28 research outputs found

    Sampling the genomic pool of protein tyrosine kinase genes using the polymerase chain reaction with genomic DNA

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    The polymerase chain reaction (PCR), with cDNA as template, has been widely used to identify members of protein families from many species. A major limitation of using cDNA in PCR is that detection of a family member is dependent on temporal and spatial patterns of gene expression. To circumvent this restriction, and in order to develop a technique that is broadly applicable we have tested the use of genomic DNA as PCR template to identify members of protein families in an expression-independent manner. This test involved amplification of DNA encoding protein tyrosine kinase (PTK) genes from the genomes of three animal species that are well known developmental models; namely, the mouse Mus musculus, the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, and the nematode worm Caenorhabditis elegans. Ten PTK genes were identified from the mouse, 13 from the fruit fly, and 13 from the nematode worm. Among these kinases were 13 members of the PTK family that had not been reported previously. Selected PTKs from this screen were shown to be expressed during development, demonstrating that the amplified fragments did not arise from pseudogenes. This approach will be useful for the identification of many novel members of gene families in organisms of agricultural, medical, developmental and evolutionary significance and for analysis of gene families from any species, or biological sample whose habitat precludes the isolation of mRNA. Furthermore, as a tool to hasten the discovery of members of gene families that are of particular interest, this method offers an opportunity to sample the genome for new members irrespective of their expression pattern

    Zebrafish stat3 is expressed in restricted tissues during embryogenesis and stat1 rescues cytokine signaling in a STAT1-deficient human cell line

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    Transcription factors of the STAT family are required for cellular responses to multiple signaling molecules. After ligand binding-induced activation of cognate receptors, STAT proteins are phosphorylated, hetero- or homodimerize, and translocate to the nucleus. Subsequent STAT binding to specific DNA elements in the promoters of signal-responsive genes alters the transcriptional activity of these loci. STAT function has been implicated in the transduction of signals for growth, reproduction, viral defense, and immune regulation. We have isolated and characterized two STAT homologs from the zebrafish Danio rerio. The stat3 gene is expressed in a tissue-restricted manner during embryogenesis, and larval development with highest levels of transcript are detected in the anterior hypoblast, eyes, cranial sensory ganglia, gut, pharyngeal arches, cranial motor nuclei, and lateral line system. In contrast, the stat1 gene is not expressed during early development. The stat3 gene maps to a chromosomal position syntenic with the mouse and human STAT3 homologs, whereas the stat1 gene does not. Despite a higher rate of evolutionary change in stat1 relative to stat3, the stat1 protein rescues interferon-signaling functions in a STAT1-deficient human cell line, indicating that cytokine-signaling mechanisms are likely to be conserved between fish and tetrapods