2,843 research outputs found

    LHC Signature of Mirage Mediation

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    We study LHC phenomenology of mirage mediation scenario in which anomaly and modulus contributions to soft SUSY breaking terms are comparable to each other. A Monte Carlo study of mirage mediation, with model parameters α=1\alpha=1,M0=500 M_0=500 GeV, nM=1/2n_M=1/2, nH=1n_H=1 and tanβ=10\rm{tan}\beta=10, is presented. It is shown that masses of supersymmetric particles can be measured in a model independent way, providing information on SUSY breaking sector. In particular, the mass ratio of gluino to the lightest neutralino for the benchmark scenario is determined to be 1.9 \lesssim m_{\tildeg}/m_{\tilde\chi_1^0} \lesssim 3.1, well reproducing theoretical input value of mg~/mχ~102.5m_{\tilde g}/m_{\tilde\chi_1^0} \simeq 2.5 which is quite distinctive from the predictions mg~/mχ~106m_{\tilde g}/m_{\tilde\chi_1^0} \gtrsim 6 of other SUSY scenarios in which gaugino masses are unified at the GUT scale. The model parameters of mirage mediation can be also determined from various kinematic distributions

    Generalized priority-queue network dynamics: Impact of team and hierarchy

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    We study the effect of team and hierarchy on the waiting-time dynamics of priority-queue networks. To this end, we introduce generalized priority-queue network models incorporating interaction rules based on team-execution and hierarchy in decision making, respectively. It is numerically found that the waiting time distribution exhibits a power law for long waiting times in both cases, yet with different exponents depending on the team size and the position of queue nodes in the hierarchy, respectively. The observed power-law behaviors have in many cases a corresponding single or pairwise-interacting queue dynamics, suggesting that the pairwise interaction may constitute a major dynamics consequence in the priority-queue networks. It is also found that the reciprocity of influence is a relevant factor for the priority-queue network dynamic

    ABM: Looping Reference-Aware Cache Management Scheme for Media-on-Demand Server

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    Abstract. Legacy buffer cache management schemes for multimedia server are grounded at the assumption that the application sequentially accesses the multimedia file. However, user access pattern may not be sequential in some circumstances, for example, in distance learning application, where the user may exploit the VCR-like function(rewind and play) of the system and accesses the particular segments of video repeatedly in the middle of sequential playback. Such a looping reference can cause a significant performance degradation of interval-based caching algorithms. And thus an appropriate buffer cache management scheme is required in order to deliver desirable performance even under the workload that exhibits looping reference behavior. We propose Adaptive Buffer cache Management(ABM) scheme which intelligently adapts to the file access characteristics. For each opened file, ABM applies either the LRU replacement or the interval-based caching depending on the Looping Reference Indicator, which indicates that how strong temporally localized access pattern is. According to our experiment, ABM exhibits better buffer cache miss ratio than interval-based caching or LRU, especially when the workload exhibits not only sequential but also looping reference property

    Correlated multiplexity and connectivity of multiplex random networks

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    Nodes in a complex networked system often engage in more than one type of interactions among them; they form a multiplex network with multiple types of links. In real-world complex systems, a node's degree for one type of links and that for the other are not randomly distributed but correlated, which we term correlated multiplexity. In this paper we study a simple model of multiplex random networks and demonstrate that the correlated multiplexity can drastically affect the properties of giant component in the network. Specifically, when the degrees of a node for different interactions in a duplex Erdos-Renyi network are maximally correlated, the network contains the giant component for any nonzero link densities. In contrast, when the degrees of a node are maximally anti-correlated, the emergence of giant component is significantly delayed, yet the entire network becomes connected into a single component at a finite link density. We also discuss the mixing patterns and the cases with imperfect correlated multiplexity.Comment: Revised version, 12 pages, 6 figure

    Understanding visual map formation through vortex dynamics of spin Hamiltonian models

