2,427 research outputs found

    Die Folgen der Finanzkrise für Lateinamerika : Kann die deutsche Entwicklungspolitik einen Beitrag zu ihrer Überwindung liefern?

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    Thermodynamic phases and mesonic fluctuations in a chiral nucleon-meson model

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    Studies of the QCD phase diagram must properly include nucleonic degrees of freedom and their thermodynamics in the range of baryon chemical potentials characteristic of nuclear matter. A useful framework for incorporating relevant nuclear physics constraints in this context is a chiral nucleon-meson effective Lagrangian. In the present paper, such a chiral nucleon-meson model is extended with systematic inclusion of mesonic fluctuations using the functional renormalization group approach. The resulting description of the nuclear liquid-gas phase transition shows a remarkable agreement with three-loop calculations based on in-medium chiral effective field theory. No signs of a chiral first-order phase transition and its critical endpoint are found in the region of applicability of the model, at least up to twice the density of normal nuclear matter and at temperatures T<100 MeV. Fluctuations close to the critical point of the first-order liquid-gas transition are also examined with a detailed study of the chiral susceptibility.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figures; references added, discussions enlarge

    Разработка программного комплекса для оценки и реабилитации двигательных расстройств при поражении центральной нервной системы

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    Объектом исследования в данной работе является влияние дополненной реальности на двигательные расстройства больного с двигательной дисфункцией. Целью является разработка программного комплекса для реабилитации двигательных нарушений у больных. Актуальность работы с уверенностью можно назвать высокой, так как в ней используются последние достижения кибер-индустрии (очки дополненной реальности, инфракрасный датчик движения), также работа может использоваться в качестве базы для других программ. Область применения в медицине является - область неврологии. Медицина одна из самых актуальных частей производства в мире где всегда требуются улучшения и приветствуется новаторство для расширения границ восприятия.The object of the study in this work is the effect of extended reality on the motor disorders of a patient with motor dysfunction. The goal is to develop a software package for the rehabilitation of motor disorders in patients. The relevance of work with confidence can be called high, because it uses the latest achievements of the cyber industry (glasses augmented reality, infrared motion sensor), and the work can also be used as a basis for other programs. The field of application in medicine is the field of neurology. Medicine is one of the most important parts of production in the world, where improvements are always required, and innovations are encouraged to expand the boundaries of perceptio

    Bolivien: Ende eines Modells?; Sturz der Regierung Sánchez de Lozada mehrt Zweifel an der Stabilität und am künftigen Entwicklungsweg des Landes

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    "Die Unruhen, die zum Sturz der bolivianischen Regierung führten, offenbaren die Brüchigkeit eines Entwicklungsmodells, das über eine Dekade lang als vorbildlich galt. Dies wirft nicht nur Fragen bezüglich der künftigen Regierbarkeit und Entwicklung Boliviens auf, sondern zwingt auch die internationalen Geber zu einer Überprüfung ihres Engagements. In einer sozial und politisch zunehmend polarisierten Gesellschaft scheint das Dilemma zwischen der dringend erforderlichen kurzfristigen Verbesserung der materiellen Lebensverhältnisse und der Entwicklung neuer Bewältigungsstrategien für die grundlegenden, langfristig wirksamen Probleme jedoch nur schwer lösbar." (Brennpunkt Lat.am/DÜI

    Rapid material development and processing of complex near-net-shaped parts by PIM

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    A promising fabrication method in view of large-scale production of complex parts is Powder Injection Molding (PIM) which has been intensively investigated at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). With its near-net-shape precision the method offers particularly the advantage of cost-saving. PIM as special process allows the mass production of components, the creation of composite and prototype materials. Furthermore it is an ideal tool for scientific investigations for R&D in general, and for developing industrial products for a wide range of applications. This contribution describes the characterization and analyses of prototype materials produced via PIM. The investigation of pure tungsten and oxide or carbide doped tungsten materials comprises the microstructure examination, element allocation, texture analyses, and mechanical testing. In addition, fabricated near-net-shape Langmuir probes for diagnostics for the French tokamak WEST will be presented

    Complex genetic predisposition in adult and juvenile rheumatoid arthritis

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    BACKGROUND: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA) are complex multifactorial diseases caused by environmental influences and an unknown number of predisposing genes. The present study was undertaken in order to investigate association of polymorphisms in candidate genes with RA and JRA in German subjects. RESULTS: Up to 200 unrelated German RA and JRA patients each and 300–400 healthy controls have been genotyped for HLA-DRB1, TNFa, TNFA -238a/g, TNFA -308a/g, TNFA -857c/t, TNFR1 -609g/t, TNFR1 P12P, TNFR2 del 15bp, IKBL -332a/g, IKBL -132t/a, IKBL C224R, CTLA4 -318c/t, CTLA4 T17A, PTPRC P57P, MIF -173g/c, the MIF and IFNG microsatellites as well as for D17S795, D17S807, D17S1821 by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, single-strand conformation polymorphism analysis, restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis or allele specific hybridization. None of the investigated genetic markers is associated with both, RA and JRA, but there are some statistically significant differences between patients and controls that have to be discussed sensibly. CONCLUSIONS: The difficulty in investigating the genetics of complex disorders like RA and JRA may arise from genetic heterogeneity in the clinically defined disease cohorts (and generally limited power of such studies). In addition, several to many genes appear to be involved in the genetic predisposition, each of which exerting only small effects. The number of investigated patients has to be increased to establish the possibility of subdivison of the patients according their clinical symptoms, severity of disease, HLA status and other genetic characteristics

    Immunomodulation by Interleukin-10 Therapy Decreases the Incidence of Relapse and Prolongs the Relapse-free Interval in Psoriasis

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    The ability of interleukin-10 therapy to reduce the severity of exacerbated psoriasis has been demonstrated recently. Considering the immunobiologic properties of this cytokine we investigated the effects of long-term interleukin-10 application on the immune system and duration of psoriasis remission. We performed a placebo-controlled, double-blind, phase II trial using interleukin-10 in patients with chronic plaque psoriasis in remission. Patients received subcutaneous injections with either interleukin-10 (10 µg per kg body weight; n = 7) or placebo (n = 10) three times per week until relapse or study termination after 4 months. The treatment was well tolerated. In the placebo group almost all patients (90%) showed a relapse during the observation period. In contrast to this, only two of seven patients (28.6%) relapsed in the interleukin-10-treated group. Kaplan–Meier analysis revealed a significantly lower relapse incidence in the interleukin-10 than in the placebo group (p = 0.02). The mean relapse-free interval time was 101.6 ± 12.6 d in the interleukin-10 group in comparison with 66.4 ± 10.4 d in the placebo group. Immunologic activity of interleukin-10 application was indicated by an increase in soluble interleukin-2 receptor plasma levels and higher ex vivo interleukin-4 secretion capacities. Remarkably, a significant negative correlation was demonstrated between the interleukin-4 secretion capacity and Psoriasis Area and Severity Index score (r = -0.36, p < 0.01). Our data suggest that interleukin-10 therapy is immunologic effective, decreases the incidence of relapse and prolongs the disease-free interval in psoriasis. Its value should be further determined in larger trials and for the prevention of re-exacerbation of other inflammatory disorders with a similar immunologic profile

    Ion — particle interactions during particle formation and growth at a coniferous forest site in central Europe

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    In this work, we examined the interaction of ions and neutral particles during atmospheric new particle formation (NPF) events. The analysis is based on simultaneous field measurements of atmospheric ions and total particles using a neutral cluster and air ion spectrometer (NAIS) across the diameter range 2–25 nm. The Waldstein research site is located in a spruce forest in NE Bavaria, Southern Germany, known for enhanced radon concentrations, presumably leading to elevated ionization rates. Our observations show that the occurrence of the ion nucleation mode preceded that of the total particle nucleation mode during all analyzed NPF events. The time difference between the appearance of 2 nm ions and 2 nm total particles was typically about 20 to 30 min. A cross correlation analysis showed a rapid decrease of the time difference between the ion and total modes during the growth process. Eventually, this time delay vanished when both ions and total particles did grow to larger diameters. Considering the growth rates of ions and total particles separately, total particles exhibited enhanced growth rates at diameters below 15 nm. This observation cannot be explained by condensation or coagulation, because these processes would act more efficiently on charged particles compared to neutral particles. To explain our observations, we propose a mechanism including recombination and attachment of continuously present cluster ions with the ion nucleation mode and the neutral nucleation mode, respectively