15 research outputs found

    A novel, conserved gene of the rat that is developmentally regulated in the testis.

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    From a rat testis library three overlapping cDNA clones were isolated that represent a novel single-copy gene, designated Tegt. Two transcripts of 2.8 and 1.0 kb were found in each organ tested. The shorter transcript was highly abundant in adult testis. A similar expression pattern was found in the mouse. Analysis of rat RNA from different stages of spermatogenesis indicated that accumulation of the short transcript occurred mainly postmeiotically. The rat Tegt gene maps to Chromosome (Chr) 7, and its mouse homolog to Chr 15.Comparative StudyJournal ArticleResearch Support, Non-U.S. Gov'tSCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    GermOnline, a cross-species knowledgebase on germ cell differentiation

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    GermOnline provides information and microarray expression data for genes involved in mitosis and meiosis, gamete formation and germ line development across species. The database has been developed, and is being curated and updated, by life scientists in cooperation with bioinformaticists. Information is contributed through an online form using free text, images and the controlled vocabulary developed by the GeneOntology Consortium. Authors provide up to three references in support of their contribution. The database is governed by an international board of scientists to ensure a standardized data format and the highest quality of GermOnline's information content. Release 2.0 provides exclusive access to microarray expression data from Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Rattus norvegicus, as well as curated information on approximately 700 genes from various organisms. The locus report pages include links to external databases that contain relevant annotation, microarray expression and proteome data. Conversely, the Saccharomyces Genome Database (SGD), S.cerevisiae GeneDB and Swiss-Prot link to the budding yeast section of GermOnline from their respective locus pages. GermOnline, a fully operational prototype subject-oriented knowledgebase designed for community annotation and array data visualization, is accessible at http://www.germonline.org. The target audience includes researchers who work on mitotic cell division, meiosis, gametogenesis, germ line development, human reproductive health and comparative genomics