la documentation sur l’éducation fournie au patient soit devenue plus rigoureuse après l’étude, les changements observés n’ont pas été statistiquement significatifs. D’autres recherches sur le recours aux procédés mnémotechniques en soins infirmiers permettraient de compléter cette étude pilote

    The 2009 Helene Hudson Memorial Lectureship: Creating opportunities to support oncology nursing practice: Surviving and thriving

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    There is a growing body of evidence to support that specialization in nursing leads to improved outcomes for patients, including increased QOL, improved symptom management, and fewer hospital admissions. Oncology nurses face several challenges in pursuing specialization, due to individual and system issues such as limited time and resources. To address these challenges, de Souza Institute launched a province-wide study group for nurses in Ontario who planned to write the Canadian Nurses Association (CNA) Oncology Certification Exam. The study group was led by educators from de Souza and Princess Margaret Hospital and drew expertise from nursing leaders across Ontario who shared the same vision of oncology nursing excellence. The study group was innovative by embracing telemedicine and web-based technology, which enabled flexibility for nurses’ work schedules, learning styles, physical location and practice experience. The study group utilized several theoretical perspectives and frameworks to guide the curriculum: Adult Learning Theories, Cooperative Learning, Generational Learning Styles, CANO standards for practice and the CNA exam competencies. This approach enabled 107 oncology nurses across the province in 17 different sites to connect, as a group, study interactively and fully engage in their learning. A detailed evaluation method was utilized to assess baseline knowledge, learning needs, cooperative group process, exam success rates, and document unexpected outcomes. Ninety-four per cent of participants passed the CNA Oncology Exam. Lessons learned and future implications are discussed. The commitment remains to enable thriving through generating new possibilities, building communities of practice, mentoring nurses and fostering excellence in oncology practice