173 research outputs found

    A priori bounds and global bifurcation results for frequency combs modeled by the Lugiato-Lefever equation

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    In nonlinear optics 2π2\pi-periodic solutions aC2([0,2π];C)a\in C^2([0,2\pi];\mathbb{C}) of the stationary Lugiato-Lefever equation da"=(iζ)a+a2aif-d a"= ({\rm i} -\zeta)a +|a|^2a-{\rm i} f serve as a model for frequency combs, which are optical signals consisting of a superposition of modes with equally spaced frequencies. We prove that nontrivial frequency combs can only be observed for special ranges of values of the forcing and detuning parameters ff and ζ\zeta, as it has been previously documented in experiments and numerical simulations. E.g., if the detuning parameter ζ\zeta is too large then nontrivial frequency combs do not exist, cf. Theorem 2. Additionally, we show that for large ranges of parameter values nontrivial frequency combs may be found on continua which bifurcate from curves of trivial frequency combs. Our results rely on the proof of a priori bounds for the stationary Lugiato-Lefever equation as well as a detailed rigorous bifurcation analysis based on the bifurcation theorems of Crandall-Rabinowitz and Rabinowitz. We use the software packages AUTO and MATLAB to illustrate our results by numerical computations of bifurcation diagrams and of selected solutions

    Real-valued, time-periodic localized weak solutions for a semilinear wave equation with periodic potentials

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    We consider the semilinear wave equation V(x)uttuxx+q(x)u=±f(x,u)V(x) u_{tt} -u_{xx}+q(x)u = \pm f(x,u) for three different classes (P1), (P2), (P3) of periodic potentials V,qV,q. (P1) consists of periodically extended delta-distributions, (P2) of periodic step potentials and (P3) contains certain periodic potentials V,q\in H^r_{\per}(\R) for r[1,3/2)r\in [1,3/2). Among other assumptions we suppose that f(x,s)c(1+sp)|f(x,s)|\leq c(1+ |s|^p) for some c>0c>0 and p>1p>1. In each class we can find suitable potentials that give rise to a critical exponent pp^\ast such that for p(1,p)p\in (1,p^\ast) both in the "+" and the "-" case we can use variational methods to prove existence of time-periodic real-valued solutions that are localized in the space direction. The potentials are constructed explicitely in class (P1) and (P2) and are found by a recent result from inverse spectral theory in class (P3). The critical exponent pp^\ast depends on the regularity of V,qV, q. Our result builds upon a Fourier expansion of the solution and a detailed analysis of the spectrum of the wave operator. In fact, it turns out that by a careful choice of the potentials and the spatial and temporal periods, the spectrum of the wave operator V(x)t2x2+q(x)V(x)\partial_t^2-\partial_x^2+q(x) (considered on suitable space of time-periodic functions) is bounded away from 00. This allows to find weak solutions as critical points of a functional on a suitable Hilbert space and to apply tools for strongly indefinite variational problems

    Existence of cylindrically symmetric ground states to a nonlinear curl-curl equation with non-constant coefficients

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    We consider the nonlinear curl-curl problem ××U+V(x)U=f(x,U2)U\nabla\times\nabla\times U + V(x) U=f(x,|U|^2)U in R3\mathbb{R}^3 related to the nonlinear Maxwell equations with Kerr-type nonlinear material laws. We prove the existence of a symmetric ground-state type solution for a bounded, cylindrically symmetric coefficient VV and subcritical cylindrically symmetric nonlinearity ff. The new existence result extends the class of problems for which ground-state type solutions are known. It is based on compactness properties of symmetric functions due to Lions, new rearrangement type inequalities from Brock and the recent extension of the Nehari-manifold technique by Szulkin and Weth.Comment: 13 page

    Localized Modes of the Linear Periodic Schr\"{o}dinger Operator with a Nonlocal Perturbation

