16,090 research outputs found

    The Intergenerational Effects of Early Childbearing

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    Since World War II, the average age at which women experience their first birth has drifted up, but since 1986 there has been a resurgence of births to teenagers. Just as early fertility appears to adversely affect the life chances of the teen mother, it may also have negative effects on her children. We hypothesize that when the children of teen mothers are young adults, they will tend to have lower education, and will be more likely to be economically inactive, to have children when they are teens, and to have children out of wedlock when they are teens. In this paper, we present several models designed to reveal the impact that being born to a teenage mother has on children's chances for success as young adults. Our findings indicate that the children of mothers who first gave birth as teens are adversely affected as young adults.

    Do Teens Make Rational Choices? The Case of Teen Nonmarital Childbearing

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    With emphasis on the role of economic incentives, we explore the determinants of a woman’s choice of whether or not to give birth as an unmarried teenager. Our data are taken from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics. Guided by a simple utility-maximization model, we represent the income possibilities available to teenaged women if they do and do not give birth out of wedlock. We estimate these choice-conditioned income possibilities through a two-stage probit procedure, relying on the observed incomes of a secondary sample of somewhat older women. The response of the young women in our primary sample to these income expectations is measured after controlling for the effects of a variety of other factors, including the characteristics of the girl’s family, the social and economic environment in which she lives (including such policy-related factors as expenditures by states on family planning programs and education), and her own prior choices. We use the estimated structural parameters from our model to simulate the effects of a variety of policy interventions on the probability of becoming an unmarried teen mother. Our estimations provide evidence that income expectations have a persistent influence on the childbearing decision. They also provide evidence that the provision of public family planning expenditures and increases in parental education could reduce the prevalence of teen nonmarital births.

    Housing flexibility effects on rotor stability

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    Preliminary rotordynamic evaluations are performed with a housing stiffness assumption that is typically determined only after the hardware is built. In addressing rotor stability, a rigid housing assumption was shown to predict an instability at a lower spin speed than a comparable flexible housing analysis. This rigid housing assumption therefore provides a conservative estimate of the stability threshold speed. A flexible housing appears to act as an energy absorber and dissipated some of the destabilizing force. The fact that a flexible housing is usually asymmetric and considerably heavier than the rotor was related to this apparent increase in rotor stability. Rigid housing analysis is proposed as a valuable screening criteria and may save time and money in construction of elaborate housing finite element models for linear stability analyses

    Mapping the stability field of Jupiter Trojans

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    Jupiter Trojans are a remnant of outer solar system planetesimals captured into stable or quasistable libration about the 1:1 resonance with the mean motion of Jupiter. The observed swarms of Trojans may provide insight into the original mass of condensed solids in the zone from which the Jovian planets accumulated, provided that the mechanisms of capture can be understood. As the first step toward this understanding, the stability field of Trojans were mapped in the coordinate proper eccentricity, e(sub p), and libration amplitude, D. To accomplish this mapping, the orbits of 100 particles with e(sub p) in the range of 0 to 0.8 and D in the range 0 to 140 deg were numerically integrated. Orbits of the Sun, the four Jovian planets, and the massless particles were integrated as a full N-body system, in a barycentric frame using fourth order symplectic scheme

    Asteroid flux and impact cratering rate on Venus

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    By the end of 1990, 65 Venus-crossing asteroids were recognized; these represent 59 percent of the known Earth-crossing asteroids. Further studies, chiefly numerical integrations of orbit evolution, may reveal one or two more Venus crossers among the set of discovered asteroids. A Venus crosser was defined as an asteroid whose orbit can intersect the orbit of Venus as a result of secular (long range) perturbations. Venus crossers revolving on orbits that currently overlap the orbit of Venus are called Venapol asteroids, and those on orbit that don't overlap are called Venamor asteroids; 42 Venapols and 23 Venamors were recognized. Collision probabilities with Venus for 60 of the known Venus crossers were determined

    Trends in MODIS Geolocation Error Analysis

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    Data from the two MODIS instruments have been accurately geolocated (Earth located) to enable retrieval of global geophysical parameters. The authors describe the approach used to geolocate with sub-pixel accuracy over nine years of data from M0DIS on NASA's E0S Terra spacecraft and seven years of data from MODIS on the Aqua spacecraft. The approach uses a geometric model of the MODIS instruments, accurate navigation (orbit and attitude) data and an accurate Earth terrain model to compute the location of each MODIS pixel. The error analysis approach automatically matches MODIS imagery with a global set of over 1,000 ground control points from the finer-resolution Landsat satellite to measure static biases and trends in the MO0lS geometric model parameters. Both within orbit and yearly thermally induced cyclic variations in the pointing have been found as well as a general long-term trend

    Preliminary catalog of pictures taken on the lunar surface during the Apollo 15 mission

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    Catalog of all pictures taken from lunar module or lunar surface during Apollo 15 missio

    Toward a more clinically valid approach to therapy research.

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