7,353 research outputs found

    Spin waves cause non-linear friction

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    Energy dissipation is studied for a hard magnetic tip that scans a soft magnetic substrate. The dynamics of the atomic moments are simulated by solving the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert (LLG) equation numerically. The local energy currents are analysed for the case of a Heisenberg spin chain taken as substrate. This leads to an explanation for the velocity dependence of the friction force: The non-linear contribution for high velocities can be attributed to a spin wave front pushed by the tip along the substrate.Comment: 5 pages, 9 figure

    Spin waves cause non-linear friction

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    Energy dissipation is studied for a hard magnetic tip that scans a soft magnetic substrate. The dynamics of the atomic moments are simulated by solving the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert (LLG) equation numerically. The local energy currents are analysed for the case of a Heisenberg spin chain taken as substrate. This leads to an explanation for the velocity dependence of the friction force: The non-linear contribution for high velocities can be attributed to a spin wave front pushed by the tip along the substrate.Comment: 5 pages, 9 figure

    A Strictly Single-Site DMRG Algorithm with Subspace Expansion

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    We introduce a strictly single-site DMRG algorithm based on the subspace expansion of the Alternating Minimal Energy (AMEn) method. The proposed new MPS basis enrichment method is sufficient to avoid local minima during the optimisation, similarly to the density matrix perturbation method, but computationally cheaper. Each application of H^\hat H to Ψ|\Psi\rangle in the central eigensolver is reduced in cost for a speed-up of (d+1)/2\approx (d + 1)/2, with dd the physical site dimension. Further speed-ups result from cheaper auxiliary calculations and an often greatly improved convergence behaviour. Runtime to convergence improves by up to a factor of 2.5 on the Fermi-Hubbard model compared to the previous single-site method and by up to a factor of 3.9 compared to two-site DMRG. The method is compatible with real-space parallelisation and non-abelian symmetries.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures; added comparison with two-site DMR

    Spectral functions and time evolution from the Chebyshev recursion

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    We link linear prediction of Chebyshev and Fourier expansions to analytic continuation. We push the resolution in the Chebyshev-based computation of T=0T=0 many-body spectral functions to a much higher precision by deriving a modified Chebyshev series expansion that allows to reduce the expansion order by a factor 16\sim\frac{1}{6}. We show that in a certain limit the Chebyshev technique becomes equivalent to computing spectral functions via time evolution and subsequent Fourier transform. This introduces a novel recursive time evolution algorithm that instead of the group operator eiHte^{-iHt} only involves the action of the generator HH. For quantum impurity problems, we introduce an adapted discretization scheme for the bath spectral function. We discuss the relevance of these results for matrix product state (MPS) based DMRG-type algorithms, and their use within dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT). We present strong evidence that the Chebyshev recursion extracts less spectral information from HH than time evolution algorithms when fixing a given amount of created entanglement.Comment: 12 pages + 6 pages appendix, 11 figure

    Clinical Presentation and Causes of Non-traumatic Spinal Cord Injury: An Observational Study in Emergency Patients

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    Introduction: Diagnosing non-traumatic spinal cord injury (NTSCI) is often challenging. However, clear discrimination from non-spinal pathologies, e.g., "myelopathy-mimics" (MMs), is critical in preventing long-term disability and death. In this retrospective study we (1) investigated causes of NTSCI, (2) identified clinical markers associated with NTSCI and (3) discuss implications for NTSCI management. Methods: Our sample consisted of 5.913 consecutive neurological and neurosurgical patients who were treated in our emergency department during a one-year period. Patients with a new or worsened bilateral sensorimotor deficit were defined as possible NTSCI. We then compared clinical and imaging findings and allocated patients into NTSCIs and MMs. Results: Of ninety-three included cases, thirty-six (38.7%) were diagnosed with NTSCI. Fifty-two patients (55.9%) were classified as MMs. In five patients (5.4%) the underlying pathology remained unclear. Predominant causes of NTSCI were spinal metastases (33.3%), inflammatory disorders (22.2%) and degenerative pathologies (19.4%). 58.6% of NTSCI patients required emergency treatment. Presence of a sensory level (p = <0.001) and sphincter dysfunction (p = 0.02) were the only significant discriminators between NTSCI and MMs. Conclusion: In our study, one-third of patients presenting with a new bilateral sensorimotor deficit had NTSCI. Of these, the majority required emergency treatment. Since there is a significant clinical overlap with non-spinal disorders, a standardized diagnostic work-up including routine spinal MRI is recommended for NTSCI management, rather than an approach that is mainly based on clinical findings

    Imaginary-time matrix product state impurity solver for dynamical mean-field theory

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    We present a new impurity solver for dynamical mean-field theory based on imaginary-time evolution of matrix product states. This converges the self-consistency loop on the imaginary-frequency axis and obtains real-frequency information in a final real-time evolution. Relative to computations on the real-frequency axis, required bath sizes are much smaller and less entanglement is generated, so much larger systems can be studied. The power of the method is demonstrated by solutions of a three band model in the single and two-site dynamical mean-field approximation. Technical issues are discussed, including details of the method, efficiency as compared to other matrix product state based impurity solvers, bath construction and its relation to real-frequency computations and the analytic continuation problem of quantum Monte Carlo, the choice of basis in dynamical cluster approximation, and perspectives for off-diagonal hybridization functions.Comment: 8 pages + 4 pages appendix, 9 figure