50 research outputs found

    Erotic and Obscene Works by Adam Naruszewicz – Inspirations, Metaphors, Vocabulary

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    Artykuł ukazuje sposoby przedstawiania tematyki dotyczącej sfery seksualnej w wierszach erotycznych Adama Naruszewicza, jednego z głównych poetów polskiego Oświecenia. Utwory te potraktowano jako ciekawe świadectwo stosunku autora do tabu obyczajowego oraz językowego. Zostały one omówione w trzech wyodrębnionych przez autorkę grupach tekstów: I. Autentyczne literackie obscena erotyczne; II. Obrazki obyczajowe o zdarzeniach erotycznych, fraszki, anegdoty; III. Metaforyczne ujęcia seksualności.The paper investigates the ways in which the sexual sphere is presented in erotic poems by Adam Naruszewicz, a major poet of the Polish Enlightenment. The works are treated as an interesting testimony to the writer’s attitude to social and linguistic taboos. The author of the paper distinguishes and discusses three groups of texts: I. Authentic literary obscene erotica; II. Sketches of manners with erotic subjects, epigrams, anecdotes; III. Metaphorical depictions of sexuality

    History, culture and alcohol: Drinking patterns in Poland and Australia

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    It is a widely held view in Poland that for centuries those in power have promoted heavy drinking among their subjects in order to achieve their various goals and that this contributed to the development of Polish drinking patterns. There is some empirical evidence that the political economy of alcohol in Poland promoted heavy drinking among the Polish population. Drinking alcohol in Poland was an important aspect of social situations. The most popular beverage was vodka(s). Social pressure to drink in the extreme was attributed to the tradition of hospitality. Cultural norms encouraged very heavy drinking among men and imposed heavy social sanctions on women who were supposed to display virtues of abstinence. The typical model of drinking was intermittent very heavy drinking, leading to intoxication on most occasions. These norms reinforced the notion that we can drink more because we are Poles and the view that safe drinking messages are designed for other nations because Poles are accustomed to drinking strong alcohol, unlike others . Adult male informants reported drinking much less in Australia than in Poland. The biggest change was a lack of social pressure to drink. Although men claimed that they drink less, some still drink in an unsafe manner. These were largely those whose English skills restricted their employment and friendship networks. Women, on the other hand, admitted that in Australia they drink more often and more alcohol at a sitting than in Poland. Although informants did not mention any alcohol-related family problems in Australia, others reported alcohol related violence within some families. Some safety messages about alcohol do not reach this sample of people. Many view drink driving rules as purely revenue raisers for the government. However, advice from their medical practitioners to reduce their alcohol intake for serious health reasons is given more credibility. Young Polish Australians formed two groups in their attitude to drinking. The first group consisted of people who attended tertiary educational institutions and consumed alcohol in a similar fashion to other Australian students. It is likely that the university environment influenced their drinking patterns. Those who witnessed drinking at home and perceived it as a good thing, modelled their drinking on their parents\u27 and other adults at home. Others, who perceived their parents as non-drinkers, learned to drink from their friends and displayed similar drinking patterns to their peers. The second group was older; some were in the workforce and manifested drinking patterns akin to those in the general Australian population in the same age bracket. Both groups of these young Polish Australians were much more aware of alcohol health messages and more likely to modify their behaviours such as not to drink and drive, than was the older population. However, other drinking related health warnings were largely disregarded. This research demonstrates the negative impact of reduced government funding for English programs and ethno-specific services for migrant groups. More research is needed on migrant drinking in Australia, specifically among those groups whose drinking continues to be problematic

    Poezja pochwalna i panegiryczna Adama Naruszewicza. Pochwały osobistości publicznych i osób prywatnych

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    Udostępnienie publikacji Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego finansowane w ramach projektu „Doskonałość naukowa kluczem do doskonałości kształcenia”. Projekt realizowany jest ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój; nr umowy: POWER.03.05.00-00-Z092/17-00

    BOX-PCR is an adequate tool for typing of clinical Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates