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    The pattern formation in orientation and ocular dominance columns is one of the most investigated problems in the brain. From a known cortical structure, we build spin-like Hamiltonian models with long-range interactions of the Mexican hat type. These Hamiltonian models allow a coherent interpretation of the diverse phenomena in the visual map formation with the help of relaxation dynamics of spin systems. In particular, we explain various phenomena of self-organization in orientation and ocular dominance map formation including the pinwheel annihilation and its dependency on the columnar wave vector and boundary conditions.Comment: 4 pages, 15 figure

    Measuring superparticle masses at hadron collider using the transverse mass kink

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    We present a detailed study of the collider observable mT2m_{T2} applied for pair-produced superparticles decaying to visible particles and a pair of invisible lightest supersymmetric particles (LSPs). Analytic expressions of the maximum of mT2m_{T2} over all events (mT2maxm_{T2}^{\rm max}) are derived. It is noticed that if the decay product of each superparticle involves more than one visible particles, mT2maxm_{T2}^{\rm max} being a function of the {\it trial} LSP mass mχ{m}_\chi has a kink structure at mχ={m}_\chi= true LSP mass, which can be used to determine the mother superparticle mass and the LSP mass simultaneously. To see how well mT2maxm_{T2}^{\rm max} can be constructed from collider data, a Monte-Carlo analysis of the gluino mT2m_{T2} is performed for some superparticle spectra.Comment: Typos corrected. A few references added. Figures update

    WISARD: workbench for integrated superfast association studies for related datasets

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    Background: A Mendelian transmission produces phenotypic and genetic relatedness between family members, giving family-based analytical methods an important role in genetic epidemiological studies—from heritability estimations to genetic association analyses. With the advance in genotyping technologies, whole-genome sequence data can be utilized for genetic epidemiological studies, and family-based samples may become more useful for detecting de novo mutations. However, genetic analyses employing family-based samples usually suffer from the complexity of the computational/statistical algorithms, and certain types of family designs, such as incorporating data from extended families, have rarely been used. Results: We present a Workbench for Integrated Superfast Association studies for Related Data (WISARD) programmed in C/C++. WISARD enables the fast and a comprehensive analysis of SNP-chip and next-generation sequencing data on extended families, with applications from designing genetic studies to summarizing analysis results. In addition, WISARD can automatically be run in a fully multithreaded manner, and the integration of R software for visualization makes it more accessible to non-experts. Conclusions: Comparison with existing toolsets showed that WISARD is computationally suitable for integrated analysis of related subjects, and demonstrated that WISARD outperforms existing toolsets. WISARD has also been successfully utilized to analyze the large-scale massive sequencing dataset of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease data (COPD), and we identified multiple genes associated with COPD, which demonstrates its practical value. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (10.1186/s12920-018-0345-y) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Evidence of two-dimensional flat band at the surface of antiferromagnetic kagome metal FeSn

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    The kagome lattice has long been regarded as a theoretical framework that connects lattice geometry to unusual singularities in electronic structure. Transition metal kagome compounds have been recently identified as a promising material platform to investigate the long-sought electronic flat band. Here we report the signature of a two-dimensional flat band at the surface of antiferromagnetic kagome metal FeSn by means of planar tunneling spectroscopy. Employing a Schottky heterointerface of FeSn and an n-type semiconductor Nb-doped SrTiO3, we observe an anomalous enhancement in tunneling conductance within a finite energy range of FeSn. Our first-principles calculations show this is consistent with a spin-polarized flat band localized at the ferromagnetic kagome layer at the Schottky interface. The spectroscopic capability to characterize the electronic structure of a kagome compound at a thin film heterointerface will provide a unique opportunity to probe flat band induced phenomena in an energy-resolved fashion with simultaneous electrical tuning of its properties. Furthermore, the exotic surface state discussed herein is expected to manifest as peculiar spin-orbit torque signals in heterostructure-based spintronic devices