400 research outputs found

    Measuring Mass-Loss Rates And Constraining Shock Physics Using X-Ray Line Profiles Of O Stars From The Chandra Archive

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    We quantitatively investigate the extent of wind absorption signatures in the X-ray grating spectra of all non-magnetic, effectively single O stars in the Chandra archive via line profile fitting. Under the usual assumption of a spherically symmetric wind with embedded shocks, we confirm previous claims that some objects show little or no wind absorption. However, many other objects do show asymmetric and blueshifted line profiles, indicative of wind absorption. For these stars, we are able to derive wind mass-loss rates from the ensemble of line profiles, and find values lower by an average factor of 3 than those predicted by current theoretical models, and consistent with Hα if clumping factors of fcl ≈ 20 are assumed. The same profile fitting indicates an onset radius of X-rays typically at r ≈ 1.5R*, and terminal velocities for the X-ray emitting wind component that are consistent with that of the bulk wind. We explore the likelihood that the stars in the sample that do not show significant wind absorption signatures in their line profiles have at least some X-ray emission that arises from colliding wind shocks with a close binary companion. The one clear exception is ζ Oph, a weak-wind star that appears to simply have a very low mass-loss rate. We also reanalyse the results from the canonical O supergiant ζ Pup, using a solar-metallicity wind opacity model and find M˙=1.8×10−6 M⊙yr−1, consistent with recent multiwavelength determinations

    Nonlinear Magneto-Optical Response of ss- and dd-Wave Superconductors

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    The nonlinear magneto-optical response of ss- and dd-wave superconductors is discussed. We carry out the symmetry analysis of the nonlinear magneto-optical susceptibility in the superconducting state. Due to the surface sensitivity of the nonlinear optical response for systems with bulk inversion symmetry, we perform a group theoretical classification of the superconducting order parameter close to a surface. For the first time, the mixing of singlet and triplet pairing states induced by spin-orbit coupling is systematically taken into account. We show that the interference of singlet and triplet pairing states leads to an observable contribution of the nonlinear magneto-optical Kerr effect. This effect is not only sensitive to the anisotropy of the gap function but also to the symmetry itself. In view of the current discussion of the order parameter symmetry of High-Tc_c superconductors, results for a tetragonal system with bulk singlet pairing for various pairing symmetries are discussed.Comment: 21 pages (REVTeX) with 8 figures (Postscript

    Comments on the d-wave pairing mechanism for cuprate high TcT_c superconductors: Higher is different?

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    The question of pairing glue for the cuprate superconductors (SC)is revisited and its determination through the angle resolved photo-emission spectroscopy (ARPES) is discussed in detail. There are two schools of thoughts about the pairing glue question: One argues that superconductivity in the cuprates emerges out of doping the spin singlet resonating valence bond (RVB) state. Since singlet pairs are already formed in the RVB state there is no need for additional boson glue to pair the electrons. The other instead suggests that the d-wave pairs are mediated by the collective bosons like the conventional low TcT_c SC with the alteration that the phonons are replaced by another kind of bosons ranging from the antiferromagnetic (AF) to loop current fluctuations. An approach to resolve this dispute is to determine the frequency and momentum dependences of the diagonal and off-diagonal self-energies directly from experiments like the McMillan-Rowell procedure for the conventional SC. In that a simple d-wave BCS theory describes superconducting properties of the cuprates well, the Eliashberg analysis of well designed high resolution experimental data will yield the crucial frequency and momentum dependences of the self-energies. This line of approach using ARPES are discussed in more detail in this review, and some remaining problems are commented.Comment: Invited review article published in the Journal of Korean Physical Society; several typos corrected and a few comments and references adde

    The Superconducting Instabilities of the non half-filled Hubbard Model in Two Dimensions

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    The problem of weakly correlated electrons on a square lattice is formulated in terms of one-loop renormalization group. Starting from the action for the entire Brillouin zone (and not with a low-energy effective action) we reduce successively the cutoff Λ\Lambda about the Fermi surface and follow the renormalization of the coupling UU as a function of three energy-momenta. We calculate the intrinsic scale TcoT_{co} where the renormalization group flow crosses over from the regime (Λ>Tco\Lambda > T_{co}) where the electron-electron (e-e) and electron-hole (e-h) terms are equally important to the regime (Λ<Tco\Lambda < T_{co}) where only the e-e term plays a role. In the low energy regime only the pairing interaction VV is marginally relevant, containing contributions from all renormalization group steps of the regime Λ>Tco\Lambda > T_{co}. After diagonalization of VΛ=TcoV_{\Lambda =T_{co}}, we identify its most attractive eigenvalue λmin\lambda _{\min}. At low filling, λmin\lambda _{\min} corresponds to the B2B_2 representation (dxyd_{xy} symmetry), while near half filling the strongest attraction occurs in the B1B_1 representation (dx2y2d_{x^2-y^2} symmetry). In the direction of the van Hove singularities, the order parameter shows peaks with increasing strength as one approaches half filling. Using the form of pairing and the structure of the renormalization group equations in the low energy regime, we give our interpretation of ARPES experiments trying to determine the symmetry of the order parameter in the Bi2212 high-TcT_{c} compound.Comment: 24 pages (RevTeX) + 11 figures (the tex file appeared incomplete