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    In this study, the BOX-PCR fingerprinting technique was evaluated for the discrimination of clinical Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates. All isolates were typeable and nearly half showed unique banding patterns. According to our results, BOX-PCR fingerprinting is applicable for typing of Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates and can be considered a useful complementary tool for epidemiological studies of members of this genus. (Folia Histochemica et Cytobiologica 2011; Vol. 49, No. 4, pp. 734–738

    Progressive bronchiectasis and CMC in a patient with STAT1 GOF — a rare case of primary immunodeficiency

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    Bronchiestasis is a common complication developing in patients with primary immunodeficiency disorders. AD GOF STAT1 defi-ciency is characterized by CMC, repeated infections, and autoimmunity. It is the most frequently diagnosed entity in a group of PIDs with CMC. Here, we present the first Polish case of a female patient with early-onset bronchiestasis accompanied by CMC and a severe course of infections who was genetically diagnosed with AD GOF1 STAT1 mutation at the age of 15

    Family therapy process : works on the Polish versionof SCORE-15 tool

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    Aim. The aim of the paper is to demonstrate progress of the works on the Polish version of SCORE-15 and the results of the preliminary data analysis of changes in the process of family therapy, obtained with this tool. The works on the Polish version, ongoing since 2010, were inspired by the Research Committee European Family Therapy Association EFTA. Since the Polish version of SCORE-15 will be make public and published on EFTA website in the near future, therefore, it is important that people interested in the tool know the context of its development. Methods. The Polish version of SCORE-15, the tool designed to examine the process of family therapy, was used. Results. The comparison of the results obtained by family members before the first family session and before the fourth one and psychotherapists’ assessments show that the perception of the weight of the problem with which the family members came to therapy is indeed significantly lower already after three sessions of family therapy. Additionally, the obtained results show great coherence of the assessment of the family therapy progress in families and their therapists. Conclusions. The preliminary analysis of data obtained during the research project conducted in Outpatient Family Therapy Clinic, Department of Adult, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, University Hospital in Krakow and in Laboratory of Psychology and Systemic Psychotherapy, Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Jagiellonian University Medical College between 2010 and 2014 revealed that SCORE-15 is a useful tool in research on changes in the systemic family therapy process

    Effectiveness of treatment in the Family Therapy Out-Patient Unit of the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry of CM UJ in the patients' and their family's perspective.

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    Autorzy przedstawiają jakościową analizę wyników badań ankietowych byłych pacjentów ATR i ich rodzin. Badania miały na ce]u sprawdzenie efektywności stosowanych metod leczenia (terapia rodzin w podejściu systemowym).The paper presents the result of follow up studies run in the Family Therapy Out-Patient Unit of the Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry of CM UJ in Kraków in 2002. The aim of the study was to assess the effectiveness of the treatment. The questionnaires were sent to all family members of 130 families treated between 1992-1996. They were asked to assess the effectiveness of different forms of psychotherapy used during the treatment. 19% of family members sent the questionnaires back and the qualitative analysis were done. For most of the family members family therapy was perceived as a very useful kind o f treatment, which allows for the understanding of the mechanism of the illness, reinforcing coping with the problem, giving emotional support and better understanding o f mutual relationships. Same disadvantages of family meetings were also described (e.g. using the one way mirror). The quality of the relationship which occurred between the therapists and the family was an important factor, reinforcing effectiveness of the treatment

    The Effect of Silver Nanoparticles on Listeria monocytogenes PCM2191 Peptidoglycan Metabolism and Cell Permeability

