15 research outputs found

    An exploratory study of microbial diversity in sinus infections of cystic fibrosis patients by molecular methods

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    AbstractBackgroundFor the first time microorganisms in CF sinuses are investigated by molecular methods in response to an absence of anaerobes in CF sinus samples during a two-year period at the Copenhagen CF center.MethodsEndoscopic sinus surgery was performed in 19 CF patients. DNA from intact bacterial cells was investigated by 16S rRNA gene analysis and quantitative PCR. Results were compared to culture-dependent routine diagnosis.ResultsMolecular methods showed a large microbial diversity, which included undetected anaerobes that may play a pathogenic role. Importantly, the culture methods did not always detect known CF pathogens. Quantitative PCR showed generally a higher abundance of classic CF pathogens e.g. Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus compared with the anaerobe Propionibacterium acnes.ConclusionsThe results indicate that the culture methods in some cases may not be suitable as stand-alone method for this patient group, as diversity may be underestimated and important species undetected

    Direct Sequencing and RipSeq Interpretation as a Tool for Identification of Polymicrobial Infections

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    In this study, RipSeq Mixed, a software resolving uninterpretable mixed DNA sequencing chromatograms, revealed the bacterial content of 15 polymicrobial samples. Direct sequencing combined with RipSeq Mixed constitutes a valuable supplement to cultivation, particularly when cultivation is negative and direct sequencing is inconclusive despite continued clinical indications of infection

    Los (des) caminos del reconocimiento a la diversidad étnica indígena en la práctica jurídica : el caso del primer tribunal del jurado indígena

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Departamento de Estudos Latino-Americanos, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estudos Comparados Sobre as Américas, 2017.O reconhecimento da diversidade étnica indígena tem sido palco de batalhas, posto ser alicerçado numa racionalidade que impõe redefinições de espaços de poder, rupturas e restruturação de lógicas. A compreensão deste campo de luta impulsionou esta pesquisa a averiguar os percalços ao reconhecimento dessa diversidade étnica indígena, tendo como espaço de observação a prática jurídica, posto ser nesta onde se operacionalizam limites e amplificações do direito e do reconhecimento aos povos indígenas. A problemática levantada é de que, apesar da prescrição constitucional, este reconhecimento configura um desafio à estrutura totalizadora do direito. Esse engenho é analisado a partir do caso cognominado Primeiro Tribunal do Júri indígena, buscando verificar se aquele júri materializou o pretendido respeito à diversidade indígena. A investigação efetua-se a partir de uma pesquisa documental de natureza qualitativa, fundamentada no exame de peças processuais da ação penal que resultou no Júri, pesquisa bibliográfica, textos jornalísticos que deram cobertura ao evento e atas deliberativas da comunidade indígena relacionadas ao fato. A análise aponta que aquela prática se revelou contraditória, pois num primeiro momento pareceu certificar um pluralismo étnico, mas logo se revelou como prática etnocentrada através de seus pressupostos e em seus elementos hermenêuticos, cuja matriz é moderno/colonial. Tal fato leva à compreensão de que o reconhecimento à diversidade étnica indígena, no campo jurídico, reclama um repensar das compreensões tradicionais e seus arcabouços legitimadores colonizados.The Acknowledgement of indigenous ethnic diversity has been the scene of battles, since it is based on a rationality that imposes redefinitions of spaces of power, ruptures and restructuring of logics. The understanding of this field of struggle propelled this research to ascertain the obstacles to the recognition of this indigenous ethnic diversity, having as an observation space the legal practice, since it is in this one where the limits and amplifications of the law and the recognition of the indigenous people are operationalized. The problem raised is that despite the constitutional prescription this recognition constitutes a challenge to the totalizing structure of the law. The interface of this ingenuity is analyzed from the case called The First Court of the Indigenous Jury, seeking to verify if that jury materialized the intended respect to the indigenous diversity. The investigation is realized on documentary research of qualitative nature, based on examination of procedural parts of the criminal action that resulted in the Jury, bibliographic research, journalistic texts that gave cover to the event and deliberative records of the indigenous community related to the fact. The analysis points out that this practice was contradictory because at first it seemed to certify an ethnic pluralism, but soon revealed itself as an ethnocentric practice through its presuppositions and in its hermeneutic elements, whose matrix is modern/colonial. This fact leads to the understanding that the recognition of indigenous ethnic diversity, in the legal field, calls for a rethinking of traditional understandings and their legitimating-colonized frameworks.El reconocimiento a la diversidad étnica indígena ha sido escenario de batallas, estando esta posición anclada en una racionalidad que impone redefiniciones de espacios de poder, rupturas y reestructuración de lógicas. La comprensión de este campo de lucha impulsó esta investigación a averiguar los percances en el reconocimiento de esta diversidad étnica indígena, teniendo como espacio de observación a la práctica jurídica, siendo esta donde se operan límites y amplificaciones del derecho y del reconocimiento a los pueblos indígenas. La problemática levantada es que a pesar de la prescripción constitucional, este reconocimiento se configura en un desafío a la estructura totalizadora del derecho. La interfaz de este mecanismo es analizada a partir del caso llamado Primer Tribunal del Jurado Indígena, buscando verificar si aquel jurado materializó el pretendido respeto a la diversidad indígena. La investigación se efectúa a partir de una pesquisa documental de naturaleza cualitativa, fundamentada en el examen de piezas procesuales de acción penal que resultó en el Jurado, pesquisa bibliográfica, textos periodísticos que dieron cobertura al evento y actas deliberativas de la comunidad indígena relacionadas al hecho. El análisis apunta que aquella práctica se reveló contradictoria, pues en un primer momento pareció certificar un pluralismo étnico, pero luego se reveló como práctica etnocentrada a través de sus presupuestos y en sus elementos hermenéuticos, cuya matriz es moderno/colonial. Tal hecho lleva a la comprensión de que el reconocimiento a la diversidad étnica indígena, en el campo jurídico, reclama un repensar de las comprensiones tradicionales y sus andamios legitimadores/colonizados

    Dot plots of SensiScreen<sup>®</sup> clinical data.

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    <p>(A+C) Patient samples were analysed for KRAS exon 2 mutations using SensiScreen<sup>®</sup> simplex. (B+D) Patients were also analysed for KRAS exon 2 mutations using SensiScreen<sup>®</sup> multiplex. Samples were regarded as mutant if Delta Ct (DCt) values were ≤9 and Ct values were ≤38. Samples with no Ct values for the mutation assay were plotted as Ct = 45. Novel mutant indicates samples that were not identified as mutant by other methods.</p