284 research outputs found

    Numerical Modelling of Satellite Downlink Signals in a Finslerian-Perturbed Schwarzschild Spacetime

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    The work presented in this paper aims to contribute to the problem of testing Finsler gravity theories by means of experiments and observations in the solar system. Within a class of spherically symmetric static Finsler spacetimes we consider a satellite with an on-board atomic clock, orbiting in the Finslerian-perturbed gravitational field of the earth, whose time signal is transmitted to a ground station, where its receive time and frequency are measured with respect to another atomic clock. This configuration is realized by the Galileo 5 and 6 satellites that have gone astray and are now on non-circular orbits. Our method consists in the numerical integration of the satellite's orbit, followed by an iterative procedure which provides the numerically integrated signals, i.e., null geodesics, from the satellite to the ground station. One of our main findings is that for orbits that are considerably more eccentric than the Galileo 5 and 6 satellite orbits, Finslerian effects can be separated from effects of perturbations of the Schwarzschild spacetime within the Lorentzian geometry. We also discuss the separation from effects of non-gravitational perturbations. This leads us to the conclusion that observations of this kind combined with appropriate numerical modelling can provide suitable tests of Finslerian modifications of general relativity

    A Morse-theoretical analysis of gravitational lensing by a Kerr-Newman black hole

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    Consider, in the domain of outer communication of a Kerr-Newman black hole, a point (observation event) and a timelike curve (worldline of light source). Assume that the worldline of the source (i) has no past end-point, (ii) does not intersect the caustic of the past light-cone of the observation event, and (iii) goes neither to the horizon nor to infinity in the past. We prove that then for infinitely many positive integers k there is a past-pointing lightlike geodesic of (Morse) index k from the observation event to the worldline of the source, hence an observer at the observation event sees infinitely many images of the source. Moreover, we demonstrate that all lightlike geodesics from an event to a timelike curve in the domain of outer communication are confined to a certain spherical shell. Our characterization of this spherical shell shows that in the Kerr-Newman spacetime the occurrence of infinitely many images is intimately related to the occurrence of centrifugal-plus-Coriolis force reversal.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures; REVTEX; submitted to J. Math. Phy

    Sollte der Stabilitäts- und Wachstumspakt geändert werden?

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    Die EU-Kommission hatte im Januar 2002 die Haushaltslage in Deutschland zum Anlass genommen, dem Ecofin-Rat zu empfehlen, gegenüber Deutschland eine Frühwarnung auszusprechen. Der so genannte „Blaue Brief" des Rates konnte auf Intervention der Bundesregierung vermieden werden. Die Glaubwürdigkeit des europäischen Stabilitäts- und Wachstumspaktes wurde damit jedoch beschädigt. Sollte der Pakt geändert werden? --

    Gravitational lensing in spherically symmetric static spacetimes with centrifugal force reversal

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    In Schwarzschild spacetime the value r=3mr=3m of the radius coordinate is characterized by three different properties: (a) there is a ``light sphere'', (b) there is ``centrifugal force reversal'', (c) it is the upper limiting radius for a non-transparent Schwarschild source to act as a gravitational lens that produces infinitely many images. In this paper we prove a theorem to the effect that these three properties are intimately related in {\em any} spherically symmetric static spacetime. We illustrate the general results with some examples including black-hole spacetimes and Morris-Thorne wormholes.Comment: 18 pages, 3 eps-figure

    The determination of the electron-phonon interaction from tunneling data in the two-band superconductor MgB2

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    We calculate the tunneling density of states (DOS) of MgB2 for different tunneling directions, by directly solving the real-axis, two-band Eliashberg equations (EE). Then we show that the numeric inversion of the standard single-band EE, if applied to the DOS of the two-band superconductor MgB2, may lead to wrong estimates of the strength of certain phonon branches (e.g. the E_2g) in the extracted electron-phonon spectral function alpha^(2)F(omega). The fine structures produced by the two-band interaction turn out to be clearly observable only for tunneling along the ab planes in high-quality single crystals. The results are compared to recent experimental data.Comment: 2 pages, 2 figures, proceedings of M2S-HTSC-VII conference, Rio de Janeiro (May 2003
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