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    Listeria monocytogenes is Gram-positive bacterial pathogen, a causative agent of food poisoning and systemic disease – listeriosis. This species is still susceptible to several conventionally used antibiotics but an increase in its resistance has been reported. For this reason the search for new, alternative therapies is an urgent task. Silver nanoparticles seem to be the promising antibacterial agent. Minimal inhibitory concentration of silver nanoparticles was determined. Sublethal concentrations were used in study of nanosilver effect on cells lysis by estimation of the number of cells surviving the treatment with 0.25 or 0.5 of minimal inhibitory concentrations of silver nanoparticles. Autolysis of isolated peptidoglycan was studied by measuring the absorbance of preparation subjected to nanosilver treatment. Silver nanoparticles effect on L. monocytogenes envelopes permeability was determined by measuring the efflux of cF, DNA and proteins. It was demonstrated that nanosilver enhanced the lysis of L. monocytogenes cells and, to the lesser extent, autolysis of isolated peptidoglycan. The increase in the efflux of carboxyfluoresceine, DNA and proteins was also noted. The obtained results allow to postulate that L. monocytogenes peptidoglycan, constituting the main component of cell wall, is the target of silver nanoparticles activity against this pathogen

    Wczesne markery miażdżycy u chorych z nieprawidłową glikemią na czczo

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    Introduction. It is known that increased plasma glucose, which includes impaired fasting glucose (IFG), impaired glucose tolerance (IGT), and diabetes, is a risk factor for atherosclerosis. Individuals with IFG exhibit a higher rate of cardiovascular events compared with those with normal fasting glucose. The aim of the study was to evaluate whether IFG has an influence on early markers of atherosclerosis [intima media thickness (IMT), strain (S, deformation of the vessels wall), and strain rate (Sr, deformation over time)] in common ca­rotid artery (CCA) compare to healthy subjects (without disturbances of glucose metabolism). Patients and methods. A group of 25 dysglycemic patients with IFG and 15 healthy subjects of similar age and gender were examined. Blood analyses and anthropometric measurement [systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP), and heart rate (HR)] were obtained. Carotid IMT, S, and Sr were measured by tissue Doppler. IFP was diagnosed according to the diagnostic criteria for IFG in Poland. Results. Patients with IFG had higher DBP and IMT of CCA (right and left) compared with control. There was no difference in SBP and HR between patients with IFG and controls. Strain of CCA was decreased in subject with IFG compared with controls and strain rate of CCA was increased in patients with IFG compared with the controls. Conclusion. IFG may have an influence on early markers of atherosclerosis, but further investigations are needed to confirm these observations.Wstęp. Podwyższone stężenie glukozy we krwi, obejmujące nieprawidłową glikemię na czczo (IFG), nietolerancję glukozy i cukrzycę, jest czynnikiem ryzyka miażdżycy. U pacjentów z nieprawidłową glikemią na czczo częstość występowania zdarzeń sercowo-naczyniowych jest większa niż u osób z prawidłową glikemią. Celem badania była ocena, czy IFG ma wpływ na wczesne markery miażdżycy: grubość kompleksu błony wewnętrznej (IMT), odkształcenie ściany naczynia (S) i odkształcenie w jednostce czasu (Sr) w tętnicach szyjnych wspólnych (CCA) w porównaniu z osobami zdrowymi (bez zaburzeń metabolizmu glukozy). Pacjenci i metody. Zbadano 25 chorych z IFG oraz 15 zdrowych osób odpowiednio dobranych pod względem wieku i płci. Od chorych pobrano próbkę krwi oraz dokonano pomiarów skurczowego ciśnienia tętniczego (SBP), rozkurczowego ciśnienia tętniczego (DBP), częstości rytmu serca (HR). Oceny IMT tętnic szyjnych, S, Sr dokonano przy użyciu doplera tkankowego. Rozpo­znania IFG dokonano na podstawie kryteriów rozpoznania obowiązujących w Polsce. Wyniki. Pacjenci z IFG mieli wyższe wartości DBP oraz IMT prawej i lewej CCA w porównaniu z grupą kontrolną. Nie stwierdzono różnicy między SBP i HR w grupie z IFG w porównaniu z grupą kontrolną. Odkształcenie ściany naczynia obu CCA było obniżone w grupie z IFG w porównaniu z grupą kontrolną, Sr był wyższy w grupie z IFG niż w grupie kontrolnej. Wnioski. Nieprawidłowa glikemia na czczo może mieć wpływ na wczesne markery miażdżycy, jednak są potrzebne dalsze badania, by potwierdzić tę obserwację