    Critical Josephson Current in a Model Pb/YBa_2Cu_3O_7 Junction

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    In this article we consider a simple model for a c--axis Pb/YBa_2Cu_3O_{7-\delta} Josephson junction. The observation of a nonzero current in such a junction by Sun et al. [A. G. Sun, D. A. Gajewski, M. B. Maple, R. C. Dynes, Phys. Rev. Lett. 72, 2267 (1994)] has been taken as evidence against d--wave superconductivity in YBa_2Cu_3O_{7-\delta}. We suggest, however, that the pairing interaction in the CuO_2 planes may well be d--wave but that the CuO chains destroy the tetragonal symmetry of the system. We examine two ways in which this happens. In a simple model of an incoherent junction, the chains distort the superconducting condensate away from d_{x^2-y^2} symmetry. In a specular junction the chains destroy the tetragonal symmetry of the tunneling matrix element. In either case, the loss of tetragonal symmetry results in a finite Josephson current. Our calculated values of the critical current for specular junctions are in good agreement with the results of Sun and co-workers.Comment: Latex File, 21 pages, 6 figures in uuencoded postscript, In Press (Phys. Rev. B

    Infrared conductivity of a d_{x^2-y^2}-wave superconductor with impurity and spin-fluctuation scattering

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    Calculations are presented of the in-plane far-infrared conductivity of a d_{x^2-y^2}-wave superconductor, incorporating elastic scattering due to impurities and inelastic scattering due to spin fluctuations. The impurity scattering is modeled by short-range potential scattering with arbitrary phase shift, while scattering due to spin fluctuations is calculated within a weak-coupling Hubbard model picture. The conductivity is characterized by a low-temperature residual Drude feature whose height and weight are controlled by impurity scattering, as well as a broad peak centered at 4 Delta_0 arising from clean-limit inelastic processes. Results are in qualitative agreement with experiment despite missing spectral weight at high energies.Comment: 29 pages (11 tar-compressed-uuencoded Postscript figures), REVTeX 3.0 with epsf macro

    Intrinsic Josephson Effect in the Layered Two-dimensional t-J Model

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    The intrinsic Josephson effect in the high-Tc superconductors is studied using the layered two-dimensional t-J model. The d.c.Josephson current which flows perpendicular to the t-J planes is obtained within the mean-field approximation and the Gutzwiller approximation. We find that the Josephson current has its maximum near the optimum doping region as a function of the doping rate.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Effect of spatial variations of superconducting gap on suppression of the transition temperature by impurities

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    We calculate correction to the critical temperature of a dirty superconductor, which results from the local variations of the gap function near impurity sites. This correction is of the order of T_c/E_F and becomes important for short-coherence length superconductors. It generally reduces a pair-breaking effect. In s-wave superconductors small amounts of nonmagnetic impurities can increase the transition temperature.Comment: 5 pages, ReVTE

    Josephson tunneling in high-TcT_c superconductors

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    This article describes the Josephson tunneling from time-reversal symmetry-breaking states and compares it with that from time-reversal invariant states for both twinned and untwinned crystals and for both cc-axis and basal-plane currents, in a model for orthorhombic YBCO. A macroscopic invariance group describing the superconducting state of a twinned crystal is introduced and shown to provide a useful framework for the discussion of the results for twinned crystals. In addition, a ring geometry, which allows ss-wave and dx2y2d_{x^2-y^2}-wave superconductivity in a tetragonal superconductor to be distinguished on the basis of symmetry arguments only, is proposed and analyzed. Finally, an appendix gives details of the experimental Josephson tunneling evidence for a superconducting state of orthorhombic ux2+vy2ux^2+vy^2 symmetry in YBCO.Comment: Latex File, 18 pages, 6 Postscript figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Induction of non-d-wave order-parameter components by currents in d-wave superconductors

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    It is shown, within the framework of the Ginzburg-Landau theory for a superconductor with d_{x^2-y^2} symmetry, that the passing of a supercurrent through the sample results, in general, in the induction of order-parameter components of distinct symmetry. The induction of s-wave and d_{xy(x^2-y^2)-wave components are considered in detail. It is shown that in both cases the order parameter remains gapless; however, the structure of the lines of nodes and the lobes of the order parameter are modified in distinct ways, and the magnitudes of these modifications differ in their dependence on the (a-b plane) current direction. The magnitude of the induced s-wave component is estimated using the results of the calculations of Ren et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 74, 3680 (1995)], which are based on a microscopic approach.Comment: 15 pages, includes 2 figures. To appear in Phys. Rev.