6,733 research outputs found

    Neutron Stars

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    Several authors have suggested that the recently discovered extraterrestrial sources of x rays may be hot neutron stars. The plausibility of this suggestion, and in fact the likelihood that astronomers will ever be able to observe neutron stars by their x-ray emission, depend critically upon the cooling times of the hot stars

    Neutron Stars. I. Properties at Absolute Zero Temperature

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    The properties of a neutron star at absolute zero temperature are discussed. The problem of determining the ground state of a neutron star is formulated in a general way and the conditions are described under which one might reasonably hope that an individual-particle model (which we adopt) is valid. The effects of the strong interactions on the number densities and production thresholds of the various hadrons are illustrated with several examples. The modification of the energy spectrum of neutrons and protons in a neutron star is calculated using an effective-mass approximation adapted from the theory of nuclear matter. Crude estimates are made of the contributions of hadrons other than nucleons to the equation of state and specific heat

    Neutron Stars. II. Neutrino-Cooling and Observability

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    Calculations of the rates of the cooling reactions n+n→n+p+e-+νe and n+π-→n+e-+νe are presented; the rates of the closely related muon-producing reactions and the four inverse processes are also given. Several different arguments are used to obtain estimates of the relavant matrix elements. The nucleons are assumed to form a normal Fermi fluid with a continuous excitation spectrum. The calculated cooling rates indicate that a neutron star containing quasifree pions would cool within a few days to a temperature so low that the star would be unobservable. The surface of a star that does not contain quasifree pions would cool to 107 °K in a few months and would reach 4×10^6 °K in about 100 years. The calculated cooling rates strongly indicate that the discrete x-ray sources located in the direction of the galactic center are not neutron stars

    A Computational Model of the Nucleus Accumbens: Network Properties and their Functional Implications

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    The Nucleus accumbens integrates convergent input from a number of limbic structures, and has been implicated in a variety of behavioral disorders including addiction and schizophrenia. The bistable membrane properties of the principal cell in the NAcb, the GABAergic medium spiny projection neuron (MSP), have been proposed to mediate afferent integration. To investigate how intrinsic properties may underlie this mechanism, we constructed a model of an MSP neuron in GENESIS, which preserves the main morphological features and relevant ionichynaptic currents. The model captures the major properties of in vivo neurons, including a non-linear response to the number of afferent inputs. In order to examine network properties of the NAcb and its response to varying patterns of afferent input, a 100- cell network with modifiable levels of gap junctions and GABAergic synaptic connectivity was constructed. Afferent inputs were modeled as Poisson-distributed spike trains. Addition of lateral inhibition in the network led to a decrease in spike output for cells receiving less synchronized input, suggesting that this may be a mechanism for increasing the signal to noise ratio. Dopaminergic modulation of the whole network led to a slight increase in overall synchronization, but did not further segregate cells that were already receiving synchronous input

    Three-dimensional cell to tissue assembly process

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    The present invention relates a 3-dimensional cell to tissue and maintenance process, more particularly to methods of culturing cells in a culture environment, either in space or in a gravity field, with minimum fluid shear stress, freedom for 3-dimensional spatial orientation of the suspended particles and localization of particles with differing or similar sedimentation properties in a similar spatial region

    UV-Independent Induction of Beta Defensin 3 in Neonatal Human Skin Explants

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    In order to determine the effect of UV radiation on β-defensin 3 (BD3) expression in human skin, freshly-isolated UV-naïve skin was obtained from newborn male infants undergoing planned circumcision. Skin explants sustained ex vivo dermis side down on RPMI media were exposed to 0.5 kJ/m2 UVB, and biopsies were taken from the explant through 72 hours after radiation. mRNA expression was measured by qRTPCR and normalized to TATA-binding protein. BD3 expression at each time point was compared with an untreated control taken at time 0 within each skin sample. Extensive variability in both the timing and magnitude of BD3 induction across individuals was noted and was not predicted by skin pigment phenotype, suggesting that BD3 induction was not influenced by epidermal melanization. However, a mock-irradiated time course demonstrated UV-independent BD3 mRNA increases across multiple donors which was not further augmented by treatment with UV radiation, suggesting that factors other than UV damage promoted increased BD3 expression in the skin explants. We conclude that BD3 expression is induced in a UV-independent manner in human skin explants processed and maintained in standard culture conditions, and that neonatal skin explants are an inappropriate model with which to study the effects of UV on BD3 induction in whole human skin

    Multi-wavelength modeling of the spatially resolved debris disk of HD 107146

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    (abridged) We aim to constrain the location, composition, and dynamical state of planetesimal populations and dust around the young, sun-like (G2V) star HD 107146}. We consider coronagraphic observations obtained with the Advanced Camera for Surveys (HST/ACS) onboard the HST in broad V and broad I filters, a resolved 1.3mm map obtained with the Combined Array for Research in Millimeter-Wave Astronomy (CARMA), Spitzer/IRS low resolution spectra, and the spectral energy distribution (SED) of the object at wavelengths ranging from 3.5micron to 3.1mm. We complement these data with new coronagraphic high resolution observations of the debris disk using the Near Infrared Camera and Multi-Object Spectrometer (HST/NICMOS) aboard the HST in the F110W filter. The SED and images of the disk in scattered light as well as in thermal reemission are combined in our modeling using a parameterized model for the disk density distribution and optical properties of the dust. A detailed analytical model of the debris disk around HD 107146 is presented that allows us to reproduce the almost entire set of spatially resolved and unresolved multi-wavelength observations. Considering the variety of complementary observational data, we are able to break the degeneracies produced by modeling SED data alone. We find the disk to be an extended ring with a peak surface density at 131AU. Furthermore, we find evidence for an additional, inner disk probably composed of small grains released at the inner edge of the outer disk and moving inwards due to Poynting-Robertson drag. A birth ring scenario (i.e., a more or less broad ring of planetesimals creating the dust disk trough collisions) is found to be the most likely explanation of the ringlike shape of the disk.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    The Role of NMDA Currents in State Transitions of the Nucleus Accumbens Medium Spiny Neuron

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    The nucleus accumbens (NAcb) integrates information from a wide range of glutamatergic afferent inputs, including the prefrontal cortex, hippocampus and amygdala. One of the glutamatergic receptors, the NMDA channel, has been implicated in the non-linearity of the current–voltage relationship in these cells under certain input conditions. In order to examine the relationship of the different glutamatergic receptors to the membrane response, we modeled the AMPA, GABAA and NMDA receptors in the medium spiny (MSP) cells and their afferent input. The model demonstrates that the NMDA current is capable of sustaining certain membrane states and contributes to the non-linearity of the membrane response to input

    Computational Modeling of Medium Spiny Projection Neurons in Nucleus Accumbens: Toward the Cellular Mechanisms of Afferent Stream Integration

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    The nucleus accumbens (Nacc) regulates the major feedback pathways linking prefrontal cortex, hippocampus, and amygdala. We describe simulations of a biophysical level model of a single medium spiny projection (MSP) neuron, the principle cell of the Nacc. The model suggests that the unusual bistable membrane potential of MSP cells arises from the interplay between two potassium currents, KIR and KA. We find that the transition from the membrane potential down state (~-85mV) to the upstate (~-60mV)requires a significant barrage of synchronized inputs, and that ongoing afferent stimulation is required to maintain the cell in the up state. The Nacc receives the densest dopaminergic innervation in the brain, and the model demonstrates, in agreement with recent experimental evidence, that dopamine acts to increase the energy barrier to membrane potential state transitions. Through its action on KIR and L-type Ca2+ channels, dopamine selectively lowers cell gain in the down state and increases it in the up state, a mechanism for context-dependent gain control. These findings suggest a mechanism of afferent pattern integration in the accumbens arising from transient synchronization among ensembles of MSP neurons. We attempt to relate these findings to possible origins of abnormalities of sensory gating in schizophrenia
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