11,181 research outputs found

    Gap Symmetry an Thermal Conductivity in Nodal Superconductors

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    There are now many nodal superconductors in heavy fermion (HF) systems, charge conjugated organic metals, high Tc cuprates and ruthenates. On the other hand only few of them have a well established gap function. We present here a study of the angular dependent thermal conductivity in the vortex state of some of the nodal superconductors. We hope it will help to identify the nodal directions in the gap function of UPd_2Al_3, UNi_2Al_3, UBe_13 and URu_2Si_2.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Effect of Dzyaloshinskii Moriya interaction on magnetic vortex

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    The effect of the Dzyaloshinskii Moriya interaction on the vortex in magnetic microdisk was investigated by micro magnetic simulation based on the Landau Lifshitz Gilbert equation. Our results show that the DM interaction modifies the size of the vortex core, and also induces an out of plane magnetization component at the edge and inside the disk. The DM interaction can destabilizes one vortex handedness, generate a bias field to the vortex core and couple the vortex polarity and chirality. This DM-interaction-induced coupling can therefore provide a new way to control vortex polarity and chirality

    Reduced-complexity transmit-beamforming codebook search algorithm

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    A two-stage reduced-complexity index search algorithm is proposed for finding the best vector in the codebook of quantised equal gain transmission based multiple-input multiple-output arrangements. When the number of transmit antennas is more than three, the normalised complexity is halved while maintaining the same symbol error rate as the benchmark

    Nonlinear response and scaling law in the vortex state of d-wave superconductors

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    We study the field dependence of the quasi-particle density of states, the thermodynamics and the transport properties in the vortex state of d-wave superconductors when a magnetic field is applied perpendicular to the conducting plane, specially for the low field and the low temperature compared to the upper critical field and transition temperature, respectively, H/Hc21H/H_{c2} \ll 1 and T/Tc1T/T_c \ll 1. Both the superfluid density and the spin susceptibility exhibit the characteristic H\sqrt{H}-field dependence, while the nuclear spin lattice relaxation rate T11_1^{-1} and the thermal conductivity are linear in field HH. With increasing temperature, these quantities exhibit the scaling behavior in T/HT/\sqrt{H}. The present theory applies to 2D ff-wave superconductor as well; a possible candidate of the superconductivity in Sr2_2RuO4_4.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Optical pumping effect in absorption imaging of F=1 atomic gases

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    We report our study of the optical pumping effect in absorption imaging of 23^{23}Na atoms in the F=1F=1 hyperfine spin states. Solving a set of rate equations for the spin populations in the presence of a probe beam, we obtain an analytic expression for the optical signal of the F=1F=1 absorption imaging. Furthermore, we verify the result by measuring the absorption spectra of 23^{23}Na Bose-Einstein condensates prepared in various spin states with different probe beam pulse durations. The analytic result can be used in the quantitative analysis of F=1F=1 spinor condensate imaging and readily applied to other alkali atoms with I=3/2I=3/2 nuclear spin such as 87^{87}Rb.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Collisional Dynamics of Half-Quantum Vortices in a Spinor Bose-Einstein Condensate

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    We present an experimental study on the interaction and dynamics of half-quantum vortices (HQVs) in an antiferromagnetic spinor Bose-Einstein condensate. By exploiting the orbit motion of a vortex dipole in a trapped condensate, we perform a collision experiment of two HQV pairs, and observe that the scattering motions of the HQVs is consistent with the short-range vortex interaction that arises from nonsingular magnetized vortex cores. We also investigate the relaxation dynamics of turbulent condensates containing many HQVs, and demonstrate that spin wave excitations are generated by the collisional motions of the HQVs. The short-range vortex interaction and the HQV-magnon coupling represent two characteristics of the HQV dynamics in the spinor superfluid.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Gap Symmetry of Superconductivity in UPd2Al3

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    The angle dependent thermal conductivity of the heavy-fermion superconductor UPd2_2Al3_3 in the vortex state was recently measured by Watanabe et al. Here we analyze this data from two perspectives: universal heat conduction and the angle-dependence. We conclude that the superconducting gap function Δ(k)\Delta({\bf k}) in UPd2_2Al3_3 has horizontal nodes and is given by Δ(k)=Δcos(2χ)\Delta({\bf k}) =\Delta\cos(2\chi), with χ=ckz\chi = ck_{z}.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, improved figures in replacemen

    Novel vortex lattice transition in d-wave superconductors

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    We study the vortex state in a magnetic field parallel to the cc axis in the framework of the extended Ginzburg Landau equation. We find the vortex acquires a fourfold modulation proportional to cos(4ϕ)\cos(4\phi) where ϕ\phi is the angle r{\bf r} makes with the aa-axis. This term gives rise to an attractive interaction between two vortices when they are aligned parallel to (1,1,0)(1,1,0) or (1,1,0)(1,-1,0). We predict the first order vortex lattice transition at B=Hcrκ1Hc2(t)B=H_{cr}\sim \kappa^{-1} H_{c2}(t) from triangular into the square lattice tilted by 4545^\circ from the aa axis. This gives the critical field HcrH_{cr} a few Tesla for YBCO and Bi2212 monocrystals at low temperatures (T10KT\leq 10 K).Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Gap Structure of the Spin-Triplet Superconductor Sr2RuO4 Determined from the Field-Orientation Dependence of Specific Heat

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    We report the field-orientation dependent specific heat of the spin-triplet superconductor Sr2RuO4 under the magnetic field aligned parallel to the RuO2 planes with high accuracy. Below about 0.3 K, striking 4-fold oscillations of the density of states reflecting the superconducting gap structure have been resolved for the first time. We also obtained strong evidence of multi-band superconductivity and concluded that the superconducting gap in the active band, responsible for the superconducting instability, is modulated with a minimum along the [100] direction.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure