16 research outputs found

    Eating Disorders, Trauma, PTSD, and Psychosocial Resources

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    The frequency of traumatic events and comorbid post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in women with eating disorders (EDs) was assessed. Also, patients with anorexia nervosa (AN) and bulimia nervosa (BN) were compared with regard to post-traumatic symptomatology and the role of psychosocial resources was analyzed. 103 ED patients (29.1±10.5 years) were studied through the use of standardized questionnaires. 23.1% of AN and 25.5% of BN patients fulfilled the study definition for a current diagnosis of PTSD. Cumulative traumatization led to more severe symptomatology. Psychosocial resources were found to have strong associations with symptomatology. These findings provide additional support for the association between traumatization and ED. Clinical interventions for traumatized ED patients may benefit from a focus on post-traumatic stress symptomatology and personal resources

    Use of Assistive Technology and Need for Social Support for Elderly With Physical Disabilities

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    Objectives: The purpose of this study is to examine the use of assistive technology, social support in everyday life and psychological existential orientation for individuals with physical disabilities.  Methods: Forty-six elderly persons with physical disabilities (aged 73.7±10.6 years, range 53-93 years) were examined with regard to the use of assistive technology, social support in everyday life and psychological existential orientation by an extensive questionnaire set (questionnaire for assistive technology (AT-24), questionnaire for social support (F-SOZU-K-22) and Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI)).  Results: The subjects stated that they needed aid and social support in order to carry out their daily indoor/outdoor activities (for e.g. dressing, having a bath / shower, using toilet, eating, going up / down the stairs, shopping, or going out). The most commonly used mobility aid was the walking frame that accounted for 61.9%, followed by the walking stick with 40.5% and a bathtub lift with 21.4%. The results also showed the psychopathological symptoms in the sample.  Discussion: Assistive technologies together with the support of relatives and care services help people to cope with a variety of activities in their daily lives with fewer restrictions. The effectiveness of the aids differs between participants because it depends on several factors such as health, knowledge, and information about aids, as well as the appropriate selection of aids


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    Schlarb A, Schweizer CC, Junker S. Hypnotherapie. In: Senf W, Wilms B, Broda M, eds. Techniken der Psychotherapie. Stuttgart: Georg Thieme Verlag KG; 2013: 330

    Anxiety, Posttraumatic Stress, and Fear of Cancer Progression in Patients with Melanoma in Cancer Aftercare

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    Background: Several studies have described mental distress and anxiety in patients with melanoma. The findings of these studies varied from patients with a quality of life similar to the general population and those with increased mental distress. In the present study, we investigated anxiety, posttraumatic stress, and fear of cancer progression to gain a detailed picture of the burdens of these patients. Patients and Methods: 70 patients with malignant melanoma who attended cancer aftercare were surveyed using the psychometric instruments Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), Posttraumatic Symptom Scale (PTSS-10), and Fear of Progression Questionnaire (FoP-Q). The questionnaires were evaluated and an analysis of the single items carried out. Results: The scores for the three anxiety parameters were low, but 7% of the patients presented an increased HADS score, and 17% an increased PTSS-10 value. An analysis of the items showed that patients feared physical disabilities more than mental distress or lack of social support. Conclusion: Most of the patients perceived themselves as stable, and relied on the assistance of their families. However, a small group of patients suffered from clinically relevant anxiety; these patients should be given the support indicated for their specific distress.Hintergrund: Es wurde wiederholt festgestellt, dass Melanompatienten unter psychischen Belastungen und Ängsten leiden. Allerdings weist die Studienlage widersprüchliche Ergebnisse auf. Um ein detaillierteres Bild von den Sorgen der Patienten zu erhalten, wurden in dieser Studie ihre Ängstlichkeit, posttraumatische Belastung und Progredienzangst genauer untersucht. Patienten und Methoden: 70 Patienten mit einem malignem Melanom, die zur ambulanten Nachsorge erschienen, beantworteten die Fragebögen HADS, PTSS-10 und PA-F. Diese wurden ausgewertet und zudem eine Analyse der einzelnen Items durchgeführt. Ergebnisse: Die Ausprägung der 3 Angstparameter fiel insgesamt gering aus, trotzdem wiesen 7% der Patienten auffällige HADS-Werte und 17% auffällige PTSS-10-Werte auf. Die Itemanalyse ergab, dass eher die Angst vor körperlichen Folgen als die vor psychischen Belastungen durch mangelnde soziale Unterstützung vorherrschte. Schlussfolgerungen: Die Patienten erlebten sich größtenteils stabil und vertrauten auf die Hilfe durch ihre Familien. Dennoch leidet eine kleine Gruppe von Patienten unter klinisch relevanten Ängsten. Dieser muss unter Berücksichtigung ihrer spezifischen Belastungen gezielte Unterstützung zuteilwerden