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    We consider the existence of localized modes corresponding to eigenvalues of the periodic Schr\"{o}dinger operator x2+V(x)-\partial_x^2+ V(x) with an interface. The interface is modeled by a jump either in the value or the derivative of V(x)V(x) and, in general, does not correspond to a localized perturbation of the perfectly periodic operator. The periodic potentials on each side of the interface can, moreover, be different. As we show, eigenvalues can only occur in spectral gaps. We pose the eigenvalue problem as a C1C^1 gluing problem for the fundamental solutions (Bloch functions) of the second order ODEs on each side of the interface. The problem is thus reduced to finding matchings of the ratio functions R±=ψ±(0)ψ±(0)R_\pm=\frac{\psi_\pm'(0)}{\psi_\pm(0)}, where ψ±\psi_\pm are those Bloch functions that decay on the respective half-lines. These ratio functions are analyzed with the help of the Pr\"{u}fer transformation. The limit values of R±R_\pm at band edges depend on the ordering of Dirichlet and Neumann eigenvalues at gap edges. We show that the ordering can be determined in the first two gaps via variational analysis for potentials satisfying certain monotonicity conditions. Numerical computations of interface eigenvalues are presented to corroborate the analysis.Comment: 1. finiteness of the number of additive interface eigenvalues proved in a remark below Corollary 3.6.; 2. small modifications and typo correction

    "Boundary blowup" type sub-solutions to semilinear elliptic equations with Hardy potential

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    Semilinear elliptic equations which give rise to solutions blowing up at the boundary are perturbed by a Hardy potential. The size of this potential effects the existence of a certain type of solutions (large solutions): if the potential is too small, then no large solution exists. The presence of the Hardy potential requires a new definition of large solutions, following the pattern of the associated linear problem. Nonexistence and existence results for different types of solutions will be given. Our considerations are based on a Phragmen-Lindelof type theorem which enables us to classify the solutions and sub-solutions according to their behavior near the boundary. Nonexistence follows from this principle together with the Keller-Osserman upper bound. The existence proofs rely on sub- and super-solution techniques and on estimates for the Hardy constant derived in Marcus, Mizel and Pinchover.Comment: 23 pages, 3 figure

    Characterization of balls by Riesz-Potentials

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    Using elementary differential inequality methods we prove an improvement of a theorem of Kantorovich concerning solutions of nonlinear equations in Banach spaces

    Sharp parameter ranges in the uniform anti-maximum principle forsecond-order ordinary differential operators

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    We consider the equation (pu')'-qu+λwu = f in (0,1) subject to homogenous boundary conditions at x = 0 and x = 1, e.g., u'(0) = u'(1) = 0. Let λ1 be the first eigenvalue of the corresponding Sturm-Liouville problem. If f ≤ 0 but ≢ 0 then it is known that there exists δ > 0 (independent on f) such that for λ ∈ (λ1, λ1 + δ] any solution u must be negative. This so-called uniform anti-maximum principle (UAMP) goes back to Clément, Peletier [4]. In this paper we establish the sharp values of δ for which (UAMP) holds. The same phenomenon, including sharp values of δ, can be shown for the radially symmetric p-Laplacian on balls and annuli in ℝn provided 1 ≤ n < p. The results are illustrated by explicitly computed example

    Existence of solutions to nonlinear, subcritical higher-order elliptic Dirichlet problems

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    We consider the 2m2m-th order elliptic boundary value problem Lu=f(x,u)Lu=f(x,u) on a bounded smooth domain ΩRN\Omega\subset\R^N with Dirichlet boundary conditions on Ω\partial\Omega. The operator LL is a uniformly elliptic linear operator of order 2m2m whose principle part is of the form (i,j=1Naij(x)2xixj)m\big(-\sum_{i,j=1}^N a_{ij}(x) \frac{\partial^2}{\partial x_i\partial x_j}\big)^m. We assume that ff is superlinear at the origin and satisfies limsf(x,s)sq=h(x)\lim \limits_{s\to\infty}\frac{f(x,s)}{s^q}=h(x), limsf(x,s)sq=k(x)\lim \limits_{s\to-\infty}\frac{f(x,s)}{|s|^q}=k(x), where h,kC(Ω)h,k\in C(\overline{\Omega}) are positive functions and q>1q>1 is subcritical. By combining degree theory with new and recently established a priori estimates, we prove the existence of a nontrivial solution